Bills Committee on Lifts and Escalators Bill


Written submissions and Administration's response

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(1)1256/11-12(01) Administration's response to the submission from the Hong Kong General Union of Lift and Escalator Employees (Chinese version only) 8 March 2012*
CB(1)656/11-12(01) Hong Kong General Union of Lift and Escalator Employees' submission dated 12 August 2011 (Chinese version only) 20 December 2011
20 January 2012
CB(1)656/11-12(02) Hong Kong General Union of Lift and Escalator Employees' submission dated 9 December 2011 (Chinese version only) 20 December 2011
20 January 2012
CB(1)1141/11-12(01) Hong Kong General Union of Lift and Escalator Employees' submission dated 20 February 2012 (Chinese version only) 23 February 2012*
CB(1)682/11-12(01) Lift and Escalator Contractors Association's submission dated 7 December 2011 (English version only) 20 January 2012
CB(1)446/11-12(01) MTR Corporation Limited's submission dated 21 November 2011 (English version only) 2 December 2011
CB(1)2724/10-11(11) Submission from The Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies (English version only) 17 July 2011
CB(1)2724/10-11(02) Submission on Lifts and Escalators Bill from Building Services Operation and Maintenance Executives Society (English version only) 17 July 2011
CB(1)2724/10-11(03) Submission on Lifts and Escalators Bill from Cheerwell Engineering Limited (English version only) 17 July 2011
CB(1)2724/10-11(05) Submission on Lifts and Escalators Bill from Chevalier (HK) Limited (English version only) 17 July 2011
CB(1)2748/10-11(03) Submission on Lifts and Escalators Bill from Construction Industry Council (Chinese version only) 17 July 2011
CB(1)2724/10-11(07) Submission on Lifts and Escalators Bill from Elevator Parts Engineering Company Limited (English version only) 17 July 2011
CB(1)2748/10-11(01) Submission on Lifts and Escalators Bill from Hong Kong General Union of Lift and Escalator Employees (Chinese version only) 17 July 2011
CB(1)2724/10-11(09) Submission on Lifts and Escalators Bill from Mitsubishi Elevator Hong Kong Co. Ltd. (English version only) 17 July 2011
CB(1)2774/10-11(02) Submission on Lifts and Escalators Bill from Mr SZE Leung-man (Chinese version only) 17 July 2011
CB(1)2724/10-11(12) Submission on Lifts and Escalators Bill from Mr YEUNG Wai-sing, MH, Eastern District Council Member (Chinese version only) 17 July 2011
CB(1)2748/10-11(04) Submission on Lifts and Escalators Bill from Otis Elevator Company (HK) Ltd. (English version only) 17 July 2011
CB(1)2724/10-11(10) Submission on Lifts and Escalators Bill from Schindler Lifts (HK) Ltd. (English version only) 17 July 2011
CB(1)2774/10-11(01) Submission on Lifts and Escalators Bill from The Federation of Hong Kong Electrical & Mechanical Industries Trade Unions (Chinese version only) 17 July 2011
CB(1)2724/10-11(08) Submission on Lifts and Escalators Bill from The Hong Kong Federation of Electrical & Mechanical Contractors Limited (English version only) 17 July 2011
CB(1)2724/10-11(01) Submission on Lifts and Escalators Bill from The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (English version only) 17 July 2011
CB(1)2748/10-11(02) Submission on Lifts and Escalators Bill from The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (English version only) 17 July 2011
CB(1)2724/10-11(04) Submission on Lifts and Escalators Bill from The International Association of Elevator Engineers (HK - China Branch) (English version only) 17 July 2011
CB(1)2724/10-11(06) Submission on Lifts and Escalators Bill from The Lift and Escalator Contractors Association (English version only) 17 July 2011

* Issue date

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