BulletYear 2011 - 2012
BulletYear 2010 - 2011
BulletYear 2009 - 2010
BulletYear 2008 - 2009



Year 2011 - 2012

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)510/11-12(05) Administration's paper on management of fixed hawker pitches at Fa Yuen Street 13 December 2011
CB(2)510/11-12(06) Paper on management of fixed hawker pitches at Fa Yuen Street prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 13 December 2011
CB(2)587/11-12(02) Submission on management of fixed hawker pitches at Fa Yuen Street from Federation of Hong Kong Kowloon New Territories Hawker Associations (Follow-up paper) (Chinese version only) 13 December 2011
CB(2)993/11-12(03) Administration's paper on management of fixed pitch hawker areas 14 February 2012
11 April 2012
CB(2)937/11-12(01) Further submission from Justice and Peace Commission of the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese on hawker fixed pitch management (Chinese version only) 14 February 2012
CB(2)1078/11-12(01) Hon Alan LEONG's letter on the management of fixed pitch hawker areas dated 13 February 2012 (Follow-up paper) (Chinese version only) 14 February 2012
CB(2)1078/11-12(03) Joint submission on hawker (fixed pitch) management from Wanchai Street Market Concern, Justice and Peace Commission of the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese, Concerning CSSA Review Alliance, Land Justice League, Community Development Alliance and Central and Western Concern Group (Follow-up paper) (Chinese version only) 14 February 2012
CB(2)993/11-12(04) Paper on management of fixed pitch hawker prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 14 February 2012
11 April 2012
CB(2)880/11-12(01) Submission from Justice and Peace Commission of the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese on hawker fixed pitch management (Chinese version only) 14 February 2012
CB(2)1078/11-12(02) Submission on hawker (fixed pitch) management from the Federation of Hong Kong Kowloon New Territories Hawker Associations (Follow-up paper) (Chinese version only) 14 February 2012
CB(2)1999/11-12(01) Administration's response to the motion passed by the Panel under the agenda item of "Management of fixed pitch hawker areas" at its special meeting on 11 April 2012 (Follow-up paper) 11 April 2012
CB(2)1676/11-12(02) Joint submission from a deputation (花園街小販臨時工作組), Wanchai Street Market Concern, Justice and Peace Commission of the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese, Concerning CSSA Review Alliance, Land Justice League, Community Development Alliance and Central and Western Concern Group on management of fixed pitch hawker areas (Follow-up paper) (Chinese version only) 11 April 2012
CB(2)1620/11-12(01) Joint submission from the Federation of Hong Kong Kowloon New Territories Hawker Associations and its members on management of fixed pitch hawker areas (Chinese version only) 11 April 2012
CB(2)1563/11-12(02) Submission from a deputation (寶靈街商戶權益關注組) on management of fixed pitch hawker areas (Chinese version only) 11 April 2012
CB(2)1563/11-12(01) Submission from Association for Betterment of Licensed Hawkers on management of fixed pitch hawker areas (Chinese version only) 11 April 2012
CB(2)1636/11-12(01) Submission from Association Hong Kong & Kowloon Licensed Hawkers on management of fixed pitch hawker areas (Chinese version only) 11 April 2012
CB(2)1620/11-12(02) Submission from Ir Peter Y WONG on management of fixed pitch hawker areas (English version only) 11 April 2012
CB(2)1676/11-12(01) Submission from Mr LEUNG Chi-yuen on management of fixed pitch hawker areas (Follow-up paper) (Chinese version only) 11 April 2012
CB(2)1636/11-12(03) Submission from Ms LI Hau-fung on management of fixed pitch hawker areas (Chinese version only) 11 April 2012
CB(2)1636/11-12(02) Submission from Street Design Union on management of fixed pitch hawker areas (Chinese version only) 11 April 2012
CB(2)1676/11-12(03) Submission from The Professional Commons on management of fixed pitch hawker areas (Follow-up paper) 11 April 2012
CB(2)1563/11-12(03) Submission from WONG Kin-san, Yau Tsim Mong District Council Member on management of fixed pitch hawker areas (Chinese version only) 11 April 2012
CB(2)2285/11-12(04) Administration's paper on outcome of consultation and way forward on mechanism for cancellation of hawker licences and management of fixed pitch hawker areas 12 Jume 2012
CB(2)2285/11-12(05) Paper on public consultation on the management of fixed pitch hawker areas prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 12 Jume 2012

