LC Paper No. | Paper | Meeting date |
CB(2)381/08-09(01) |
Administration's interim reply on the governance structure and grievance and complaint mechanism of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions dated 1 December 2008 |
10 November 2008 8 December 2008 |
CB(2)205/08-09(03) |
Administration's paper on Baptist University Road Campus Development by Hong Kong Baptist University |
10 November 2008 |
CB(2)207/08-09(02) |
Administration's paper on development of a new academic block and student hostel by Lingnan University |
10 November 2008 |
CB(2)207/08-09(01) |
Administration's paper on development of a student amenity centre by the Chinese University of Hong Kong |
10 November 2008 |
CB(2)219/08-09(01) |
Hon CHEUNG Man-kwong's paper on the governance structure and grievance and complaint mechanism of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions dated 29 October 2008 (Chinese version only) |
10 November 2008 |
CB(2)91/08-09(01) |
Letter dated 14 October 2008 from Hon CHEUNG Man-kwong to Mrs CHA May Lung Laura, Chairman of the University Grants Committee (UGC) concerning salary adjustments in the UGC-funded institutions (Chinese version only)
| 10 November 2008 |
CB(2)201/08-09(01) |
| Mrs CHA May Lung Laura, Chairman of UGC's response dated 30 October 2008 to Hon CHEUNG Man-kwong's letter as set out in LC Paper No. CB(2)91/08-0(01) (Chinese version only) |
10 November 2008 |
CB(2)814/08-09(01) |
Letter from the Secretary for Education attaching an updated table showing the original and latest estimated costs of the 12 334-related capital works projects of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions dated 6 February 2009 |
10 November 2008 |
CB(2)219/08-09(02) |
Submission on the governance structure and grievance and complaint mechanism of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions from the Hong Kong Federation of Students (Chinese version only) |
10 November 2008 9 February 2009 |
CB(2)219/08-09(03) |
The University of Hong Kong's response dated 28 October 2008 on the governance structure and grievance and complaint mechanism of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions (English version only) |
10 November 2008 |
CB(2)317/08-09(01) |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong's response dated 17 November 2008 on the grievance and complaint mechanism of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions |
8 December 2008 |
CB(2)579/08-09(03) |
Administration's paper on development of a New Academic Building by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
12 January 2009 |
CB(2)579/08-09(01) |
Administration's paper on development of Centennial Campus, phase 1 and phase 2 by the University of Hong Kong |
12 January 2009 |
CB(2)579/08-09(04) |
Administration's paper on development of Institute for Advanced Study by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
12 January 2009 |
CB(2)579/08-09(02) |
Administration's paper on phase 8 Development by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
12 January 2009 |
CB(2)657/08-09(01) |
Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yan's paper on the non-means tested loan scheme for post-secondary students dated 12 January 2009 (Chinese version only) |
12 January 2009 |
CB(2)690/08-09(02) |
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University's paper on phase 8 development (power-point presentation materials) (Chinese version only) |
12 January 2009 |
CB(2)690/08-09(03) |
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology's paper on development of a New Academic Building and Institute of Advanced Study (power-point presentation materials) (Chinese version only) |
12 January 2009 |
CB(2)579/08-09(05) |
Paper on capital works projects for the implementation of four-year undergraduate programmes in the University Grants Committee-funded institutions prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) |
12 January 2009 |
CB(2)690/08-09(01) |
The University of Hong Kong's paper on development of Centennial Campus, phase 1 and phase 2 (power-point presentation materials) |
12 January 2009 |
CB(2)902/08-09(01) |
Administration's information paper on the non-means-tested loan schemes |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)771/08-09(01) |
Administration's paper on academic and administration building by City University of Hong Kong |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)771/08-09(03) |
Administration's paper on Non-means-tested Loan Schemes for Post-secondary Students |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)936/08-09(01) |
Letter from the Director of General Administration of Hong Kong Baptist University dated 13 February 2009 on the proceedings of the Panel meeting on 9 February 2009 (English version only) |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)936/08-09(02) |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)740/08-09(01) |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong's response dated 21 January 2009 on the governance structure and grievances and complaints mechanisms of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)793/08-09(01) |
City University of Hong Kong's paper on the proposed capital works project to develop an academic and administration building (power-point presentation materials) |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)691/08-09(01) |
