Bills Committee on Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill 2011

Third meeting on
Tuesday, 12 July 2011, from 8:30 am to 11:00 am
in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building

Revised agenda
(as at 11 July 2011)

I.Meeting with deputations and the Administration
(8:30 am - 10:55 am)

LC Paper No. CB(3)746/10-11
(issued on 13 May 2011)

-The Bill

File Ref: THB(T)CR4/14/3231/00
(issued on 11 May 2011)

-The Legislative Council Brief issued by the Transport and Housing Bureau

LC Paper No. CB(1)2512/10-11(02)
(issued on 20 June 2011)

-Marked-up copy of the Bill prepared by the Legal Service Division

  1. Tai Wo Motors Limited

  2. Mr YIP Kwok-wai

  3. The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Hong Kong
    [LC Paper No. CB(1)2667/10-11(01) (issued on 6 July 2011)]

  4. Association of New Territories Radio Taxicabs Limited

  5. China Hong Kong and Macau Boundary Crossing Bus Association Limited

  6. The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport in Hong Kong

  7. Hong Kong Kowloon Taxi & Lorry Owners' Association Limited
    [LC Paper No. CB(1)2667/10-11(06)(Chinese version only) (issued on 8 July 2011)]

  8. The Kowloon PLB Chiu Chow Traders & Workers Friendly Association

  9. Hong Kong Container Tractor Owner Association

  10. Public Omnibus Operators Association

  11. Tsuen Wan District Tourists and Passengers Omnibus Operators Association Limited

  12. Traffic Services Employees Association
    [LC Paper No. CB(1)2706/10-11(01)(Chinese version only)(attached)]

  13. Motor Transport Workers General Union (Public Light Bus Branch)

  14. United Friendship Taxi Owners & Drivers Association Limited

  15. 汽車交通運輸業總工會(貨運車從業員分會)

  16. Motor Transport Workers General Union

  17. Transport Industry Committee of the Federation of Hong Kong and Kowloon Labour Unions
    [LC Paper No. CB(1)2706/10-11(02)(Chinese version only)(attached)]

  18. Hong Kong Motor Car Driving Instructors' Association Limited

  19. Hong Kong Waste Disposal Industry Association
    [LC Paper No. CB(1)2667/10-11(02)(Chinese version only)(issued on 6 July 2011)]

  20. New Territories Taxi Drivers' Rights Alliance

  21. Taxi & P.L.B. Concern Group
    [LC Paper No. CB(1)2706/10-11(03)(Chinese version only)(attached)]

  22. Motor Transport Workers General Union (Taxi Driver Branch)

  23. Motor Transport Workers General Union (Kowloon Bus Branch)
Submissions from the following organizations/ individuals not attending the meeting

LC Paper No. CB(1)2667/10-11(03)
(issued on 6 July 2011)

-Submission from Mr YEUNG Wai-sing, MH, Eastern District Council Member (Chinese version only)

LC Paper No. CB(1)2667/10-11(04)
(issued on 6 July 2011)

-Submission from H.K. Vehicle Transportation Association (Chinese version only)

LC Paper No. CB(1)2667/10-11(05)
(issued on 7 July 2011)

-Submission from Hong Kong Doctors Union (Chinese version only)

LC Paper No. CB(1)2667/10-11(07)
(issued on 8 July 2011)

-Submission from The Hong Kong Medical Association

LC Paper No. CB(1)2667/10-11(08)
(issued on 8 July 2011)

-Submission from Federation of Hong Kong Industries (Chinese version only)

(A list of papers previously issued is available on the Legislative Council website:

II.Any other business
(10:55 am - 11:00 am)

Council Business Division 1
Legislative Council Secretariat
11 July 2011

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