Legislative Council Members' meeting with The Ombudsman
on Tuesday, 8 December 2009, at 9:00 am
in Conference Room A of the Legislative Council Building


  1. The work of The Ombudsman's Office in the previous year
    (9:00 am - 10:25 am)

    (a)Briefing by The Ombudsman

    Information note provided by The Ombudsman on the work of The Ombudsman's Office (Part A of LC Paper No. CP 199/09-10(01))

    Minutes of last meeting held on 9 December 2008 (LC Paper No. CP 451/08-09)

    Annual Report of The Ombudsman 2009 (provided to Members for the Council meeting on 8 July 2009)

    (b)Jurisdictional review

    Information note provided by The Ombudsman on the addition of public organisations to schedule I to The Ombudsman Ordinance (Part B of LC Paper No. CP 199/09-10(01))

    (c)Public education activities

    Information note provided by The Ombudsman on publicity of The Ombudsman's powers (Part B of LC Paper No. CP 199/09-10(01))

  2. Any other business
    (10:25 am - 10:30 am)

Legislative Council Secretariat
1 December 2009