Bills Committee on Inland Revenue (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2011

Second meeting on
Saturday, 28 May 2011, at 9:30 am
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building

Revised agenda
(as at 26 May 2011)

I.Confirmation of minutes of meeting
(9:30 am - 9:35 am)

LC Paper No. CB(1)2276/10-11
(issued on 24 May 2011)

-Minutes of meeting on 21 April 2011

II.Meeting with deputations and the Administration
(9:35 am - 12:25 pm)

  1. Hong Kong Small and Medium Enterprises Association

  2. Hong Kong Small and Medium Enterprises Development Association

  3. Mr Raymond HO Man-kit, Sai Kung District Council member

  4. The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong
Submissions/ letters from organizations not attending the meeting

  1. The Law Society of Hong Kong
    (LC Paper No. CB(1)2274/10-11(01) - issued on 24 May 2011 - English version only)

  2. The Hong Kong Institute of Patent Practitioners
    (LC Paper No. CB(1)2274/10-11(02) - issued on 24 May 2011 - English version only)

  3. Association of Chartered Certified Accountants Hong Kong
    (LC Paper No. CB(1)2274/10-11(03) - issued on 24 May 2011 - English version only)

  4. PricewaterhouseCoopers
    (LC Paper No. CB(1)2274/10-11(04) - issued on 24 May 2011 - English version only)

  5. The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong
    (LC Paper No. CB(1)2274/10-11(05) - attached - Chinese version only)

  6. Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants
    (LC Paper No. CB(1)2274/10-11(06) - issued on 24 May 2011 - English version only)

  7. Hong Kong Bar Association
    (LC Paper No. CB(1)2314/10-11(01) - issued on 26 May 2011 - English version only)

  8. The Joint Liaison Committee on Taxation
    (LC Paper No. CB(1)2314/10-11(02) - issued on 26 May 2011 - English version only)
III.Any other business
(12:25 pm - 12:30 pm)

Council Business Division 1
Legislative Council Secretariat
26 May 2011

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