City University of Hong Kong's response dated 14 January 2009 on the governance structure and grievances and complaints mechanisms of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)728/08-09(01) |
Dr Hon Priscilla LEUNG mei-fun's letter dated 5 December 2008 enclosing a paper on the establishment of an independent inter-institutional redress mechanism in the higher education sector (Chinese version only) |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)632/08-09(03) |
Hong Kong Baptist University's response dated 12 January 2009 on the governance structure and grievances and complaints mechanisms of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)606/08-09(02) |
The Hong Kong Institute of Education's response dated 31 December 2008 on the governance structure and grievances and complaints mechanisms of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)632/08-09(01) |
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University's response dated 8 January 2009 on the governance structure and grievances and complaints mechanisms of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)724/08-09(01) |
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology's response dated 21 January 2009 on the governance structure and grievances and complaints mechanisms of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)632/08-09(02) |
Lingnan University's response dated 9 January 2009 on the governance structure and grievances and complaints mechanisms of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)832/08-09(01) |
Motion passed by the Panel at the meeting on 9 February 2009 concerning non-means-tested loan schemes for post-secondary students |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)771/08-09(02) |
Paper on capital works projects for the implementation of four-year undergraduate programmes in the University Grants Committee-funded institutions prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (updated background brief) |
9 February 2009 9 March 2009 |
CB(2)771/08-09(05) |
Paper on governance structure and grievances and complaints mechanisms of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)771/08-09(04) |
Paper on non-means-tested loan schemes for post-secondary students prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)775/08-09(01) |
Secretary for Education's letter dated 2 February 2009 attaching a summary of responses from the University Grants Committee (UGC)-funded institutions and the Heads of Universities Committee to the motion passed at the meeting on 17 July 2008 regarding governance structure and grievances and complaints mechanisms of the UGC-funded institutions |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)249/08-09(01) |
Secretary for Education's paper dated 7 November 2008 enclosing the response of the Heads of Universities Committee to the motion passed by the Panel at its meeting on 17 July 2008 urging the University Grants Committee-funded institutions to establish an elected independent inter-intuitional complaints committee (English version only) |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)793/08-09(02) |
Submission on non-means-tested loan schemes for post-secondary students from Hong Kong Hong Kong Federation of Students (Chinese version only) |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)1183/08-09(05) |
Submission on the establishment of an independent inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector from CUHK Alumni Concern Group (Chinese version only) |
9 February 2009 6 July 2009 |
CB(2)1235/08-09(04) |
Submission on the establishment of an independent inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector from Federation of Hong Kong Higher Education Staff Associations (Chinese version only) |
9 February 2009 6 July 2009 |
CB(2)1235/08-09(06) |
Submission on the establishment of an independent inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector from Hong Kong Baptist University Faculty and Staff Union |
9 February 2009 6 July 2009 |
CB(2)1235/08-09(05) |
Submission on the establishment of an independent inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector from Hong Kong Polytechnic University Staff Association (English version only) |
9 February 2009 6 July 2009 |
CB(2)1032/08-09(01) |
Submission on the establishment of an independent inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector from Mr WONG Juen-kon (Chinese version only) |
9 February 2009 6 July 2009 |
CB(2)1235/08-09(03) |
Submission on the establishment of an independent inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector from Staff Association of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (English version only) |
9 February 2009 6 July 2009 |
CB(2)1235/08-09(07) |
Submission on the establishment of an independent inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector from The Chinese University of Hong Kong Employees General Union (Chinese version only) |
9 February 2009 6 July 2009 |
CB(2)1183/08-09(01) |
Submission on the establishment of an independent inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector from the Confederation of Tertiary Institutions Staff Unions (Chinese version only) |
9 February 2009 6 July 2009 |
CB(2)1507/08-09(01) |
Submission on the establishment of an independent inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Staff Association (English version only) |
9 February 2009 6 July 2009 |
CB(2)1183/08-09(03) |
