Bills Committee on Immigration (Amendment) Bill 2011


Written submissions and the Administration's response

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)2150/11-12(01) Administration's response to issues raised by members at the meeting held on 22 May 2012 28 May 2012
CB(2)2093/11-12(01) Further joint submission from The Law Society of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Bar Association (English version only) 22 May 2012
28 May 2012
  • Administration's response to the further joint submission from The Law Society of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Bar Association as set out in LC Paper No. CB(2)2093/11-12(01)
    22 May 2012
    28 May 2012
    CB(2)2216/11-12(01) Further joint submission from The Law Society of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Bar Association (English version only) 30 May 2012*
  • Administration's response to the further joint submission from The Law Society of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Bar Association as set out in LC Paper No. CB(2)2216/11-12(01) (English version only)
    12 June 2012*
    CB(2)503/11-12(01) Letter from the Duty Lawyer Service providing statistics and data on the Convention Against Torture Scheme operated by the Duty Lawyer Service (Follow-up paper) (English version only) 21 November 2011
    CB(2)335/11-12(03) Joint submission from The Law Society of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Bar Association (English version only) 21 November 2011
    CB(2)370/11-12(01) Submission from Beyond Asylum (English version only) 21 November 2011
    CB(2)335/11-12(09) Submission from Hong Kong Construction Industry Employees General Union (Chinese version only) 21 November 2011
    CB(2)335/11-12(02) Submission from Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor (English version only) 21 November 2011
    CB(2)335/11-12(06) Submission from Refugee Concern Network (English version only) 21 November 2011
    CB(2)335/11-12(07) Submission from Society for Community Organization (English version only) 21 November 2011
    CB(2)335/11-12(05) Submission from The Federation of Hong Kong & Kowloon Labour Unions (Chinese version only) 21 November 2011
    CB(2)1972/11-12(01) Supplementary information on the Bill provided by the Administration 22 May 2012
    28 May 2012
    CB(2)2047/11-12(01) Submission from Mr Che Singh KOCHHAR-GEORGE on the Immigration (Amendment) Bill 2011 (English version only) 17 May 2012*

    * Issue date

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