Year 2010 - 2011

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)187/10-11(07) Administration's paper on expiry of the Voluntary Surrender Scheme for Itinerant Hawker Licences as scheduled 9 November 2010
CB(2)187/10-11(08) Paper on Voluntary Surrender Scheme for Itinerant Hawker Licences prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) 9 November 2010
CB(2)217/10-11(01) Submission on expiry of the Voluntary Surrender Scheme for Itinerant Hawker Licences as scheduled from Association HK & KL Licensed Hawkers (Chinese version only) 9 November 2010
CB(2)217/10-11(02) Submission on expiry of the Voluntary Surrender Scheme for Itinerant Hawker Licences as scheduled from Federation of Hong Kong, Kowloon and NT Hawker Associations (Chinese version only) 9 November 2010
CB(2)553/10-11(04) Information note on management of fixed hawker pitches and provision of assistance for fixed pitch hawkers at Fa Yuen Street prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (information note) 14 December 2010
CB(2)424/10-11(01) Information paper provided by the Administration on the Voluntary Surrender Scheme for Itinerant Hawker Licences 14 December 2010
CB(2)553/10-11(02) Letter dated 9 December 2010 from Hon Fred LI concerning the management of fixed hawker pitches and provision of assistance for fixed pitch hawkers at Fa Yuen Street (Chinese version only) 14 December 2010
CB(2)553/10-11(03) Letter dated 10 December 2010 from Hon Vincent FANG concerning the management of fixed hawker pitches and provision of assistance for fixed pitch hawkers at Fa Yuen Street (Chinese version only) 14 December 2010
CB(2)2153/10-11(01) Administration's paper on the hawker policy and related initiatives 28 June 2011
CB(2)2434/10-11(02) Administration's reply dated 20 July 2011 regarding the creation of employment opportunities under the hawker policy 28 June 2011
CB(2)1944/15-16(01) Administration's response to the request for information relating to "Creation of employment opportunities under the hawker policy" at the joint meeting on 28 June 2011 (Follow-up paper) 28 June 2011
CB(2)2153/10-11(09) Joint submission on the creation of employment opportunities under the hawker policy from Federation of Hong Kong Kowloon New Territories Hawker Association, the deputations (香港仔天光墟市集小販會 and 西貢漁民艇仔小販會) (Chinese version only) 28 June 2011
CB(2)2434/10-11(01) Letter dated 8 July 2011 from Panel on Manpower and Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene Chairmen to the Chief Secretary for Administration 28 June 2011
CB(2)2153/10-11(02) Paper on the creation of employment opportunities under the hawker policy prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 28 June 2011
CB(2)2153/10-11(16) Submission on the creation of employment opportunities under the hawker policy from a deputation (捍衛基本公民權利小組) (Chinese version only) 28 June 2011
CB(2)2153/10-11(18) Submission on the creation of employment opportunities under the hawker policy from Association Hong Kong & Kowloon Licensed Hawkers (Chinese version only) 28 June 2011
CB(2)2153/10-11(05) Submission on the creation of employment opportunities under the hawker policy from Civic Party (Chinese version only) 28 June 2011
CB(2)2153/10-11(03) Submission on the creation of employment opportunities under the hawker policy from Designing Hong Kong (English version only) 28 June 2011
CB(2)2153/10-11(15) Submission on the creation of employment opportunities under the hawker policy from Green Sense (Chinese version only) 28 June 2011
CB(2)2153/10-11(07) Submission on the creation of employment opportunities under the hawker policy from Justice and Peace Commission of the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese (Chinese version only) 28 June 2011
CB(2)2153/10-11(04) Submission on the creation of employment opportunities under the hawker policy from Mr Bill TANG Ka-piu, Islands District Council member (Chinese version only) 28 June 2011
CB(2)2153/10-11(08) Submission on the creation of employment opportunities under the hawker policy from Mr LUK Chung-hung, Yuen Long District Council member (Chinese version only) 28 June 2011
CB(2)2255/10-11(01) Submission on the creation of employment opportunities under the hawker policy from Mr YEUNG Wai-sing, Eastern District Council member (Chinese version only) 28 June 2011
CB(2)2221/10-11(01) Submission on the creation of employment opportunities under the hawker policy from The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (Chinese version only) 28 June 2011
CB(2)2153/10-11(19) Submission on the creation of employment opportunities under the hawker policy from The Lion Rock Institute (English version only) 28 June 2011

