BulletYear 2010 - 2011
BulletYear 2009 - 2010
BulletYear 2008 - 2009

Subcommittee on Combating Fly-tipping


Administration's papers

Year 2010 - 2011

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(1)1338/10-11(02) Administration's paper on updates on the initiatives to combat land filling and fly-tipping activities 24 February 2011
19 April 2011

Year 2009 - 2010

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(1)1026/09-10(01) Administration's paper on progress of measures to combat land filling and fly-tipping activities 3 February 2010
CB(1)1094/09-10(01) Administration's paper on proposal to further enhance the regulation of depositing of abandoned construction and demolition materials on private land 13 April 2010

Year 2008 - 2009

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(1)1319/08-09(01) Administration's paper on progress of measures to combat land filling and fly-tipping activities" 20 April 2009

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