BulletYear 2011 - 2012
BulletYear 2010 - 2011
BulletYear 2009 - 2010
BulletYear 2008 - 2009


Tertiary institutions

Year 2011 - 2012

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
PWSC(2012-13)3 Tseung Kwan O Joint Student Hostel 18 April 2012
PWSC(2012-13)17 Expansion and improvement of Wanchai Campus of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 16 May 2012
PWSC70/11-12 Administration's paper on 28QJ - Expansion and improvement of Wanchai Campus of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (follow-up paper) 16 May 2012

Year 2010 - 2011

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
PWSC(2010-11)36 Research and Academic Building, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 9 February 2011

Year 2009 - 2010

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
PWSC(2009-10)77 An integrated teaching building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2 December 2009
3 December 2009

Year 2008 - 2009

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
PWSC15/08-09 Follow up to meeting on 7 November 2008 7 November 2008
PWSC(2008-09)38 Increase in Approved Project Estimates for ten Category A projects 7 November 2008
PWSC(2008-09)53 Baptist University Road campus development, Hong Kong Baptist University 15 December 2008
PWSC(2008-09)54 Student amenity centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 15 December 2008
PWSC30/08-09 Supplementary information on 49EF - Student amenity centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 15 December 2008
PWSC(2008-09)70 Centennial Campus, phase 1, The University of Hong Kong and Centennial Campus, phase 2, The University of Hong Kong 11 February 2009
PWSC61/08-09 Administration's paper on 54EG - Centennial Campus, phase 1, The University of Hong Kong and 55EG - Centennial Campus, phase 2, The University of Hong Kong (follow-up paper) 11 February 2009
PWSC(2008-09)72 Institute for Advanced Study, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 11 February 2009
PWSC(2008-09)71 New academic building, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 11 February 2009
PWSC(2008-09)73 Phase 8 development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 11 February 2009
PWSC59/08-09 Administration's paper on 26EK - Phase 8 development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (follow-up paper) 11 February 2009
PWSC(2009-10)9 Academic and administration building, City University of Hong Kong 8 April 2009
PWSC(2009-10)7 Centralized general research laboratory complex (block 1) in Area 39, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 8 April 2009
PWSC(2009-10)10 New academic block and student hostel, Lingnan University 8 April 2009
PWSC73/08-09 Administration's paper on 5EU - New academic block and student hostel, Lingnan University (follow-up paper) 8 April 2009
PWSC(2009-10)8 Two integrated teaching buildings, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 8 April 2009
PWSC(2009-10)25 701-place student residences, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 6 May 2009
7 May 2009
PWSC(2009-10)26 Student hostel, phase 4 (700 places), City University of Hong Kong 6 May 2009
7 May 2009
PWSC9/09-10(01) Administration's paper on 23EJ - Student hostel, phase 4 (700 places), City University of Hong Kong (follow-up paper) 6 May 2009
7 May 2009
PWSC(2009-10)38 Extension to the existing University Library at Central Campus, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 3 June 2009
PWSC(2009-10)39 Innovation Tower, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 3 June 2009
PWSC(2009-10)62 Student hostel, phase 3, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 15 June 2009

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