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Year 2009 - 2010
Year 2008 - 2009
Subcommittee on Police's Handling of Sex Workers and Searches of Detainees
Administration's papers
Year 2009 - 2010
Year 2008 - 2009
LC Paper No.
Meeting date
Administration's paper to the Panel on Security on the Police's handling of searches of detainees
9 December 2008
Administration's response to issues raised on the Police's handling of sex workers and searches of detainees at the meeting of the Panel on Security held on 27 October 2008
9 December 2008
4 February 2009
Administration's paper on anti-vice operations conducted by law enforcement agencies in overseas jurisdictions
31 March 2009
Administration's paper on "Report on Stage Two of the Review on the Police's Practices regarding the Search of Detainees"
2 June 2009