Bills Committee on Mediation Bill

Meeting on Friday, 13 January 2012, from 10:45 am to 12:45 pm
in Conference Room 3 of the Legislative Council Building

Revised Agenda
(as at 13 January 2012)

I.Meeting with deputations and the Administration
(10:45 am - 12:40 pm)

(1)CEDR Asia Pacific
[LC Paper No. CB(2)819/11-12(01)] (issued on 12 January 2012)

(2)RICS Hong Kong

(3)Professional Mediation Consultancy Centre
[LC Paper No. CB(2)802/11-12(01)] (issued on 11 January 2012)

(4)Methodist Centre

(5)Centre for Restoration of Human Relationships

(6)Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong

(7)Hong Kong Society of Accredited Mediators
[LC Paper No. CB(2)802/11-12(02)] (issued on 11 January 2012)

(8)The Democratic Party
[LC Paper No. CB(2)802/11-12(03)] (issued on 11 January 2012)

(9)Rainbow Consultancy Limited

(10)Hong Kong Family Welfare Society
[LC Paper No. CB(2)819/11-12(02)] (issued on 12 January 2012)

(11)Hong Kong Construction Association
[LC Paper No. CB(2)645/11-12(03)] (issued on 20 December 2011)

(12)The Council of Social Development
[LC Paper No. CB(2)802/11-12(04)] (issued on 11 January 2012)
[LC Paper No. CB(2)809/11-12(01)] (issued on 12 January 2012)

(13)The Council of Mediation Development
[LC Paper No. CB(2)802/11-12(05)] (issued on 11 January 2012)
[LC Paper No. CB(2)809/11-12(02)] (issued on 12 January 2012)

(14)Li & Partners
[LC Paper No. CB(2)850/11-12(01)]

(15)Construction Industry Council

(16)Tru-Tight & Associates Limited
[LC Paper No. CB(2)802/11-12(06)] (issued on 11 January 2012)

(17)Hong Kong Construction Arbitration Centre

(18)Faculty of Law of the Chinese University of Hong Kong

(19)Joint Mediation Helpline Office

(20)Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers
[LC Paper No. CB(2)802/11-12(07)] (issued on 11 January 2012)

(21)Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council
[LC Paper No. CB(2)809/11-12(05)] (issued on 12 January 2012)

(22)K M Lai & Li
[LC Paper No. CB(2)802/11-12(08)] (issued on 11 January 2012)
[Restricted to members only]

(23)Hong Kong Mediation Centre
[LC Paper No. CB(2)802/11-12(09)] (issued on 11 January 2012)

(24)Faculty of Law of the University of Hong Kong

(25)The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (East Asia Branch)
[LC Paper No. CB(2)809/11-12(03)] (issued on 12 January 2012)

(26)EC Harris (HK) Ltd

(27)Society of Certified Mediators and Negotiators, Ltd
[LC Paper No. CB(2)802/11-12(10)] (issued on 11 January 2012)

(28)School of Law of the City University of Hong Kong

(29)Hong Kong Bar Association

(30)Hong Kong Mediation Council

(31)The Law Society of Hong Kong
[LC Paper No. CB(2)819/11-12(03)] (issued on 12 January 2012)

(32)Dr James CHIU Shing-ping, Accredited Mediator
[LC Paper No. CB(2)802/11-12(11)] (issued on 11 January 2012)

Written submissions from organizations/individuals not attending the meeting

LC Paper No. CB(2)802/11-12(12)
(issued on 11 January 2012)

-Submission from the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors

LC Paper No. CB(2)802/11-12(13)
(issued on 11 January 2012)

-Submission from ADR Consultancy Hong Kong Limited

LC Paper No. CB(2)802/11-12(14)
(issued on 11 January 2012)

-Submission from C & L Holdings Limited

LC Paper No. CB(2)809/11-12(04)
(issued on 12 January 2012)

-Letter dated 10 January 2012 from Hospital Authority

LC Paper No. CB(2)809/11-12(06)
(issued on 12 January 2012)

-Submission from Professor Nadja Alexander, Professor and Director, International Institute of Conflict Engagement and Resolution of Hong Kong Shue Yan University

LC Paper No. CB(2)819/11-12(04)
(issued on 12 January 2012)

-Submission from The Hong Kong Institute of Architects

LC Paper No. CB(2)831/11-12(01)
(issued on 13 January 2012)

-Submission from The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

LC Paper No. CB(2)831/11-12(02)
(issued on 13 January 2012)

-Submission from The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions

II.Any other business
(12:40 pm – 12:45 pm)

Council Business Division 2
Legislative Council Secretariat
13 January 2012

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