Item No.Subject
1.EC(2012-13)5 Proposed establishment changes arising from the re-organisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from the date of transfer specified in the resolution proposed to be passed under section 54A of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap.1) the notice of motion for which was given on 7 May 2012
(In attendance: Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs/Permanent Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs/Deputy Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs/Principal Assistant Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs/Head of the Chief Executive-elect’s Office/ Secretary-General of the Chief Executive-elect’s Office/Permanent Secretary for the Civil Service/Principal Assistant Secretary for the Civil Service/Deputy Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development (Communications and Technology)/Deputy Commissioner for Tourism/Deputy Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport)/Deputy Secretary for Development (Works)/Deputy Secretary for Home Affairs (1) & (3))

2.EC(2012-13)6Proposed creation of six permanent posts of one Assistant Director of Housing (D2), one Chief Architect (D1), one Chief Building Services Engineer (D1), one Chief Planning Officer (D1), one Chief Quantity Surveyor (D1) and one Chief Structural Engineer (D1) in a new Project Sub-division under the Development and Construction Division of Housing Department with immediate effect; and an increase in the establishment ceilings in 2012-13 under Head 186 from $520,529,000 by $1,001,580 to $521,530,580 and Head 44 from $678,600,000 by $2,968,140 to $681,568,140 to cope with the increase in workload for implementation of the new Home Ownership Scheme
(In attendance: Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing (Housing)/Deputy Director of Housing (Development and Construction)/Deputy Director of Housing (Corporate Services)/Deputy Director of Environmental Protection/Chief Engineer (Strategic Roads) of Transport Department)

3.EC(2012-13)7Proposed creation of two permanent posts of one Judge of the District Court (JSPS 13) and one Member, Lands Tribunal (JSPS 12) in the Lands Tribunal of the Judiciary with immediate effect to cope with the increase in workload arising from the rising number of compulsory sale applications filed with the Tribunal under the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance (Cap. 545)
(In attendance: Deputy Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands)/ Principal Assistant Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands)/Deputy Judiciary Administrator (Operations) of Judiciary)

4.EC(2012-13)8Proposed creation of one permanent post of Principal Executive Officer (D1) as the Senior Deputy Controller in the Student Financial Assistance Agency with effect from 1 July 2012 or the date of approval of the Finance Committee, whichever is later
(In attendance: Under Secretary for Education/Deputy Secretary for Education )/Controller of Student Financial Assistance Agency)


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