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Subcommittee on Human Organ Transplant (Amendment) Regulation 2010 and Human Organ Transplant (Appeal Board) Regulation
Members' concerns raised at the meeting and the Administration's response
LC Paper No.
Meeting date
Administration's response on information required to be supplied in an application to the Director of Health for exempting a "regulated product" from the application of the Human Organ Transplant Ordinance (Cap.465); and the request that the administrative guidelines for the operation of the Appeal Board should provide that the date, time and venue of the hearing of each appeal would be publicized by the Appeal Board for public information, and the records of proceedings and decisions of the Appeal Board would be made available for public inspection as a norm
16 November 2010
26 November 2010
Administration's response to issues raised at the meeting on 16 November 2010
26 November 2010