| Paragraph
| Page
Part 1 | Introduction
| The Establishment of the Committee
| 1
| 1
| Membership of the Committee
| 2
| 1
Part 2 | Procedure
| The Committee's Procedure
| 1
| 2 - 3
| Confidentiality undertaking by members of the Committee
| 2 - 3
| 3
| The Committee's Report
| 4 - 5
| 3
| The Government's Response
| 6
| 4
Part 3 | Report of the Public Accounts Committee on Report No. 52 of the Director of Audit on the Results of Value for Money Audits
[P.A.C. Report No. 52]
| Laying of the Report
| 1
| 5
| The Government Minute
| 2 - 4
| 5 - 6
Part 4 | Report of the Public Accounts Committee on the Reports of the Director of Audit on the Accounts of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for the year ended 31 March 2009 and the Results of Value for Money Audits (Report No. 53)
[P.A.C. Report No. 53]
| Laying of the Report
| 1
| 7
| The Government Minute
| 2 - 40
| 7 - 27
Part 5 | Supplemental Report of the Public Accounts Committee on Report No. 53 of the Director of Audit on the Results of Value for Money Audits
[P.A.C. Report No. 53A]
| Laying of the Report
| 1
| 28
| The Government Minute
| 2 - 4
| 28 - 30
Part 6 | Committee Proceedings
| Consideration of the Director of Audit's Report
| 1
| 31
| Meetings
| 2
| 31
| Arrangement of the Report
| 3 - 4
| 31
| Acknowledgements
| 5
| 31
Part 7 | Observations of the Public Accounts Committee on the Report of the Director of Audit on the Accounts of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for the year ended 31 March 2010
| 1 - 11
| 32 - 34
Part 8 | Chapter
| 1. | Administration of the Direct Subsidy Scheme and Governance and Administration of Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools
| | A. | Introduction
| 1 - 12
| 35 - 38
| | B. | Service agreement with school sponsoring body
| 13 - 37
| 39 - 49
| | C. | Service agreement with incorporated school governing body
| 38 - 41
| 50
| | D. | School fee remission/scholarship schemes
| 42 - 80
| 51 - 69
| | E. | Revision of school fees
| 81 - 104
| 70 - 78
| | F. | Financial management
| 105 - 124
| 79 - 87
| | G. | Admission process
| 125 - 133
| 87 - 91
| | H. | Monitoring school performance
| 134 - 141
| 91 - 94
| | I. | Direct subsidy scheme subsidy
| 142 - 146
| 94 - 95
| | J. | International schools in the direct subsidy scheme
| 147 - 153
| 95 - 97
| | K. | Human resource management
| 154 - 155
| 97 - 98
| | L. | General administration and other governance issues
| 156 - 159
| 98 - 99
| | M. | Conclusions and recommendations
| 160
| 99 - 117
| 2. | Residential treatment and rehabilitation services for drug abusers
| | A. | Introduction
| 1 - 3
| 118
| | B. | Allocation of resources to SARDA
| 4 - 16
| 118 - 124
| | C. | Usage of treatment centres
| 17 - 51
| 124 - 136
| | D. | Treatment centres on government sites/premises
| 52 - 66
| 136 - 141
| | E. | Licensing of treatment centres
| 67 - 77
| 141 - 146
| | F. | Conclusions and recommendations
| 78
| 146 - 157
| 3. | The Community Investment and Inclusion Fund
| | A. | Introduction
| 1 - 4
| 158
| | B. | Development of social capital
| 5 - 36
| 158 - 172
| | C. | Assessment and monitoring of projects
| 37 - 39
| 172 - 173
| | D. | Governance of the Community Investment and Inclusion Fund and use of funds by grantees
| 40 - 52
| 173 - 179
| | E. | Conclusions and recommendations
| 53
| 179 - 185
| 186
| 187
Appendix relating to Part 1: "Introduction"
Appendix 1 | Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
| 188 - 189
Appendix relating to Part 2: "Procedure"
Appendix 2 | Paper presented to the Provisional Legislative Council by the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee at the meeting on 11 February 1998 on Scope of Government Audit in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region - 'Value for Money Audits'
| 190 - 193
Appendix relating to Part 4: "Report of the Public Accounts Committee on the Reports of the Director of Audit on the Accounts of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for the year ended 31 March 2009 and the Results of Value for Money Audits (Report No. 53)
