LC Paper No. | Paper | Meeting date |
CB(2)1723/10-11(01) |
Administration's proposed Committee Stage amendments and legislative timetable (Chinese version only) |
13 May 2011 |
CB(2)80/10-11(01) |
Administration's response to issues raised at the Bills Committee meeting held on 27 September 2010 |
25 October 2010 |
CB(2)186/10-11(01) |
Administration's response to issues raised at the Bills Committee meeting held on 25 October 2010 (Chinese version only) |
5 November 2010 3 December 2010 17 December 2010 4 January 2011 20 January 2011 |
CB(2)304/10-11(01) |
Administration's response to issues raised at the Bills Committee meeting held on 5 November 2010 (Chinese version only) |
3 December 2010 17 December 2010 4 January 2011 20 January 2011 |
CB(2)578/10-11(01) |
Administration's response to issues raised at the Bills Committee meeting held on 5 November 2010 (Chinese version only) |
17 December 2010 4 January 2011 20 January 2011 |
CB(2)654/10-11(01) |
Administration's response to issues raised at the Bills Committee meeting held on 3 December 2010 |
4 January 2011 20 January 2011 |
CB(2)1609/10-11(01) |
Administration's response to issues raised at the Bills Committee meetings held on 3, 17 December 2010 and 11 February 2011 (Chinese version only) |
29 April 2011 |
CB(2)951/10-11(01) |
Administration's response to issues raised at the Bills Committee meeting held on 4 January 2011 (Chinese version only) |
11 February 2011 |
CB(2)1472/10-11(01) |
Administration's response to issues raised at the Bills Committee meetings held on 4 and 20 January 2011 (Chinese version only) |
12 April 2011 29 April 2011 |
CB(2)1116/10-11(01) |
Administration's response to issues raised at the Bills Committee meetings held on 4 January and 11 February 2011 (Chinese version only) |
24 February 2011 |
CB(2)1609/10-11(02) |
Administration's response to the views expressed during the clause-by-clause examination of the Bill and the Administration's proposed amendments to individual clauses (Chinese version only) |
29 April 2011 |
Annex C to CB(2)80/10-11(01) |
Comparison of the classification of residential care homes for persons with disabilities, staffing and spatial requirements stipulated in the existing non-statutory Code of Practice for residential care homes for persons with disabilities issued in 2002 and the latest version of the draft revised Code of Practice for residential care homes for persons with disabilities |
12 April 2011 |
CB(2)1217/10-11(01) |
Draft Residential Care Homes (Persons with Disabilities) Regulation provided by the Administration |
29 March 2011 |
Annex B to CB(2)80/10-11(01) |
Latest version of the draft revised Code of Practice for residential care homes for persons with disabilities |
12 April 2011 |
CB(2)599/10-11(01) |
Letter dated 15 December 2010 from the Education Bureau regarding the Chi Yun School |
17 December 2010 |
Annex B to CB(2)186/10-11(01) |
Marked-up copy of the existing non-statutory Code of Practice for residential care homes for persons with disabilities issued in 2002 to be revised by the latest version of the draft revised Code of Practice for residential care homes for persons with disabilities |
12 April 2011 |
CB(2)1802/10-11(01) |
Set of the revised draft Committee Stage amendments to be proposed by the Administration and the revised legislative timetable (Chinese version only) |
19 May 2011* |