Bills Committee on District Councils (Amendment) Bill 2013 (Agenda) 9 April 2013 |
I. | Meeting with deputations and the Administration(9:00 am - 10:55 am) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
LC Paper No. CB(3)358/12-13 (issued on 8 February 2013) | - | The Bill
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File Ref : CMAB C2/7 (issued on 6 February 2013) | - | Legislative Council Brief
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LC Paper No. CB(2)860/12-13(01) | - | Marked-up copy of relevant provisions to be amended by the Bill prepared by Legal Service Division
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Written submissions from organizations/individuals not attending the meeting
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LC Paper No. CB(2)902/12-13(02) | - | Submission from Dfsad Dfsa
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LC Paper No. CB(2)902/12-13(03) | - | Submission from Designing Hong Kong Limited
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LC Paper No. CB(2)902/12-13(04) | - | Submission from the Law Society of Hong Kong
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LC Paper No. CB(2)969/12-13(02) | - | Submission from Mr YEUNG Wai-sing, member of Eastern District Council
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(A list of relevant papers previously issued is available on the Legislative Council website at
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II. | Any other business(10:55 am - 11:00 am) |