Subcommittee on Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 3) Notice 2011

Second meeting on
Monday, 11 July 2011, at 5:00 pm or immediately after the
House Committee special meeting, whichever is later
in Conference Room B of the Legislative Council Building

Revised agenda
(as at 7 July 2011)

I.Meeting with the Administration
(5:00 pm - 6:55 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(1) 2555/10-11(01)

-Background brief on Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 2) Notice 2011 and Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 3) Notice 2011

Background information on the Notice

Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 3) Notice 2011

Ref: G6/9/44/1C(2011)Pt.9
(issued by Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau on 14 June 2011)

-The Legislative Council Brief

LC Paper No. LS81/10-11
(issued on 16 June 2011)

- Legal Service Division Report

II.Any other business
(6:55 pm - 7:00 pm)

Council Business Division 1
Legislative Council Secretariat
7 July 2011

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