| Paragraph
| Page
Part 1 | Introduction
| The Establishment of the Committee
| 1
| 1
| Membership of the Committee
| 2
| 1
Part 2 | Procedure
| The Committee's Procedure
| 1
| 2 - 3
| Confidentiality Undertaking by Members of the
| 2 - 3
| 3
| The Committee's Report
| 4
| 3
| The Government's Response
| 5
| 3
Part 3 | Committee Proceedings
| Consideration of the Director of Audit's Report
| 1
| 4
| Meetings
| 2
| 4
| Arrangement of the Report
| 3 - 4
| 4
| Acknowledgements
| 5
| 4
Part 4 | Chapter
| 1. | Hong Kong 2009 East Asian Games
| | A. | Introduction
| 1 - 2
| 5
| | B. | Operating cost and revenue
| 3 - 67
| 5 - 32
| | C. | Other matters
| 68 - 77
| 32 - 35
| | D. | Conclusions and recommendations
| 78
| 35 - 46
| 2. | Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation
| 1 - 11
| 47 - 51
| 3. | Hong Kong Housing Authority: Management of commercial properties
| | A. | Introduction
| 1 - 2
| 52
| | B. | Management of retail premises
| 3 - 39
| 52 - 65
| | C. | Management of car parks and factory estates
| 40 - 47
| 65 - 67
| | D. | The way forward
| 48 - 65
| 67 - 75
| | E. | Conclusions and recommendations
| 66
| 75 - 85
| 86
| 87
Appendix relating to Part 1: "Introduction"
Appendix 1 | Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
| 88 - 89
Appendix relating to Part 2: "Procedure"
Appendix 2 | Paper presented to the Provisional Legislative Council by the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee at the meeting on 11 February 1998 on Scope of Government Audit in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region - 'Value for Money Audits'
| 90 - 92
Appendices relating to Part 3: "Committee Proceedings"
Appendix 3 | Witnesses who appeared before the Committee
| 93 - 94
Appendix 4 | Introductory remarks by the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, Dr Hon Philip WONG Yu-hong, GBS, at the first public hearing of the Committee in respect of the Director of Audit's Report No. 56 on Thursday, 5 May 2011
| 95 - 96
Appendices relating to Chapter 1 of Part 4: "Hong Kong 2009 East Asian Games"
Appendix 5 | Opening statement made by the Secretary for Home Affairs at the public hearing on 5 May 2011
| 97 - 101
Appendix 6 | Letter of 13 May 2011 from the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury
| 102 - 103
Appendix 7 | Letter of 24 May 2011 from the Secretary for Home Affairs
| 104 - 130
Appendix 8 | Tripartite Agreement for the 2009 East Asian Games
| 131 - 143
Appendix 9 | Memorandum and Articles of Association of the 2009 East Asian Games (Hong Kong) Limited
| 144 - 163
Appendix 10 | Letter of 6 May 2011 from the Secretary for Home Affairs
| 164 - 167
Appendix 11 | Letter of 31 May 2011 from the Secretary for Home Affairs
| 168 - 175
Appendix 12 | Letter of 30 May 2011 from the Director of Audit
| 176 - 177
Appendix 13 | Letter of 1 June 2011 from the Director of Audit
| 178 - 179
Appendix 14 | 2009 East Asian Games (Hong Kong) Limited: Directors' Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2010
| 180 - 207
Appendices relating to Chapter 2 of Part 4: "Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation"
Appendix 15 | Letter of 12 May 2011 from the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development
| 208 - 215
Appendix 16 | Letter of 23 May 2011 from the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development
| 216 - 219
Appendix 17 | Letter of 26 May 2011 from the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development
| 220
Appendices relating to Chapter 3 of Part 4: "Hong Kong Housing Authority: Management of commercial properties"
Appendix 18 | Opening statement made by the Director of Housing at the public hearing on 12 May 2011
| 221 - 223
Appendix 19 | Supplementary information provided by the Housing Department in May 2011
| 224 - 231
Appendix 20 | Letter of 16 May 2011 from the Director of Housing
| 232 - 251
Appendix 21 | Letter of 30 May 2011 from the Director of Housing
| 252 - 253
Appendix 22 | Letter of 31 May 2011 from the Director of Housing
| 254 - 264
Appendix 23 | Letter of 24 May 2011 from the Director of Housing
| 265 - 276
Appendix 24 | Letter of 30 May 2011 from the Director of Housing
| 277 - 284
| 285 - 286