Bills Committee on The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Amendment) Bill 2011

bullet Legislative Council Brief

bullet Bill gazetted (8 July 2011)

bullet Bill passed (25 April 2012)

bullet Legal Service Division Report

bullet LS98/10-11

bullet Considered by the House Committee at the following meetings

bullet 23 March 2012
bullet 7 October 2011

bullet Membership

bullet Meetings

Position as at date given
9 December 2011 Agenda Attendance List Minutes
10 January 2012
(Rescheduled to 19/1/2012)
Agenda Attendance List Minutes
19 January 2012 Agenda Attendance List Minutes
2 February 2012 Agenda Attendance List Minutes
28 February 2012 Agenda Attendance List Minutes

bullet Papers

bullet Reports

bullet Issued for the House Committee meeting on 23 March 2012 [CB(2)1454/11-12]
bullet Tabled at the Legislative Council on 25 April 2012 [CB(2)1760/11-12]

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