BulletYear 2011 - 2012
BulletYear 2010 - 2011
BulletYear 2009 - 2010
BulletYear 2008 - 2009


Year 2011 - 2012

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CMI/19/11-12 Review of registration and disclosure of Members' Interests 9 January 2012
CMI/20/11-12 Review of the existing mechanisms of the Legislative Council for dealing with complaints against Members in their capacity as such 9 January 2012
CMI/28/11-12 The five principles of how directorships should be regarded for the purpose of Rule 83A of the Rules of Procedure 16 March 2012
CMI/27/11-12 Review of registration of Members' interests 16 March 2012
CMI/34/11-12 Report on the study of the feasibility of appointing a commissioner to handle complaints against Members 23 April 2012
CMI/33/11-12 Review of the procedure for handling complaints in relation to the registration or declaration of Members' interests or Members' claims for reimbursement of operating expenses 23 April 2012
CMI/39/11-12 Further report on the study of the feasibility of appointing a commissioner to handle complaints against Members 29 May 2012
CMI/38/11-12 Outcome of consultation with Members on registration of Members' interests 29 May 2012

Year 2010 - 2011

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CMI/17/10-11 Outcome of further consultation with Members on the handling of anonymous complaints and allegations reported by the media against individual Members 7 January 2011
AS60/10-11 Proposal for revision of the procurement provisions in the guidelines for reimbursement of Legislative Council Members' operating expenses 7 January 2011
RP02/10-11 Requirements and related arrangements for the registration and disclosure of Members' interests in selected overseas legislatures 7 January 2011
20 May 2011
CMI/92/10-11 Declaration of interest requirements by Members of Parliament in the United Kingdom in relation to the Category of "Clients" 20 May 2011
CMI/93/10-11 Mechanism for investigating complaints relating to registration and disclosure of Members' interests and use of Members' allowances in the United Kingdom 20 May 2011
CMI/94/10-11 Mechanism for investigation of complaints relating to registration and disclosure of Members' interests and use of Members' allowance in Canada 20 May 2011

Year 2009 - 2010

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CMI/17/09-10 Disclosure of pecuniary interests under Rule 83A of the Rules of Procedure 16 December 2009
CP201/09-10 Handling of complaints against Members and their offices under the Redress System of the Legislative Council 16 December 2009
IN02/09-10 Information Note - Mechanisms for handling complaints concerning Members' registration or declaration of interests in selected legislatures 16 December 2009
CMI/16/09-10 Outcome of consultation with Members on consideration by the Committee on Members' Interests of anonymous complaints and allegations reported by the media against Members 16 December 2009

Year 2008 - 2009

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CMI/5/08-09 Advisory Guidelines on Matters of Ethics in relation to the Conduct of Members of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in their capacity as such 20 November 2008
CMI/6/08-09 The procedure of the Committee on Members' Interests for handling complaints received in relation to the registration or declaration of Members' interests or Members' claims for reimbursement of operating expenses or applications for advance of operating funds 20 November 2008
CMI/12/08-09 Background brief on advisory guidelines on matters of ethics in relation to the conduct of Members 2 January 2009
CMI/13/08-09 Background brief on the procedure of the Committee on Members' Interests for handling complaints received 2 January 2009
CMI/11/08-09 Circular on invitation of Members' views on the draft advisory guidelines and the draft procedure for handling complaints and invitation for Members to attend a related briefing session 2 January 2009
CMI/24/08-09 Arrangements adopted by the Legislative Council Secretariat for handling complaints and allegations against Members 21 April 2009
CMI/23/08-09 The procedure of the Committee on Members' Interests for handling complaints received 21 April 2009

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