Submission on the establishment of an independent inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector from The University of Hong Kong Academic Staff Association (Chinese version only) |
9 February 2009 6 July 2009 |
CB(2)1235/08-09(01) |
Submission on the establishment of an independent inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector from The University of Hong Kong Staff Association (Chinese version only) |
9 February 2009 6 July 2009 |
CB(2)1183/08-09(04) |
Submission on the establishment of an independent inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector from University of Hong Kong Employees Union (Chinese version only) |
9 February 2009 6 July 2009 |
CB(2)1235/08-09(02) |
Submission on the establishment of an independent inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector from Vocational Training Council Academic Staff Association (English version only) |
9 February 2009 6 July 2009 |
CB(2)1183/08-09(02) |
Submission on the establishment of an independent inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector from Vocational Training Council Lecturers' Union (Chinese version only) |
9 February 2009 6 July 2009 |
CB(2)831/08-09(05) |
Submission on the governance structure and grievances and complaints mechanisms of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions from Academic Staff Association, Hong Kong Institute of Education |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)793/08-09(04) |
Submission on the governance structure and grievances and complaints mechanisms of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions from CUHK Alumni Concern Group (Chinese version only) |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)793/08-09(03) |
Submission on the governance structure and grievances and complaints mechanisms of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions from Federation of Hong Kong Higher Education Staff Associations (Chinese version only) |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)831/08-09(04) |
Submission on the governance structure and grievances and complaints mechanisms of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions from Hong Kong Baptist University Faculty and Staff Union (Chinese version only) |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)831/08-09(02) |
Submission on the governance structure and grievances and complaints mechanisms of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions from Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union (Chinese version only) |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)771/08-09(06) |
Submission on the governance structure and grievances and complaints mechanisms of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions from Mr WONG Juen-kon (Chinese version only) |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)806/08-09(01) |
Submission on the governance structure and grievances and complaints mechanisms of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions from Staff Association of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (English version only) |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)831/08-09(01) |
Submission on the governance structure and grievances and complaints mechanisms of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions from the Chinese University of Hong Kong Employee's General Union (Chinese version only) |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)831/08-09(09) |
Submission on the governance structure and grievances and complaints mechanisms of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Staff Association (Chinese version only) |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)831/08-09(08) |
Submission on the governance structure and grievances and complaints mechanisms of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions from the League of University Unions (Chinese version only) |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)831/08-09(07) |
Submission on the governance structure and grievances and complaints mechanisms of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions from the Staff Association of the Open University of Hong Kong (Chinese version only) |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)831/08-09(06) |
Submission on the governance structure and grievances and complaints mechanisms of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions from the Teachers' Association, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Chinese version only) |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)831/08-09(03) |
Submission on the governance structure and grievances and complaints mechanisms of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions from the University of Hong Kong Academic Staff Association (Chinese version only) |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)790/08-09(01) |
Submission on the governance structure and grievances and complaints mechanisms of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions from the University of Hong Kong Staff Association (Chinese version only) |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)806/08-09(02) |
Submission on the governance structure and grievances and complaints mechanisms of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions from University of Hong Kong Employees Union (Chinese version only) |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)606/08-09(01) |
