Bills Committee on Trust Law (Amendment) Bill 2013 (Agenda) 27 May 2013 |
I. | Confirmation of minutes(9:00 am - 9:02 am) | ||||||||||
LC Paper No. CB(1)1090/12-13 (to follow) | - | Minutes of meeting on 9 April 2013
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II. | Meeting with deputations and the Administration(9:02 am - 9:50 am) | ||||||||||
LC Paper No. CB(1)869/12-13(04) (issued on 18.4.2013) | - | Summary of views submitted by organizations/individuals on the Bill and the Administration's response (Position as at 17 April 2013)
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LC Paper No. CB(1)1089/12-13(01) (English version only)(attached) | - | Letter from the Clerk inviting organizations/ individuals to attend the meeting on 27 May 2013
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Submissions from organizations/individual not attending the meeting
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LC Paper No. CB(1)798/12-13(02) (Covering letter English version only, submission Chinese version only)(issued on 3.4.2013) | - | Submission from The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce dated 12 March 2013
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LC Paper No. CB(1)798/12-13(04) (English version only)(issued on 3.4.2013) | - | Submission from Zurich Insurance (Hong Kong) dated 25 March 2013
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LC Paper No. CB(1)798/12-13(05) (Chinese version only)(issued on 3.4.2013) | - | Submission from Mr YEUNG Wai-sing, Eastern District Council member dated 27 March 2013
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LC Paper No. CB(1)798/12-13(06) (Chinese version only)(issued on 3.4.2013) | - | Submission from The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong dated 28 March 2013
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LC Paper No. CB(1)798/12-13(07) (English version only)(issued on 3.4.2013) | - | Submission from The Hong Kong Association of Banks dated 28 March 2013
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LC Paper No. CB(1)798/12-13(08) (English version only)(issued on 3.4.2013) | - | Submission from Baker & McKenzie dated 28 March 2013
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LC Paper No. CB(1)798/12-13(09) (English version only)(issued on 3.4.2013) | - | Submission from Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce dated 28 March 2013
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LC Paper No. CB(1)798/12-13(10) (English version only)(issued on 3.4.2013) | - | Submission from The Law Society of Hong Kong dated 2 April 2013
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LC Paper No. CB(1)1089/12-13(03) (English version only)(attached) | - | Submission from Hong Kong Bar Association dated 16 May 2013
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LC Paper No. CB(1)1089/12-13(04) (English version only)(attached) | - | Position paper of the Hong Kong Bar Association dated 21 May 2012 on the consultation of detailed legislative proposals on trust law reform issued in March 2012
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LC Paper No. CB(1)1089/12-13(05) (English version only)(attached) | - | Second submission from The Hong Kong Association of Banks dated 20 May 2013
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III. | Meeting with the Administration(9:50 am - 10:25 am) Clause-by-clause examination of the Bill | ||||||||||
LC Paper No. CB(3)357/12-13 (issued on 8.2.2013) | - | The Bill
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LC Paper No. CB(1)700/12-13(01) (issued on 12.3.2013) | - | Marked-up copy of the Bill prepared by the Legal Service Division (Restricted to members)
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Other relevant papers
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File Ref.: G4/55/5C (issued by the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau on 6.2.2013) | - | Legislative Council Brief
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LC Paper No. LS26/12-13 (issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2)678/12-13 on 21.2.2013) | - | Legal Service Division Report
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LC Paper No. CB(1)700/12-13(02) (issued on 12.3.2013) | - | Paper on Trust Law (Amendment) Bill 2013 prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (background brief)
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(A list of other relevant papers previously issued is available on the Legislative Council website at:
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IV. | Any other business(10:25 am - 10:30 am) |