Investigation Committee established under Rule 49B(2A) of the Rules of Procedure in respect of the Motion to censure Honourable KAM Nai-wai


Volume I Information gathered by the Legislative Council Secretariat
Volume II Papers provided by Mr KAM Nai-wai or other persons

Volume I

Information gathered by the Legislative Council Secretariat IC Paper No.
Wording of the censure motion L1(C)
List of Offices of Legislative Councillor Mr KAM Nai-wai L2(C)
Appointment letter signed between Hon KAM Nai-wai and Ms Kimmie WONG on 29 December 2008 L3(C)
List of staff members employed by Hon KAM Nai-wai individually L4(C)
Document signed by Ms WONG Lai-chu on 29 September 2009 to acknowledge receipt of a cheque in payment for her salary of that month, untaken annual leave and compensatory leave L5(C)
A press report of Apple Daily on 4 October 2009 with the headline: "Being unsuccessful in his advances, KAM Nai-wai dismisses a female assistant; Democratic Party probes into the alleged sexual harassment" L6(C)
A press report of Apple Daily on 4 October 2009 with the headline: "KAM Nai-wai denies the allegation of sexual harassment" L7(C)
A press report of Apple Daily on 4 October 2009 with the headline: "Reputation tarnished on several occasions in 23 years of political career from District Council to Legislative Council" L8(C)
A press report of Apple Daily on 4 October 2009 with the headline: "Councillors say the allegation is serious; Democratic Party pledges to handle the matter impartially; pan-democratic camp urges the Legislative Council to conduct an investigation in respect of KAM Nai-wai" L9(C)
A press report of Apple Daily on 4 October 2009 with the headline: "Deciphering the situation: by playing down the incident, the pan-democratic camp is bound to damage its image" L10(C)
A press report of Apple Daily on 4 October 2009 with the headline: "Feature story – 'Good husband' good at keeping his wife on a leash, 'she could hardly escape from my clutches'" L11(C)
Verbatim transcript of a press conference called by Hon KAM Nai-wai on 4 October 2009 L12(C)
Verbatim transcript of a press conference called by Hon Albert HO, Chairman of Democratic Party, on 4 October 2009 L13(C)
A press report of Apple Daily on 5 October 2009 with the headline: "Denying that he has made advances to the female assistant, which is evident, KAM Nai-wai is a slippery liar" L14(C)
A press report of Ming Pao Daily on 5 October 2009 with the headline: "KAM Nai-wai dismisses his assistant, denying it is due to unsuccessful advances and refusing to give a reason for the dismissal on the pretext of not 'wanting to hurt the assistant'" L15(C)
Verbatim transcript of the relevant news coverage on 5 October 2009 by the News Channel of Hong Kong Cable Television L16(C)
Verbatim transcript of a telephone interview of Ms TAM Heung-man on 5 October 2009 on the radio programme Talkabout of the Radio Television Hong Kong L17(C)
A press report of am730 on 6 October 2009 with the headline: "Democratic Party’s sheltering faults becomes a major political scandal; KAM Nai-wai is bound to resign as his integrity is under question" L18(C)
A press report of Headline Daily on 6 October 2009 with the headline: "The lady involved has a bumpy love life, and she has rejected a married man" L19(C)
Verbatim transcript of the parts of the radio programme Tipping the Points broadcast on Channel 1 of the Hong Kong Commercial Radio on 6 October 2009 containing an interview of Hon KAM Nai-wai L20(C)
A press report of Sing Tao Daily on 7 October 2009 with the headline: "Agitated TAM Heung-man: I have no selfish motives at all" L21(C)
A press report of Sing Pao Daily News on 7 October 2009 with the headline: "Female assistant infuriated by TAM Heung-man’s disclosures" L22(C)
A press report of Hong Kong Daily News on 7 October 2009 with the headline: "TAM Heung-man: I threw the female assistant to the wolves" L23(C)
A press report of Hong Kong Economic Times on 7 October 2009 with the headline: "TAM Heung-man denies trying to seek the limelight by acting as an unauthorized spokesman" L24(C)
An article in East Week on 7 October 2009 with the headline: "Dismissal of the female assistant – a detailed version Truth unmasked: KAM Nai-wai is a veteran liar as he has made advances towards her on two occasions  'I have affection for you!'" L25(C)
An article in Next Magazine on 8 October 2009 with the headline: "Making aggressive advances towards anchorwoman, KAM Nai-wai is playing with fire" L26(C)
A press report of Sing Tao Daily on 9 October 2009 with the headline: "Albert HO: one should not 'pass judgment before trial' in respect of KAM Nai-wai" L27(C)
A press report of Hong Kong Economic Times on 9 October 2009 with the headline: "To regain its credibility, Democratic Party proposes to step up investigation effort" L28(C)
A press report of Ming Pao Daily on 9 October 2009 with the headline: "Democratic Party vows to ferret out the divulger and expel that person from the Party; Central Committee says KAM’s error not 'fatal'; Human Rights Watch commissioned to conduct an investigation" L29(C)
A press report of Apple Daily on 10 October 2009 with the headline: "Female assistant issues a statement for the first time to seek justice" L30(C)
A press report of Ming Pao Daily on 9 October 2009 with the headline: "Statement made by KAM Nai-wai’s former assistant" L31(C)
A press report of Ta Kung Po on 11 October 2009 with the headline: "There were media enquiries even before the KAM Nai-wai incident came to light; TAM Heung-man: 'disclosures' made by someone else" L32(C)
A press report of Hong Kong Economic Times on 18 November 2009 with the headline: "The lady involved will not assist in the investigation; will the KAM Nai-wai incident come to an end?" L33(C)
A press report of Apple Daily on 18 November 2009 with the headline: "Female assistant involved in the expression-of-affection fiasco refuses to testify against KAM Nai-wai; Human Rights Watch discontinues the investigation; Legislative Council may pursue the matter further" L34(C)
A press report of Hong Kong Economic Journal on 10 December 2009 with the headline: "Ultimate cause of the KAM Nai-wai incident: WONG Lai-chu has mistakenly fallen in love with a married fireman" L35(C)
A press report of Hong Kong Economic Journal on 11 December 2009 with the headline: "The KAM Nai-wai incident Part II: Man and woman – Love and sin" L36(C)
An article in East Week on 16 December 2009 with the headline: "Highly confidential SMS messages and audio recordings between WONG Lai-chu and KAM Nai-wai came to light; inside story of the improper love affair between WONG Lai-chu and an ambulanceman" L37(C)
An article in Next Magazine on 17 December 2009 with the headline: "Muddled-up romance between WONG Lai-chu and a Civil Aid Service officer" L38(C)
Receipt of the terminal payments made by the Office of Hon Mandy TAM Heung-man to WONG Lai-chu L39(C)
Employment contract signed between Ms WONG Lai-chu and Ms TAM Heung-man on 30 November 2007 L40(C)
Claim for reimbursement of operating expenses by Offices of Members of the Legislative Council for January 2009 submitted by Hon KAM Nai-wai L41(C)
The contents posted on the blog of Hon KAM Nai-wai on 21 August 2009 L42(C)

Volume II

Papers provided by Mr KAM Nai-wai or other persons IC Paper No.
Letter dated 20 November 2009 from Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yee to all Legislative Council Members WM1(C)
Open statement issued by Ms Kimmie WONG through solicitors to all Legislative Council Members on 3 December 2009
(Line numbers appended to this paper by the Clerk to the Investigation Committee)
Supervision Brief issued by Hon KAM Nai-wai to all Legislative Council Members on 9 December 2009 K3(C)
Reply letter dated 11 February 2010 from Hon Miriam LAU Kin-yee under paragraph 2(a) of the Practice and Procedure of the Investigation Committee WM4(C)
Letter dated 15 March 2010 from the solicitors for Hon KAM Nai-wai, enclosed with a Written Statement submitted by Mr KAM to the Investigation Committee K5(C)
Reply letter dated 3 May 2010 from the solicitors for Hon KAM Nai-wai K6(C)
Supplementary information provided by Hon KAM Nai-wai through his solicitors on 27 May 2010 in relation to the hearing held on 20 May 2010 K7(C)
Written statement submitted by Hon Emily LAU on 27 May 2010 WE8(C)
Letter dated 4 June 2010 from the solicitors of Hon KAM Nai-wai K9(C)
Letter dated 14 June 2010 from the Executive Director of the Democratic Party, enclosed with extracts of minutes of Central Committee meetings of that Party held on 8 October 2009 and 19 November 2009 WD10(C)
Written statement submitted by Hon Albert HO on 15 June 2010
(Line numbers appended to this paper by the Clerk to the Investigation Committee)
Written statement submitted by Ms Anita LUI on 29 June 2010
(Line numbers appended to this paper by the Clerk to the Investigation Committee)
Paper submitted by Hon KAM Nai-wai at the hearing on 30 June 2010: the respective total numbers of emails exchanged between Hon KAM Nai-wai and Ms Kimmie WONG and Ms Anita LUI in the period between November 2008 and October 2009 K13(C)
Paper submitted by Hon KAM Nai-wai at the hearing held on 30 June 2010: Note handwritten by Hon KAM Nai-wai on the items which he planned to discuss with Ms Kimmie WONG at the preparatory meeting on 22 September 2009 K14(C)
Written reply dated 10 August 2010 from Ms Anita LUI to further questions put to her by the Investigation Committee WL15(C)
Third supplementary statement submitted by Hon KAM Nai-wai at the hearing held on 21 October 2010
(Line numbers appended to this paper by the Clerk to the Investigation Committee)
Written questions put to Hon Emily LAU by the Investigation Committee on 25 November 2010 and her written reply dated 7 December 2010 WE17(C)
Written questions put to Hon Albert HO by the Investigation Committee on 25 November 2010 and his written reply dated 31 December 2010 WA18(C)
Written statement submitted by Hon CHEUNG Man-kwong on 28 January 2011 WC19(C)
Written statement submitted by Hon Andrew CHENG on 10 February 2011 WN20(C)
Written statement submitted by Hon LEE Wing-tat on 14 February 2011 WT21(C)
Written statement submitted by Hon Fred LI on 28 February 2011 WF22(C)
Written statement submitted by Hon WONG Sing-chi on 2 March 2011 WS23(C)
Written statement submitted by Hon James TO on 29 March 2011 WJ24(C)
Outline of summing-up statement submitted by Hon KAM Nai-wai on 18 May 2011 K25(C)
Written comments, submitted by Hon KAM Nai-wai on 5 December 2011, on the relevant parts of the draft Report of the Investigation Committee K26(C)

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