BulletYear 2011 - 2012
BulletYear 2010 - 2011
BulletYear 2009 - 2010
BulletYear 2008 - 2009



Year 2011 - 2012

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)1293/11-12(08) Administration's paper on rental adjustments of Cheung Sha Wan Wholesale Food Market and Western Wholesale Food Market 13 March 2012
CB(2)1293/11-12(09) Paper on rental adjustments of Cheung Sha Wan Wholesale Food Market and Western Wholesale Food Market prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 13 March 2012

Year 2010 - 2011

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)492/10-11(03) Administration's paper on public market stall rentals and air-conditioning charges 14 December 2010
22 February 2011
CB(2)492/10-11(05) Administration's paper on review on the provision of cooked food markets and cooked food centres 14 December 2010
CB(2)1998/10-11(01) Administration's paper on the views of the tenants in the opinion survey on the cooked food markets/cooked food centres (Follow-up paper) 14 December 2010
CB(2)588/10-11(01) Administration's response to Hon Fred LI's letter dated 9 December 2010 concerning the public market rentals and air-conditioning charges which was tabled at the meeting on 14 December 2010 (Chinese version only) 14 December 2010
CB(2)553/10-11(01) Letter dated 9 December 2010 from Hon Fred LI concerning the public market rentals and air-conditioning charges (Chinese version only) 14 December 2010
CB(2)569/10-11(01) Letter dated 13 December 2010 from the Federation of Hong Kong, Kowloon and NT Hawker Associations concerning the public market rentals and air-conditioning charges (Chinese version only) 14 December 2010
CB(2)492/10-11(06) Paper on cooked food market/centre review prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) 14 December 2010
CB(2)492/10-11(04) Paper on public market rentals and air-conditioning charges prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) 14 December 2010
CB(2)1042/10-11(02) Joint submission from deputations (Federation of Hong Kong Kowloon New Territories Hawker Association, 漁灣街市枱商協進會, 北河街街市枱商協會, 紅磡街市枱商互助委員會, 荃灣楊屋道街市商戶聯會, 大埔小商聯誼會, 大成街街市枱商協會, 北角渣華道街市檯商互助委員會 and 大圍街市互助委員會) (Chinese version only) 22 February 2011
CB(2)1042/10-11(01) Paper on public market rentals and air-conditioning charges prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (updated background brief) 22 February 2011
CB(2)1042/10-11(06) Submission from Civic Party (Chinese version only) 22 February 2011
CB(2)1042/10-11(04) Submission from Dr YANG Mo, Southern District Council member (Chinese version only) 22 February 2011
CB(2)1042/10-11(05) Submission from Mrs Ada MAK TSE How-ling, Southern District Council member (Chinese version only) 22 February 2011
CB(2)1042/10-11(03) Submission from Public Markets Hucksters Association (Ngau Chi Wan) (Chinese version only) 22 February 2011
CB(2)1042/10-11(07) Submission from We-Think (Policy Research) Network (Chinese version only) 22 February 2011
CB(2)1144/10-11(02) Submission on public market rentals and air-conditioning charges from Civic Party (Chinese version only) 22 February 2011
CB(2)1144/10-11(01) Submission on public market rentals and air-conditioning charges from Mr Mak Ip-sing, Yuen Long District Council member (Chinese version only) 22 February 2011
CB(2)1574/10-11(01) Administration's paper on its decision to further extend the rental freeze of public market stalls for 18 months until 31 December 2012 17 May 2011