Year 2009 - 2010

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)1265/08-09(06) Paper on review on hawker licensing policy prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (updated background brief) 14 April 2009
12 January 2010
CB(2)219/09-10(01) Letter dated 3 November 2009 from Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth to the Administration regarding issuing itinerant and fixed-pitch hawker licences to the disabled (Chinese version only) 10 November 2009
CB(2)905/09-10(01) Administration's paper on Allocation Method of Vacant Fixed Hawker Pitches 12 January 2010
CB(2)681/09-10(04) Administration's paper on allocation of vacant fixed hawker pitches 12 January 2010
CB(2)622/09-10(01) Administration's paper on extension of the voluntary surrender scheme for itinerant hawker licences 12 January 2010
CB(2)779/09-10(02) Submission on allocation of vacant fixed hawker pitches from a member of the public (楊杜文) (Chinese version only) 12 January 2010
CB(2)681/09-10(05) Submission on allocation of vacant fixed hawker pitches from an organization (寶靈街商戶權益關注組) (Chinese version only) 12 January 2010
CB(2)762/09-10(02) Submission on allocation of vacant fixed hawker pitches from an organization (渣甸坊販商協會) (Chinese version only) 12 January 2010
CB(2)762/09-10(03) Submission on allocation of vacant fixed hawker pitches from an organization (灣仔交加街太原街固定攤位小販權益關注組) (Chinese version only) 12 January 2010
CB(2)762/09-10(04) Submission on allocation of vacant fixed hawker pitches from an organization (灣仔大佛口販商協會) (Chinese version only) 12 January 2010
CB(2)762/09-10(05) Submission on allocation of vacant fixed hawker pitches from an organization (關注天水圍小販大聯盟) (Chinese version only) 12 January 2010
CB(2)779/09-10(01) Submission on allocation of vacant fixed hawker pitches from Designing Hong Kong Limited (English version only) 12 January 2010
CB(2)762/09-10(01) Submission on allocation of vacant fixed hawker pitches from Federation of Hong Kong Kowloon New Territories Hawker Associations (Chinese version only) 12 January 2010