[P.A.C. Report No. 53]"
Appendix 3 | Letter of 25 January 2011 from the Secretary for Development
| 194 - 195
Appendix relating to Part 5: "Supplemental Report of the Public Accounts Committee on Report No. 53 of the Director of Audit on the Results of Value for Money Audits
[P.A.C. Report No. 53A]"
Appendix 4 | Updated progress of implementing Audit's recommendations in respect of "Control of western medicines"
| 196 - 203
Appendices relating to Part 6: "Committee Proceedings"
Appendix 5 | Witnesses who appeared before the Committee
| 204 - 205
Appendix 6 | Introductory remarks by the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, Dr Hon Philip WONG Yu-hong, GBS, at the first public hearing of the Committee in respect of the Director of Audit's Report No. 55 on Monday, 29 November 2010
| 206 - 207
Appendices relating to Part 7: "Observations of the Public Accounts Committee on the Report of the Director of Audit on the Accounts of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for the year ended 31 March 2010"
Appendix 7 | Letter of 10 January 2011 from the Director of Audit
| 208 - 211
Appendix 8 | Letter of 24 January 2011 from the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury
| 212 - 216
Appendices relating to Chapter 1 of Part 8: "Administration of the Direct Subsidy Scheme and Governance and Administration of Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools"
Appendix 9 | Letter of 23 November 2010 from the Secretary for Education
| 217 - 237
Appendix 10 | Opening statement made by the Director of Audit at the public hearing on 29 November 2010
| 238 - 239
Appendix 11 | Opening statement made by the Secretary for Education at the public hearing on 29 November 2010
| 240 - 242
Appendix 12 | Letter of 17 December 2010 from the Secretary for Education
| 243 - 254
Appendix 13 | Letter of 10 December 2010 from the Secretary for Education
| 255 - 261
Appendix 14 | Letter of 8 December 2010 from the Secretary for Education
| 262 - 286
Appendix 15 | Letter of 27 January 2011 from the Director of Audit
| 287 - 288
Appendix 16 | Letter of 28 January 2011 from the Secretary for Education
| 289 - 290
Appendix 17 | Letter of 25 November 2010 from the Secretary for Education
| 291 - 293
Appendix 18 | Letter of 1 December 2010 from the Secretary for Education
| 294 - 295
Appendix 19 | Letter of 11 December 2010 from the Secretary for Education
| 296 - 341
Appendix 20 | Letter of 17 December 2010 from the Secretary for Education
| 342 - 350
Appendix 21 | Letter of 30 December 2010 from the Secretary for Education
| 351 - 359
Appendix 22 | Letter of 24 January 2011 from the Secretary for Education
| 360 - 361
Appendices relating to Chapter 2 of Part 8: "Residential treatment and rehabilitation services for drug abusers"
Appendix 23 | Opening statement made by the Secretary for Security at the public hearing on 7 December 2010
| 362 - 365
Appendix 24 | Opening statement made by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare at the public hearing on 7 December 2010
| 366 - 367
Appendix 25 | Letter of 22 December 2010 from the Secretary for Security
| 368 - 384
Appendix 26 | Letter of 17 January 2011 from the Secretary for Security
| 385 - 388
Appendix 27 | Letter of 1 December 2010 from the Director of Social Welfare
| 389 - 392
Appendices relating to Chapter 3 of Part 8: "The Community Investment and Inclusion Fund"
Appendix 28 | Opening statement made by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare at the public hearing on 30 November 2010
| 393 - 397
Appendix 29 | Letter of 29 November 2010 from the Secretary for Labour and Welfare
| 398 - 449
Appendix 30 | Letter of 17 December 2010 from the Secretary for Labour and Welfare
| 450 - 468
Appendix 31 | Letter of 7 January 2011 from the Secretary for Labour and Welfare
| 469 - 474
| 475 - 477