Year 2009 - 2010

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)197/09-10(04) Administration's paper on consultation on the review on the positioning, functions and usage of public markets 10 November 2009
CB(2)197/09-10(05) Paper on consultation on the review on the positioning, functions and usage of public markets prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) 10 November 2009
CB(2)431/09-10(04) Administration's paper on alignment of public market tenancy agreements 8 December 2009
CB(2)688/10-11(01) Administration's paper on the source of each and every clause in the new public market tenancy agreement template 8 December 2009
CB(2)431/09-10(05) Paper on alignment of public market tenancy agreements prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) 8 December 2009
CB(2)520/09-10(01) Submission on alignment of public market tenancy agreements from Federation of Hong Kong Kowloon New Territories Hawker Associations (Chinese version only) 8 December 2009
CB(2)420/09-10(01) Submission regarding the public market stall rentals and charges from a deputation (全港公共街市販商大聯盟) (Chinese version only) 8 December 2009
CB(2)1230/09-10(03) Administration's paper on alignment of public market tenancy agreements and one-off tenancy transfer scheme for operators 13 April 2010
3 May 2010
CB(2)1230/09-10(04) Paper on alignment of public market tenancy agreements and one-off tenancy transfer scheme for operators prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) 13 April 2010
CB(2)1308/09-10(02) Submission on alignment of public market tenancy agreements and one-off tenancy transfer scheme for operators from a deputation (全港公共街市販商大聯盟) (Chinese version only) 13 April 2010
3 May 2010
CB(2)1308/09-10(01) Submission on alignment of public market tenancy agreements and one-off tenancy transfer scheme for operators from Federation of Hong Kong Kowloon New Territories Hawker Associations (Chinese version only) 13 April 2010
CB(2)1740/09-10(01) Administration's paper on suggestion to include a preamble in public market tenancy agreement 3 May 2010
CB(2)1457/09-10(01) Further submission on further discussion on alignment of public market tenancy agreements and one-off tenancy transfer scheme for operators from Federation of Hong Kong Kowloon New Territories Hawker Associations (Chinese version only) 3 May 2010
CB(2)1423/09-10(01) Paper on alignment of public market tenancy agreements and one-off tenancy transfer scheme for operators prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Updated background brief) 3 May 2010
CB(2)1423/09-10(04) Submission on further discussion on alignment of public market tenancy agreements and one-off tenancy transfer scheme for operators from a deputation (榮芳街街市檔戶) (Chinese version only) 3 May 2010
CB(2)1457/09-10(02) Submission on further discussion on alignment of public market tenancy agreements and one-off tenancy transfer scheme for operators from a deputation (大埔墟街市檔戶) (Chinese version only) 3 May 2010
CB(2)1423/09-10(02) Submission on further discussion on alignment of public market tenancy agreements and one-off tenancy transfer scheme for operators from Federation of Hong Kong Kowloon New Territories Hawker Associations (Chinese version only) 3 May 2010
CB(2)1423/09-10(03) Submission on further discussion on alignment of public market tenancy agreements and one-off tenancy transfer scheme for operators from Hong Kong Southern District Public Market Development Concerns Group (Chinese version only) 3 May 2010
CB(2)1309/09-10(01) Administration's information paper on further extension of public market rental freeze 11 May 2010

Year 2008 - 2009

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)474/08-09(01) Administration's information note on the background of the 1998 rental reduction for public market stalls 11 November 2008
CB(2)217/08-09(03) Administration's paper on review on the provision of public markets 11 November 2008
CB(2)217/08-09(04) Paper on review on the provision of public markets in Hong Kong prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) 11 November 2008
CB(2)515/08-09(01) Administration's paper on hawker licence fee and public market stall rental waiver 18 December 2008
CB(2)541/08-09(01) Administration's response on the financial implications of waiving the hawker license fees and public market rentals for one year 18 December 2008
CB(2)515/08-09(02) Paper on hawker licence fee and public market stall rental waiver prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (information note) 18 December 2008
CB(2)515/08-09(05) Submission on hawker licence fee and public market stall rental waiver from a deputation (油麻地街市檯商聯會) (Chinese version only) 18 December 2008
CB(2)515/08-09(03) Submission on hawker licence fee and public market stall rental waiver from Association Hong Kong and Kolwoon Licensed Hawkers (Chinese version only) 18 December 2008
CB(2)527/08-09(01) Submission on hawker licence fee and public market stall rental waiver from Dairy Products Beverage & Food Industries Employees Union (Chinese version only) 18 December 2008
CB(2)515/08-09(04) Submission on hawker licence fee and public market stall rental waiver from Federation of Hong Kong Kowloon New Territories Hawker Associations (Chinese version only) 18 December 2008
CB(2)1265/08-09(04) Administration's paper on implementation of concessionary measures for public market tenants and licensed hawkers in the Budget 14 April 2009
CB(2)1265/08-09(05) Paper on hawker licence fee and public market stall rental waiver prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) 14 April 2009
CB(2)1427/08-09(01) Administration's information paper on closure of Kimberley Street market 12 May 2009
CB(2)1494/08-09(01) Administration's information paper on further extension of public market rental freeze 12 May 2009
CB(2)1715/08-09(01) Administration's paper on public market tenancy renewal exercise 2 June 2009
CB(2)1767/08-09(03) Press release for public market tenancy renewal exercise from a deputation (大埔墟街市商戶協進會) (Chinese version only) 2 June 2009
CB(2)1767/08-09(02) Submission on public market tenancy renewal exercise dated 1 June 2009 from the Environment and Hygiene Committee of the Sham Shui Po District Council (Chinese version only) 2 June 2009
CB(2)1767/08-09(01) Submission on public market tenancy renewal exercise dated 2 June 2009 from the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (Chinese version only) 2 June 2009
CB(2)1715/08-09(02) Submission on public market tenancy renewal exercise from a deputation (全港公共街市販商大聯盟) (Chinese version only) 2 June 2009
CB(2)2155/08-09(05) Administration's paper on public market stall rentals and charges 14 July 2009
CB(2)2155/08-09(04) Administration's paper on the positioning, functions and usage of public markets 14 July 2009
CB(2)2155/08-09(06) Paper on public market stall rentals and charges prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief) 14 July 2009

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