Year 2008 - 2009

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)127/08-09(01) Letter dated 10 October 2008 from the Environmental and Health Affairs Committee of Tsuen Wan District Council concerning the Government's review of its hawker licensing policy (Chinese version only) 11 November 2008
CB(2)375/08-09(01) Administration's paper on the extension of the voluntary surrender scheme for itinerant hawker licences 9 December 2008
CB(2)515/08-09(01) Administration's paper on hawker licence fee and public market stall rental waiver 18 December 2008
CB(2)541/08-09(01) Administration's response on the financial implications of waiving the hawker license fees and public market rentals for one year 18 December 2008
CB(2)515/08-09(02) Paper on hawker licence fee and public market stall rental waiver prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (information note) 18 December 2008
CB(2)515/08-09(05) Submission on hawker licence fee and public market stall rental waiver from a deputation (油麻地街市檯商聯會) (Chinese version only) 18 December 2008
CB(2)515/08-09(03) Submission on hawker licence fee and public market stall rental waiver from Association Hong Kong and Kolwoon Licensed Hawkers (Chinese version only) 18 December 2008
CB(2)527/08-09(01) Submission on hawker licence fee and public market stall rental waiver from Dairy Products Beverage & Food Industries Employees Union (Chinese version only) 18 December 2008
CB(2)515/08-09(04) Submission on hawker licence fee and public market stall rental waiver from Federation of Hong Kong Kowloon New Territories Hawker Associations (Chinese version only) 18 December 2008
CB(2)671/08-09(06) Administration's paper on licensing of tobacco hawkers 20 January 2009
CB(2)708/08-09(01) Submission on licensing of tobacco hawkers from a deputation (煙草梗檔檔主聯席) (Chinese version only) 20 January 2009
CB(2)782/08-09(03) Administration's paper on review on hawker licensing policy 10 February 2009
10 March 2009
14 April 2009
CB(2)1044/08-09(03) Administration's response on the number and location of former "Dai Pai Tong" pitches deleted as a result of the licence surrendered under the Voluntary Surrender Scheme since 1 December 2002 10 February 2009
10 March 2009
CB(2)1044/08-09(02) Administration's response on the number, location and type of open-air bazaars established by members of the public in Hong Kong 10 February 2009
10 March 2009
CB(2)1044/08-09(01) Administration's response on the views/concerns expressed by the District Councils on proposals made upon the review on hawker licensing policy 10 February 2009
10 March 2009
CB(2)853/08-09(02) Hon Alan LEONG's letter on review on hawker licensing policy dated 10 February 2009 (Chinese version only) 10 February 2009
CB(2)782/08-09(04) Paper on review on hawker licensing policy prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) 10 February 2009
CB(2)805/08-09(01) Submission on review on hawker licensing policy from Dairy Products Beverage & Food Industries Employees Union (Chinese version only) 10 February 2009
10 March 2009
CB(2)853/08-09(01) Submission on review on hawker licensing policy from Wanchai Street Market Concern Group (Chinese version only) 10 February 2009
CB(2)1099/08-09(01) Further submission on further discussion on review on hawker licensing policy from an organization (寶靈街商戶權益關注組) (Chinese version only) 10 March 2009
CB(2)1015/08-09(05) Paper on review on hawker licensing policy prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (updated background brief) 10 March 2009
CB(2)1015/08-09(07) Submission on further discussion on review on hawker licensing policy from a member of the public (楊位醒) (Chinese version only) 10 March 2009
CB(2)1046/08-09(02) Submission on further discussion on review on hawker licensing policy from an organization (寶靈街商戶權益關注組) (Chinese version only) 10 March 2009
CB(2)1073/08-09(03) Submission on further discussion on review on hawker licensing policy from Community Cultural Concern (Chinese version only) 10 March 2009
CB(2)1046/08-09(01) Submission on further discussion on review on hawker licensing policy from Dairy Products Beverage & Food Industries Employees Union (Chinese version only) 10 March 2009
CB(2)1073/08-09(01) Submission on further discussion on review on hawker licensing policy from Local Action (Chinese version only) 10 March 2009
CB(2)1015/08-09(06) Submission on further discussion on review on hawker licensing policy from Mr Benny YEUNG Tsz-hei (Chinese version only) 10 March 2009
CB(2)1073/08-09(02) Submission on further discussion on review on hawker licensing policy from Wan Chai Street Market Concern Group (Chinese version only) 10 March 2009
CB(2)686/10-11(01) Administration's information on responses to applications for the new Itinerant (Frozen Confectionery) Hawker Licences 14 April 2009
CB(2)1265/08-09(04) Administration's paper on implementation of concessionary measures for public market tenants and licensed hawkers in the Budget 14 April 2009
CB(2)1265/08-09(05) Paper on hawker licence fee and public market stall rental waiver prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) 14 April 2009
CB(2)1265/08-09(06) Paper on review on hawker licensing policy prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (updated background brief) 14 April 2009
12 January 2010
CB(2)1314/08-09(01) Submission on follow-up discussion on review on hawker licensing policy from Dairy Products Beverage & Food Industries Employees Union (Chinese version only) 14 April 2009
CB(2)1339/08-09(01) Submission on follow-up discussion on review on hawker licensing policy from Local Action (Chinese version only) 14 April 2009
CB(2)1555/08-09(01) Submission on hawking policy from Wan Chai Street Market Concern Group (Chinese version only) 9 June 2009
CB(2)687/10-11(01) Administration's information on the number of prosecutions taken against unlicensed hawkers by trade and by district over the past three years 14 July 2009
CB(2)2155/08-09(01) Administration's paper on licensing of bootblack hawkers 14 July 2009
CB(2)2238/08-09(01) Letter dated 15 July 2009 from Tso Au Yim & Yeung Solicitors to the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene regarding the applications for hawker licences for in-situ operation of bootblack business in Theatre Lane, Central (English version only) 17 July 2009*

* Issue date

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