LC Paper No. | Paper | Meeting date |
CB(2)2249/11-12(01) |
Administration's reply dated 1 June 2012 to the letter from The Law Society of Hong Kong on the proposed section 7AC(1) and the proposed new section 7ACE of the Bill (English version only) |
1 June 2012* |
CB(2)1791/10-11(02) |
Consumer Council's letter dated 30 March 2011 (English version only) |
20 May 2011 |
CB(2)2328/09-10(01) |
Further submission from The Law Society of Hong Kong (English version only) |
5 October 2010 |
CB(2)344/10-11(01) |
25 November 2010 |
CB(2)1338/10-11(01) |
Further submission from The Law Society of Hong Kong dated 21 March 2011 expressing views on the elaborations of the Administration on the operation of the proposed section 7AI as set out in the Administration's supplementary paper dated February 2011 (English version only) |
20 May 2011 |
CB(2)1791/10-11(01) |
Hong Kong Bar Association's letter dated 28 March 2011 (English version only) |
20 May 2011 |
CB(2)2160/11-12(04) |
Information provided by The Law Society of Hong Kong on issues raised at the meeting on 21 May 2012 (English version only) |
28 May 2012 |
CB(2)1520/11-12(02) |
The Law Society of Hong Kong's paper on the claims statistics with respect to Hong Kong Solicitors Professional Indemnity Fund up to the 2010/2011 indemnity year (English version only) |
27 March 2012 17 April 2012 21 May 2012 28 May 2012 |
CB(2)2045/11-12(02) |
The Law Society of Hong Kong's letter dated 15 May 2012 (English version only) |
21 May 2012 28 May 2012 |
CB(2)2237/11-12(01) |
Letter dated 28 May 2012 from The Law Society of Hong Kong to the Department of Justice (English version only) |
31 May 2012* |
CB(2)1333/11-12(01) |
Letter from Consumer Council dated 8 March 2012 (English version only) |
9 March 2012 19 March 2012 27 March 2012 17 April 2012 21 May 2012 28 May 2012 |
CB(2)2263/10-11(01) |
Letter from The Law Society of Hong Kong dated 29 June 2011 (English version only) |
15 June 2011 27 July 2011 |
CB(2)1258/11-12(01) |
The President of The Law Society of Hong Kong to the Solicitor General's letter dated 23 February 2012 (English version only) |
9 March 2012 19 March 2012 27 March 2012 17 April 2012 21 May 2012 28 May 2012 |
CB(2)1258/11-12(02) |
| 9 March 2012 19 March 2012 27 March 2012 17 April 2012 21 May 2012 28 May 2012 |
CB(2)2260/09-10(01) |
Submission from Consumer Council |
17 September 2010 |
CB(2)2260/09-10(02) |
Submission from The American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong (English version only) |
17 September 2010 |
CB(2)2233/09-10(03) |
Submission from The Law Society of Hong Kong (English version only) |
17 September 2010 |
CB(2)2029/10-11(01) |
Submission from The Law Society of Hong Kong dated 9 June 2011 on the draft Committee Stage amendments proposed by the Administration (English version only) |
10 June 2011 |
CB(2)2070/10-11(01) |
Submission from The Law Society of Hong Kong dated 14 June 2011 (English version only) |
15 June 2011 |
CB(2)1311/11-12(01) |
Submission from The Law Society of Hong Kong dated 7 March 2012 (English version only) |
9 March 2012 19 March 2012 27 March 2012 17 April 2012 21 May 2012 28 May 2012 |
CB(2)2260/11-12(01) |
Submission from The Law Society of Hong Kong dated 1 June 2012 on the proposed section 7AC(1) and the proposed new section 7ACE of the Bill (English version only) |
1 June 2012* |
CB(2)959/10-11(01) |
Submission from The Law Society of Hong Kong on the Administration's response to its policy position on the constructive knowledge element of the proposed section 7AC(3)(a) and the limitation period for clawback actions under the proposed section 7AI (English version only) |
27 January 2011 20 May 2011 |
CB(2)2456/10-11(01) |
Supplementary submission from The Law Society of Hong Kong setting out its proposed amendments to the Bill and the draft Committee Stage amendments proposed by the Administration (English version only) |
27 July 2011 |