Bills Committee on Securities and Futures and Companies Legislation (Structured Products Amendment) Bill 2010


Administration's paper

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(1)788/10-11(02) Administration's paper on "Definition of Professional Investors and Update on the Progress on Reviewing/Amending the Definition" 16 December 2010
CB(1)788/10-11(03) Administration's paper on "Existing Regulatory Arrangements for Currency-Linked, Interest Rate-Linked and Currency and Interest Rate-Linked Instruments Issued by Authorized Institutions" 16 December 2010
CB(1)1093/10-11(01) Administration's paper on "Legal backing for the regulatory actions taken by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority on the sale of unlisted investment products by authorized institutions" 20 January 2011
CB(1)788/10-11(04) Administration's paper on "Meaning of 'Advertisement, Invitation or Document' in the Relevant Provisions, and the Scope of Application of the Regulatory Regime in Real Life Situations" 16 December 2010
6 January 2011
CB(1)813/10-11(01) Administration's paper on "Meaning of 'Persons Outside Hong Kong' and Regulatory Arrangements for the Disposal of Unlisted Structured Products to Persons Outside Hong Kong" 16 December 2010
6 January 2011
CB(1)968/10-11(05) Administration's paper on "Practices of Other Comparable Jurisdictions regarding the Requirement on Intermediaries to make Audio Recordings of the Sales Process" 6 January 2011
CB(1)968/10-11(03) Administration's paper on "Quantitative Analysis of Currency-Linked, Interest Rate-Linked and Currency and Interest Rate-Linked Instruments Issued and/or Sold by Authorized Institutions" 6 January 2011
CB(1)968/10-11(04) Administration's paper on "Regulatory Actions taken by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority on the Sale of Unlisted Investment Products by Authorized Institutions" 6 January 2011
CB(1)968/10-11(06) Administration's paper on "Regulatory Arrangements to Deal with Situations where an Intermediary has a Potential or Actual Conflict of Interest in Providing Services in relation to Investment Products" 6 January 2011
CB(1)968/10-11(02) Administration's paper on "Statement regarding the Risks of being treated as a 'Professional Investor'" 6 January 2011
CB(1)429/10-11(03) Administration's paper on analysis of the market development of structured products in Hong Kong 25 November 2010
6 December 2010
CB(1)429/10-11(02) Administration's paper on comparison between the existing and the proposed arrangements for regulation of public offers of structured products 25 November 2010
6 December 2010
CB(1)486/10-11(01) Administration's paper on definitions of key terms 25 November 2010
6 December 2010
CB(1)1420/10-11(01) Administration's paper on "Purposes and Effect of Certain Exemption Provisions in Section 103 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance" 1 March 2011
CB(1)466/10-11(01) Administration's paper on regulation of currency-linked, interest rate-linked and currency and interest rate-linked instruments 25 November 2010
6 December 2010
CB(1)466/10-11(02) Administration's paper on whether the principles in the Code on Unlisted Structured Investment Products could be specified in the legislation 25 November 2010
6 December 2010
CB(1)1192/10-11(02) Hong Kong Monetary Authority's paper on "Comparison between the Banking Ordinance and the Securities and Futures Ordinance on investor protection with regard to unlisted investment products sold by authorized institutions and not regulated under the Securities and Futures Ordinance 31 January 2011
CB(1)1603/10-11(01) Jointly response to issues raised at the Subcommittee meeting held on 1 March 2011 provided by the Administration and Securities Future Commission (follow up paper) 1 March 2011
CB(1)788/10-11(01) List of follow-up actions arising from the meeting on 25 November 2010 prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat 16 December 2010
6 January 2011
CB(1)968/10-11(01) List of follow-up actions arising from the meeting on 16 December 2010 prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat 6 January 2011
CB(1)1192/10-11(01) List of follow-up actions arising from the meeting on 20 January 2011 prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat 31 January 2011
CB(1)259/10-11(01) Paper on Securities and Futures and Companies Legislation (Structured Products Amendment) Bill 2010 prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Powerpoint presentation materials) 26 October 2010
25 November 2010

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