Item No. | Subject |
| Head 706 - Highways
1. | PWSC(2012-13)1 | 61TR | Shatin to Central Link - construction of railway works - remaining works
2. | PWSC(2012-13)2 | 62TR | Shatin to Central Link - construction of non-railway works - remaining works
| (In attendance for 61TR and 62TR : Secretary for Transport and Housing / Deputy Secretary (Transport)1, Transport and Housing Bureau / Principal Assistant Secretary (Transport)7, Transport and Housing Bureau / Director of Highways / Principal Government Engineer (Railway Development), Highways Department / Chief Engineer (Railway Development) 1-2, Highways Department / Assistant Commissioner (Planning), Transport Department / Projects Director, MTR Corporation Limited / Operations Director, MTR Corporation Limited / Head of Project Engineering, MTR Corporation Limited / General Manager (SCL), MTR Corporation Limited / Deputy General Manager (Projects and Property Communications), MTR Corporation Limited)
| Head 708 - Capital Subventions and Major Systems and Equipment
3. | PWSC(2012-13)3 | 15EL | Tseung Kwan O Joint Student Hostel
| (In attendance : Under Secretary for Education / Principal Assistant Secretary (Higher Education), Education Bureau / Deputy Secretary-General (1), University Grants Committee / Chief Technical Adviser (Subvented Projects), Architectural Services Department / Vice-President (Administration and Business), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology / Director of Facilities Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology / Vice-President (Administration) and Secretary, Hong Kong Baptist University / Director of Estates, Hong Kong Baptist University)
| Head 703 - Buildings
4. | PWSC(2012-13)4 | 401IO | Fitting-out works for Government facilities associated with midfield expansion project at Hong Kong International Airport
| (In attendance : Deputy Secretary (Transport)4, Transport and Housing Bureau / Principal Assistant Secretary (Transport)8, Transport and Housing Bureau / Director of Architectural Services / Project Director (1), Architectural Services Department / Chief Electronics Engineer (Technical Support), Civil Aviation Department / Chief Superintendent (Planning and Development), Hong Kong Police Force / Deputy District Commander (Airport District), Hong Kong Police Force / Senior Staff Officer (Planning and Development), Customs and Excise Department / Senior Port Health Officer (Acting), Department of Health / Senior Principal Immigration Officer (Airport), Immigration Department)
| Head 704 - Drainage
5. | PWSC(2012-13)5 | 339DS | North District sewerage, stage 1 phase 2C and stage 2 phase 1
6. | PWSC(2012-13)6 | 353DS | Outlying Islands sewerage stage 2 - upgrading of Mui Wo village sewerage phase 2 and Mui Wo sewage treatment works
| (In attendance for 339DS and 353DS : Director of Drainage Services/ Assistant Director (Water Policy), Environmental Protection Department / Chief Engineer (Consultants Management), Drainage Services Department)
7. | PWSC(2012-13)7 | 379DS | Feasibility study on relocation of Sha Tin sewage treatment works to caverns
| (In attendance : Director of Drainage Services / Chief Engineer (Sewerage Projects), Drainage Services Department)
| Head 705 - Civil Engineering
8. | PWSC(2012-13)8 | 750CL | Study on long-term strategy for cavern development
| (In attendance : Director of Civil Engineering and Development / Head of Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department)
| Head 707 - New Towns and Urban Area Development
9. | PWSC(2012-13)9 | 681CL | Formation, roads and drains in Area 54, Tuen Mun - phase 2
| (In attendance : Director of Civil Engineering and Development / Chief Engineer (Land Works), Civil Engineering and Development Department / Chief Architect (1), Housing Department)
| Head 709 - Waterworks
10. | PWSC (2012-13)10 | 99WC | Water supply to Northwestern Tuen Mun
| (In attendance : Director of Water Supplies / Assistant Director (New Works), Water Supplies Department)