LC Paper No. | Paper | Meeting date |
PWSC(2008-09)37 |
Increase in Approved Project Estimates for 25 Category A projects under construction |
7 November 2008 |
PWSC(2008-09)51 |
Central reclamation phase III - engineering works |
15 December 2008 |
PWSC(2009-10)2 |
Planning and engineering study on development of Lok Ma Chau Loop- consultants' fees and site investigation |
8 April 2009 |
PWSC68/08-09 |
Administration's paper on 735CL - Planning and engineering study on development of Lok Ma Chau Loop : Consultant's fees and site investigation (follow-up paper) |
8 April 2009 |
PWSC(2009-10)3 |
Tseung Kwan O further development- infrastructure works for Tseung Kwan O stage I landfill site |
8 April 2009 |
PWSC70/08-09 |
Administration's paper on 716CL - Tseung Kwan O further development : infrastructure works for Tseung Kwan O stage I landfill site (follow-up paper) |
8 April 2009 |
PWSC(2009-10)24 |
District cooling system at the Kai Tak development |
6 May 2009 7 May 2009 |
PWSCI(2009-10)5 |
Administration's paper on 45CG - District Cooling System at the Kai Tak Development (follow-up paper) |
7 May 2009 |
PWSC(2009-10)20 |
Kai Tak development - advance infrastructure works for developments at the southern part of the former runway |
6 May 2009 |
PWSC(2009-10)21 |
Kai Tak development - infrastructure at north apron area of Kai Tak Airport |
6 May 2009 |
PWSC(2009-10)22 |
Kai Tak development - Kai Tak approach channel and Kwun Tong typhoon shelter improvement works and Kai Tak development - remaining infrastructure works for developments at the former runway |
6 May 2009 |
PWSCI(2009-10)4 |
Administration's paper on 711CL - Kai Tak development-advance infrastructure works for developments at the southern part of the former runway, 469CL - Kai Tak development-infrastructure at north apron area of Kai Tak Airport, 465CL - Kai Tak development-Kai Tak approach channel and Kwun Tong typhoon shelter improvement works and 702CL - Kai Tak development-remaining infrastructure works for developments at the former runway (follow-up paper) |
6 May 2009 |
PWSC(2009-10)28 |
Tseung Kwan O further development- infrastructure works at Town Centre South and Tiu Keng Leng, Tseung Kwan O |
20 May 2009 |
PWSC(2009-10)53 |
Wan Chai development phase II, engineering works |
10 June 2009 |
PWSCI(2011-12)15 |
Administration's paper on Reprovisioning of Cooling Water Pumping System of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (follow-up paper) |
10 June 2009 |