LC Paper No. | Paper | Meeting date |
CB(2)127/08-09(01) |
Letter dated 10 October 2008 from the Environmental and Health Affairs Committee of Tsuen Wan District Council concerning the Government's review of its hawker licensing policy (Chinese version only) |
11 November 2008 |
CB(2)375/08-09(01) |
Administration's paper on the extension of the voluntary surrender scheme for itinerant hawker licences |
9 December 2008 |
CB(2)515/08-09(01) |
Administration's paper on hawker licence fee and public market stall rental waiver |
18 December 2008 |
CB(2)541/08-09(01) |
Administration's response on the financial implications of waiving the hawker license fees and public market rentals for one year |
18 December 2008 |
CB(2)515/08-09(02) |
Paper on hawker licence fee and public market stall rental waiver prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (information note) |
18 December 2008 |
CB(2)515/08-09(05) |
Submission on hawker licence fee and public market stall rental waiver from a deputation (油麻地街市檯商聯會) (Chinese version only) |
18 December 2008 |
CB(2)515/08-09(03) |
Submission on hawker licence fee and public market stall rental waiver from Association Hong Kong and Kolwoon Licensed Hawkers (Chinese version only) |
18 December 2008 |
CB(2)527/08-09(01) |
Submission on hawker licence fee and public market stall rental waiver from Dairy Products Beverage & Food Industries Employees Union (Chinese version only) |
18 December 2008 |
CB(2)515/08-09(04) |
Submission on hawker licence fee and public market stall rental waiver from Federation of Hong Kong Kowloon New Territories Hawker Associations (Chinese version only) |
18 December 2008 |
CB(2)671/08-09(06) |
Administration's paper on licensing of tobacco hawkers |
20 January 2009 |
CB(2)708/08-09(01) |
Submission on licensing of tobacco hawkers from a deputation (煙草梗檔檔主聯席) (Chinese version only) |
20 January 2009 |
CB(2)782/08-09(03) |
Administration's paper on review on hawker licensing policy |
10 February 2009 10 March 2009 14 April 2009 |
CB(2)1044/08-09(03) |
Administration's response on the number and location of former "Dai Pai Tong" pitches deleted as a result of the licence surrendered under the Voluntary Surrender Scheme since 1 December 2002 |
10 February 2009 10 March 2009 |
CB(2)1044/08-09(02) |
Administration's response on the number, location and type of open-air bazaars established by members of the public in Hong Kong |
10 February 2009 10 March 2009 |
CB(2)1044/08-09(01) |
Administration's response on the views/concerns expressed by the District Councils on proposals made upon the review on hawker licensing policy |
10 February 2009 10 March 2009 |
CB(2)853/08-09(02) |
Hon Alan LEONG's letter on review on hawker licensing policy dated 10 February 2009 (Chinese version only) |
10 February 2009 |
CB(2)782/08-09(04) |
Paper on review on hawker licensing policy prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) |
10 February 2009 |
CB(2)805/08-09(01) |
Submission on review on hawker licensing policy from Dairy Products Beverage & Food Industries Employees Union (Chinese version only) |
10 February 2009 10 March 2009 |
CB(2)853/08-09(01) |
Submission on review on hawker licensing policy from Wanchai Street Market Concern Group (Chinese version only) |
10 February 2009 |
CB(2)1099/08-09(01) |
Further submission on further discussion on review on hawker licensing policy from an organization (寶靈街商戶權益關注組) (Chinese version only) |
10 March 2009 |
CB(2)1015/08-09(05) |
Paper on review on hawker licensing policy prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (updated background brief) |
10 March 2009 |
CB(2)1015/08-09(07) |
Submission on further discussion on review on hawker licensing policy from a member of the public (楊位醒) (Chinese version only) |
10 March 2009 |
CB(2)1046/08-09(02) |
Submission on further discussion on review on hawker licensing policy from an organization (寶靈街商戶權益關注組) (Chinese version only) |
10 March 2009 |
CB(2)1073/08-09(03) |
Submission on further discussion on review on hawker licensing policy from Community Cultural Concern (Chinese version only) |
10 March 2009 |
CB(2)1046/08-09(01) |
Submission on further discussion on review on hawker licensing policy from Dairy Products Beverage & Food Industries Employees Union (Chinese version only) |
10 March 2009 |
CB(2)1073/08-09(01) |
Submission on further discussion on review on hawker licensing policy from Local Action (Chinese version only) |
10 March 2009 |
CB(2)1015/08-09(06) |
Submission on further discussion on review on hawker licensing policy from Mr Benny YEUNG Tsz-hei (Chinese version only) |
10 March 2009 |
CB(2)1073/08-09(02) |
Submission on further discussion on review on hawker licensing policy from Wan Chai Street Market Concern Group (Chinese version only) |
10 March 2009 |
CB(2)686/10-11(01) |
Administration's information on responses to applications for the new Itinerant (Frozen Confectionery) Hawker Licences |
14 April 2009 |
CB(2)1265/08-09(04) |
Administration's paper on implementation of concessionary measures for public market tenants and licensed hawkers in the Budget |
14 April 2009 |
CB(2)1265/08-09(05) |
Paper on hawker licence fee and public market stall rental waiver prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) |
14 April 2009 |
CB(2)1265/08-09(06) |
Paper on review on hawker licensing policy prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (updated background brief) |
14 April 2009 12 January 2010 |
CB(2)1314/08-09(01) |
Submission on follow-up discussion on review on hawker licensing policy from Dairy Products Beverage & Food Industries Employees Union (Chinese version only) |
14 April 2009 |
CB(2)1339/08-09(01) |
Submission on follow-up discussion on review on hawker licensing policy from Local Action (Chinese version only) |
14 April 2009 |
CB(2)1555/08-09(01) |
Submission on hawking policy from Wan Chai Street Market Concern Group (Chinese version only) |
9 June 2009 |
CB(2)687/10-11(01) |
Administration's information on the number of prosecutions taken against unlicensed hawkers by trade and by district over the past three years |
14 July 2009 |
CB(2)2155/08-09(01) |
Administration's paper on licensing of bootblack hawkers |
14 July 2009 |
CB(2)2238/08-09(01) |
Letter dated 15 July 2009 from Tso Au Yim & Yeung Solicitors to the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene regarding the applications for hawker licences for in-situ operation of bootblack business in Theatre Lane, Central (English version only) |
17 July 2009* |