Committee on Members' Interests
Fifth Meeting
on Friday, 7 January 2011 at 3:00 pm
(or immediately after the House Committee
meeting at 2:30 pm, whichever is the later)
in Conference Room B of the Legislative Council Building
I. | Modification of the procurement procedures stipulated in the Reimbursement Guide for Legislative Council Members
| LC Paper No. AS 60/10-11 (issued on 22 November 2010)
| - | Proposal for revision of the procurement provisions in the guidelines for reimbursement of Legislative Council Members' operating expenses
II. | Outcome of further consultation with Members on the handling of anonymous complaints and allegations reported by the media against individual Members
| LC Paper No. CMI/17/10-11 (issued on 15 November 2010)
| - | Outcome of further consultation with Members on the handling of anonymous complaints and allegations reported by the media against individual Members
III. | Requirements and related arrangements for the registration and disclosure of Members' interests
| LC Paper No. RP02/10-11 (issued on 22 November 2010)
| - | Requirements and related arrangements for the registration and disclosure of Members' interests in selected overseas legislatures
IV. | Any other business
V. | Date of next meeting
Council Business Division 3
Legislative Council Secretariat
8 December 2010