Bills Committee on Inland Revenue (Amendment) Bill 2013 (Agenda) 8 May 2013 |
I. | Election of Chairman (and Deputy Chairman, if necessary)(10:30 am - 10:40 am) | ||
II. | Any other business(10:40 am - 11:00 am) | ||
LC Paper No. CB(3)483/12-13
(issued on 12.4.2013) | - | The Bill
| |
File Ref.: TsyB R 183/700-6/4/0 (C)
(issued by the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau on 10.4.2013) | - | Legislative Council Brief
| |
LC Paper No. LS41/12-13
(issued vide LC Paper No. CB(2)1040/12-13 on 25.4.2013) | - | Legal Service Division Report
| |
LC Paper No. CB(1)988/12-13(01)
(attached) | - | Marked-up copy of the Bill prepared by the Legal Service Division
(Restricted to members)
| |
LC Paper No. CB(1)988/12-13(02)
(attached) | - | Letter from Assistant Legal Adviser to the Administration dated 19 April 2013
| |
LC Paper No. CB(1)988/12-13(03)
(Annexes in English version only)(attached) | - | Administration's response to the letter from Assistant Legal Adviser as set out in LC Paper No. CB(1)988/12-13(02)
| |
LC Paper No. CB(1)988/12-13(04)
(attached) | - | Paper on Inland Revenue (Amendment) Bill 2013 prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief)