Panel on Development

Meeting on
Tuesday, 27 October 2009, at 2:30 pm
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building


I.Confirmation of minutes
(2:30 pm - 2:32 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(1)95/09-10
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)117/09-10 on 22.10.2009)

-Minutes of meeting on 15 October 2009

II.Information papers issued since the meeting on 28 July 2009

LC Paper No. CB(1)2467/08-09(01)
(Chinese version only)(issued on 12.8.2009)

LC Paper No. CB(1)2565/08-09(01)
(issued on 8.9.2009)

-Letter dated 3 August 2009 from the Environment, Hygiene and District Development Committee of the Tuen Mun District Council relating to the call for provision of complementary facilities to the development at Site 2 in Tuen Mun Area 54 and the Administration's response

LC Paper No. CB(1)2490/08-09(01)
(English version only)(issued on 19.8.2009)

-Submission on proposals to lower the application threshold under the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance from Ms Carol FOK Lai-sim dated 11 August 2009

LC Paper No. CB(1)2559/08-09(01)
(English version only)(issued on 7.9.2009)

-Submission on proposals to lower the application threshold under the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance from Ellen LAW Chung-yu dated 2 September 2009

LC Paper No. CB(1)2594/08-09
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)2590/08-09 on 14.9.2009)

-Paper on proposed duty visit to Sichuan from 24 to 26 September 2009

LC Paper No. CB(1)2610/08-09(01)
(Referral memorandum in English version only)(issued on 16.9.2009)

LC Paper No. CB(1)2684/08-09(01)
(Covering letter in English version only)(issued on 29.9.2009)

-Issues raised at the meeting between Legislative Council Members and Eastern District Council members on 12 March 2009 in relation to indiscriminate placement of cargo compartments and the Administration's response

LC Paper No. CB(1)2645/08-09(01)
(Chinese version only)(issued on 24.9.2009)

LC Paper No. CB(1)20/09-10(01)
(issued on 14.10.2009)

-Referral from the Complaints Division regarding consultation on changes in land use and the Administration's response

LC Paper No. CB(1)2645/08-09(02)
(Chinese version only)(issued on 24.9.2009)

-Referral from the Complaints Division regarding offer of rental concessions for social enterprises

LC Paper No. CB(1)2705/08-09(01)
(Chinese version only)(issued on 2.10.2009)

LC Paper No. CB(1)78/09-10(01)
(issued on 20.10.2009)

-Submissions on issues related to Labour Relations Officers from Mr CHAN dated 19 September 2009 and the Administration's response

LC Paper No. CB(1)2747/08-09(01)
(Chinese version only)(issued on 7.10.2009)

-Submission on proposals to lower the application threshold under the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance from K28 Sport Shoes Street Concern Group dated 5 October 2009

LC Paper No. CB(1)2760/08-09(01)
(issued on 8.10.2009)

-Issues raised at the meeting between Legislative Council Members and Kowloon City District Council members on 2 July 2009 on proposal to revitalize Ma Tau Kok Cattle Depot Artist Village into a cultural development and tourist spot

LC Paper No. CB(1)80/09-10(01)
(issued on 20.10.2009)

-Administration's paper on Capital Works Reserve Fund Block Allocations for 2009-10 - Supplementary Provision for Subhead 5001BX - Landslip Preventive Measures

III.Items for discussion at the next meeting
(2:32 pm - 2:35 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(1)94/09-10(01)
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)113/09-10 on 22.10.2009)

-List of outstanding items for discussion

LC Paper No. CB(1)94/09-10(02)
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)113/09-10 on 22.10.2009)

-List of follow-up actions

* IV.Enhancing lift safety in Hong Kong and proposal to amend the Lifts and Escalators (Safety) Ordinance
(2:35 pm - 3:35 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(1)94/09-10(03)
(issued on 21.10.2009)

-Administration's paper on update on the regulatory control on lift safety and the legislative amendment proposal to the Lifts and Escalators (Safety) Ordinance, Chapter 327

LC Paper No. CB(1)94/09-10(04)
(issued on 21.10.2009)

-Paper on lift safety prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief)

V.Optimising the use of industrial buildings to meet Hong Kong's changing economic and social needs
(3:35 pm - 4:35 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(1)94/09-10(05)
(issued on 21.10.2009)

-Administration's paper on optimising the use of industrial buildings to meet Hong Kong's changing economic and social needs

File Ref.: DEVB(DOO)7-01
(issued by the Development Bureau on 15.10.2009)

-Legislative Council Brief on optimising the use of industrial buildings to meet Hong Kong's changing economic and social needs

LC Paper No. FS02/09-10
(Chinese version only)(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)132/09-10 on 23.10.2009)

-Summary of local press reports on views of various sectors in Hong Kong on optimising the use of industrial buildings from 15 October to 22 October 2009 prepared by the Research & Library Services Division

# VI.Tamar Development Project
(4:35 pm - 5:25 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(1)94/09-10(06)
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)113/09-10 on 22.10.2009)

-Administration's paper on Tamar Development Project

LC Paper No. CB(1)94/09-10(07)
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(1)113/09-10 on 22.10.2009)

-Paper on Tamar Development Project prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief)

VII.Any other business
(5:25 pm - 5:30 pm)

* Other Legislative Council Members are invited to join the discussion of the item, which involves a legislative proposal.

# Other Legislative Council Members are invited to join the discussion of the item, which involves a funding proposal.

Council Business Division 1
Legislative Council Secretariat
23 October 2009