Bills Committee on Mediation Bill


Written submissions and the Administration's response

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)894/11-12(01) Administration's responses to submissions made by deputations 1 February 2012
CB(2)1499/11-12(03) Administration's responses to the representations made by the Hong Kong Association of Banks 28 March 2012
CB(2)1499/11-12(04) Administration's responses to the representations made by the Law Society of Hong Kong 28 March 2012
CB(2)1812/11-12(01) Administration's responses to the suggestions made by the Hong Kong Association of Banks in its letter to the Bills Committee dated 20 April 2012 25 April 2012
CB(2)1499/11-12(02) Administration's updated responses to deputations' representations on individual provisions including drafting issues of the Mediation Bill 28 March 2012
CB(2)1374/11-12(01) Further submission from the Law Society of Hong Kong responding to the Administration's comments on its previous submission 13 January 2012
CB(2)969/11-12(01) Further written submission from The Hong Kong Association of Banks 7 February 2012
CB(2)1499/11-12(06) Further written submission from The Hong Kong Bar Association 28 March 2012
CB(2)645/11-12(03) Letter dated 7 December 2011 from The Hong Kong Construction Association 21 December 2011
13 January 2012
CB(2)809/11-12(04) Letter dated 10 January 2012 from Hospital Authority 13 January 2012
CB(2)1149/11-12(01) Letter dated 16 February 2012 from Hon David LI expressing support for the positions of the Hong Kong Association of Banks expressed in its submissions to the Bills Committee 21 February 2012*
CB(2)1798/11-12(01) Letter dated 20 April 2012 from the Hong Kong Association of Banks 25 April 2012
CB(2)1812/11-12(02) Letter dated 24 April 2012 from Hong Kong Mediation Council 25 April 2012
CB(2)1965/11-12(01) Letter dated 5 May 2012 from Hong Kong Training Professionals General Union to the Bills Committee 10 May 2012*
CB(2)2186/11-12(01) Letter dated 23 May 2012 from the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (East Asia Branch) to the Bills Committee 29 May 2012*
CB(2)802/11-12(13) Submission from ADR Consultancy Hong Kong Limited 13 January 2012
CB(2)802/11-12(14) Submission from C & L Holdings Limited 13 January 2012
CB(2)819/11-12(01) Submission from CEDR Asia Pacific 13 January 2012
CB(2)802/11-12(11) Submission from Dr James CHIU Shing-ping, Accredited Mediator 13 January 2012
CB(2)809/11-12(05) Submission from Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council 13 January 2012
CB(2)819/11-12(02) Submission from Hong Kong Family Welfare Society 13 January 2012
CB(2)802/11-12(07) Submission from Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers 13 January 2012
CB(2)1034/11-12(01) Submission from Hong Kong Mediation and Arbitration Centre 13 January 2012
CB(2)802/11-12(09) Submission from Hong Kong Mediation Centre 13 January 2012
CB(2)802/11-12(02) Submission from Hong Kong Society of Accredited Mediators 13 January 2012
CB(2)850/11-12(01) Submission from Li & Partners 13 January 2012
CB(2)802/11-12(01) Submission from Professional Mediation Consultancy Centre 13 January 2012
CB(2)809/11-12(06) Submission from Professor Nadja Alexander, Professor and Director, International Institute of Conflict Engagement and Resolution of Hong Kong Shue Yan University 13 January 2012
CB(2)802/11-12(10) Submission from Society of Certified Mediators and Negotiators, Ltd 13 January 2012
CB(2)809/11-12(03) Submission from The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (East Asia Branch) 13 January 2012
CB(2)802/11-12(05) Submission from The Council of Mediation Development 13 January 2012
CB(2)809/11-12(02) Submission from The Council of Mediation Development 13 January 2012
CB(2)802/11-12(04) Submission from The Council of Social Development 13 January 2012
CB(2)809/11-12(01) Submission from The Council of Social Development 13 January 2012
CB(2)802/11-12(03) Submission from The Democratic Party 13 January 2012
CB(2)892/11-12(01) Submission from The Hong Kong Association of Banks 13 January 2012
CB(2)831/11-12(02) Submission from The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions 13 January 2012
CB(2)819/11-12(04) Submission from The Hong Kong Institute of Architects 13 January 2012
CB(2)802/11-12(12) Submission from the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors 13 January 2012
CB(2)831/11-12(01) Submission from The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers 13 January 2012
CB(2)1499/11-12(05) Submission from The Hong Kong Mediation Council 28 March 2012
CB(2)819/11-12(03) Submission from The Law Society of Hong Kong 13 January 2012
CB(2)802/11-12(06) Submission from Tru-Tight & Associates Limited 13 January 2012
CB(2)1540/11-12(01) Written submission from The Joint Mediation Helpline Office Ltd 28 March 2012

* Issue date

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