LC Paper No. | Paper | Meeting date |
CB(1)531/08-09(03) |
Administration's paper on progress of the review of Hong Kong's Air Quality Objectives |
13 January 2009 12 February 2009 |
CB(1)547/08-09(02) |
Paper on review of Air Quality Objectives prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) |
13 January 2009 |
CB(1)767/08-09(01) |
Administration's paper on the review of Hong Kong's Air Quality Objectives/The Objectives and scope of the review |
12 February 2009 |
CB(1)733/08-09(01) |
Submission on Air Quality Objectives and their associated health impacts from Professor Alexis LAU, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (English version only) |
12 February 2009 |
CB(1)733/08-09(02) |
Submission on Air Quality Objectives and their associated health impacts from Professor Anthony J HEDLEY, The University of Hong Kong (English version only) |
12 February 2009 14 May 2009 |
CB(1)1562/08-09(01) |
14 May 2009 |
CB(1)733/08-09(03) |
Submission on Air Quality Objectives and their associated health impacts from Professor WONG Tze-wai, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (English version only) |
12 February 2009 |
CB(1)1057/08-09(01) |
Administration's paper on review of Hong Kong's Air Quality Objectives and Development of Long-Term Air Quality Management Strategy |
19 March 2009 |
CB(1)1133/08-09(01) |
Ove Arup & Partners's paper on review of Hong Kong's Air Quality Objectives and Development of Long-Term Air Quality Management Strategy (power-point presentation materials) (Chinese version only) |
19 March 2009 |
CB(1)1314/08-09(01) |
Joint submission from Professor A J HEDLEY, Professor S M MCGHEE, Dr H K LAI and Dr C M WONG (English version only) |
16 April 2009 |
CB(1)1257/08-09(01) |
List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 19 March 2009 |
16 April 2009 |
CB(1)1257/08-09(02) |
List of questions raised by Hon KAM Nai-wai (English version only) |
16 April 2009 |
CB(1)1257/08-09(03) |
16 April 2009 |
CB(1)1537/08-09(01) |
List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 16 April 2009 |
14 May 2009 |
CB(1)1537/08-09(02) |
14 May 2009 |
CB(1)1919/08-09(01) |
List of follow-up actions arising from the discussion at the meeting on 14 May 2009 |
18 June 2009 |
CB(1)1919/08-09(02) |
18 June 2009 |
CB(1)1919/08-09(03) |
Minutes of the sixth Advisory Panel meeting of the Review of Air Quality Objectives and Development of a Long Term Air Quality Strategy on 13 March 2009 provided by the Administration (English version only) |
18 June 2009 |