The University of Hong Kong's response dated 19 December 2008 on the governance structure and grievances and complaints mechanisms of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions |
9 February 2009 |
CB(2)1424/08-09(01) |
Administration's information on the average construction cost per square metre of the capital works project proposed by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to construct two student hostel blocks |
9 March 2009 |
CB(2)1005/08-09(05) |
Administration's paper on 701-place student residences by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
9 March 2009 |
CB(2)1005/08-09(03) |
Administration's paper on centralized general research laboratory complex (block 1) in Area 39 by The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
9 March 2009 |
CB(2)1005/08-09(04) |
Administration's paper on two integrated teaching buildings by The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
9 March 2009 |
CB(2)1214/08-09(01) |
Administration's supplement information on the three capital works projects proposed by the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
9 March 2009 |
CB(2)1033/08-09(01) |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong's paper on proposed capital works projects of centralized general research complex (block 1) in Area 39 and two integrated teaching buildings (powerpoint presentation materials) (Chinese version only) |
9 March 2009 |
CB(2)1033/08-09(02) |
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology's paper on proposed construction of 701-place students residences (powerpoint presentation materials) |
9 March 2009 |
CB(2)1005/08-09(06) |
Paper on provision of hostels for tertiary students prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (updated background brief) |
9 March 2009 16 April 2009 |
CB(2)2229/08-09(01) |
Administration's letter dated 14 July 2009 in response to the Panel members' request in exploring the feasibility of converting vacant Government quarters into student hostels for the University Grants Committee-funded institutions raised at the Panel meeting on 16 April 2009 |
16 April 2009 |
CB(2)1277/08-09(04) |
Administration's paper on development blueprint of the Hong Kong Institute of Education |
16 April 2009 |
CB(2)1277/08-09(01) |
Administration's paper on student hostel, phase 4 of City University of Hong Kong |
16 April 2009 |
CB(2)1425/08-09(01) |
Administration's supplementary information on capital works project to construct the student hostel (phase 4) proposed by the City University of Hong Kong |
16 April 2009 |
CB(2)1336/08-09(01) |
City University of Hong Kong's paper on proposed capital works project to construct the student hostels, phase 4 (powerpoint presentation materials) (Chinese version only) |
16 April 2009 |
CB(2)1323/08-09(02) |
Paper on future development of the Hong Kong Institute of Education from the Hong Kong Institute of Education |
16 April 2009 |
CB(2)1277/08-09(05) |
Paper on retitling of the Hong Kong Institute of Education as a university prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (updated background brief) |
16 April 2009 |
Report of the Review Group on Hong Kong Institute of Education's Development Blueprint |
16 April 2009 |
CB(2)1323/08-09(01) |
Speaking note on future development of the Hong Kong Institute of Education from Mr Michael Stone, Secretary-General of the University Grants Committee (English version only) |
16 April 2009 |
CB(2)1364/08-09(01) |
Submission on future development of the Hong Kong Institute of Education from a deputation (香港教育學院校友關注教院發展小組) (Chinese version only) |
16 April 2009 |
CB(2)1336/08-09(02) |
Submission on future development of the Hong Kong Institute of Education from Academic Staff Association, The Hong Kong Institute of Education |
16 April 2009 |
CB(2)1348/08-09(01) |
Submission on future development of the Hong Kong Institute of Education from the Hong Kong Institute of Education Students' Union (Chinese version only) |
16 April 2009 |
CB(2)1472/08-09(02) |
Administration's paper on constructing an extension to the existing University Library at Central Campus of The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
11 May 2009 |
CB(2)1482/08-09(02) |
Administration's paper on proposed capital works project for constructing student hostel, phase 3 of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
11 May 2009 |
CB(2)1457/08-09(01) |
Administration's paper on proposed capital works project for constructing the Innovation Tower of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
11 May 2009 |
CB(2)1681/08-09(01) |
Administration's supplementary information on the proposed capital works project to construct an extension to the University Library at Central Campus of the Chinese University of Hong Kong |
11 May 2009 |
CB(2)1508/08-09(01) |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong's paper on constructing an extension to the existing University Library at Central Campus (powerpoint presentation materials) (Chinese version only) |
11 May 2009 |
CB(2)1472/08-09(01) |
Hon CHEUNG Man-kwong's letter dated 30 April 2009 proposing to discuss the incident concerning renewal of staff contract of the City University of Hong Kong (Chinese version only) |
11 May 2009 |
CB(2)1508/08-09(02) |
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University's paper on proposed capital works project to construct student hostel, phase 3 (powerpoint presentation materials) (Chinese version only) |
11 May 2009 |
CB(2)1508/08-09(03) |
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University's paper on proposed capital works project to develop the Innovation Tower (powerpoint presentation materials) (Chinese version only) |
11 May 2009 |
CB(2)1457/08-09(02) |
Paper on capital works projects for the implementation of four-year undergraduate programmes in the University Grants Committee-funded institutions prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (updated background brief) |
11 May 2009 |
CB(2)1983/09-10(01) |
Administration's information paper on Taiwan institutions/study programmes offered by Taiwan institutions which had been accepted by civil service for appointment purpose |
8 June 2009 |
CB(2)1727/08-09(03) |
Administration's paper on recognition of higher education qualification awarded by institutions in the Mainland and Taiwan |
8 June 2009 |
CB(2)1737/08-09(01) |
City U Substantiated Staff Union (SCOPE)'s letter dated 25 May 2009 concerning salary arrangements for the Community College of the City University of Hong Kong |
8 June 2009 |
CB(2)1727/08-09(04) |
Paper on recognition of non-local academic qualifications prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) |
8 June 2009 |
CB(2)1718/08-09(01) |
The Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong's letter dated 21 April 2009 concerning the re-structuring of the Senate of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Chinese version only) |
8 June 2009 |
CB(2)1624/08-09(01) |
Submission on the provision of first-year-first-degree places and the role of University Grants Committee in the higher education sector from the Public Administration and Politics Society of The Open University of Hong Kong (Chinese version only) |
8 June 2009 |
CB(2)1824/08-09(01) |
Joint declaration on the re-structuring of the Senate of The Chinese University of Hong Kong from five student unions of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Chinese version only) |
10 June 2009* |
CB(2)2099/08-09(01) |
Submission on remuneration arrangements for the Community College of the City University of Hong Kong from City U Substantiated Staff Union (SCOPE) |
3 July 2009* |
CB(2)2099/08-09(02) |
Submission on remuneration arrangements for the Community College of the City University of Hong Kong from Dr Oswald SIU, Principal Lecturer, City University of Hong Kong (English version only) |
3 July 2009* |
CB(2)2073/08-09(02) |
Administration's paper on redress mechanism for the University Grants Committee-funded sector |
6 July 2009 |
CB(2)2073/08-09(04) |
Heads of Universities Committee's letter dated 25 June 2009 regarding inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector (English version only) |
6 July 2009 |
IN21/08-09 |
Information note entitled "Introduction to the complaint handling mechanism for the higher education sector in overseas places" prepared by the Research and Library Services Division of the Legislative Council Secretariat |
6 July 2009 |
LS88/08-09 |
Paper entitled "Comments of the Legal Service Division on the views of the Heads of Universities Committee on the Establishment of an Inter-Institutional Complaints Committee" prepared by the Legal Service Division of the Legislative Council Secretariat |
6 July 2009 |
CB(2)2073/08-09(03) |
Paper on grievances and complaints mechanisms of the University Grants Committee-funded institutions prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) |
6 July 2009 |
CB(2)2085/08-09(01) |
Submission on inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector from City U Substantiated Staff Union (SCOPE) (English version only) |
6 July 2009 |
CB(2)2166/08-09(02) |
Submission on inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector from City University of Hong Kong (English version only) |
6 July 2009 |
CB(2)2234/08-09(02) |
Submission on inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector from Hong Kong Baptist University (Chinese version only) |
6 July 2009 |
CB(2)2140/08-09(02) |
Submission on inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector from Hong Kong Baptist University Faculty and Staff Union (Chinese version only) |
6 July 2009 |
CB(2)2140/08-09(01) |
Submission on inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector from Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor (Chinese version only) |
6 July 2009 |
CB(2)2138/08-09(01) |
Submission on inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector from Lingnan University (Chinese version only) |
6 July 2009 |
CB(2)2166/08-09(01) |
Submission on inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector from The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
6 July 2009 |
CB(2)2166/08-09(03) |
Submission on inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector from The Hong Kong Institute of Education (Chinese version only) |
6 July 2009 |
CB(2)2204/08-09(01) |
Submission on inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Chinese version only) |
6 July 2009 |
CB(2)2234/08-09(01) |
Submission on inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Chinese version only) |
6 July 2009 |
CB(2)2234/08-09(03) |
Submission on inter-institutional redress mechanism for the higher education sector from The University of Hong Kong (English version only) |
6 July 2009 |