Council Meeting (Agenda) 14 November 2012 |
A 12/13-7
Subsidiary Legislation / Instruments | L.N. No. | |
1. | Allowances to Jurors (Amendment) Order 2012 | 170/2012 |
2. | Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cemeteries) (Amendment of Fifth Schedule) Order 2012 | 171/2012 |
1. | No. 19 | - | Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation Annual Report 2011/12 Report of the Directors and Financial Statements 2011/12 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development) | |||
2. | No. 20 | - | Hong Kong Productivity Council Annual Report 2011-2012 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development) | |||
3. | No. 21 | - | Consumer Council Annual Report 2011-2012 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development) | |||
4. | No. 22 | - | Director of Social Welfare Incorporated Financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2012 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Labour and Welfare) | |||
5. | No. 23 | - | Report of the Director of Audit on the Accounts of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for the year ended 31 March 2012 |
(to be presented by the President of the Legislative Council)
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6. | No. 24 | - | Report No. 59 of the Director of Audit on the results of value for money audits - October 2012 |
(to be presented by the President of the Legislative Council)
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7. | No. 25 | - | Accounts of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for the year ended 31 March 2012 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury)
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8. | Report No. 3/12-13 of the House Committee on Consideration of Subsidiary Legislation and Other Instruments | ||
(to be presented by Hon Andrew LEUNG, Chairman of the House Committee) |
(a) | how it will build consensus in the community regarding the implementation of a universal retirement protection system, and of the specific timetable for conducting public consultation;
(b) | when the aforesaid task force will be set up and of the roadmap of its work; and
(c) | regarding the enhancement of the existing retirement protection system, whether the authorities have considered implementing systems such as public trustee for Mandatory Provident Fund ("MPF"), public annuities and "MPF Full Portability", and considered such proposals as combining the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance payments for the elderly and the Old Age Allowance, and made projections of the sustainability of these proposals; if they have, of the estimated expenditure of various proposals; if not, the reasons for that? |
Public Officers to reply | : | Secretary for Labour and Welfare Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury |
(a) | given that the role, functions and composition of District Councils ("DCs") were last reviewed in 2006, and in view of the aforesaid policy direction stated by the Chief Executive, whether the authorities have plans to examine afresh its long-term stance of regarding the nature of work of DC members as a public service, as well as comprehensively review the nature of work and the remuneration package of DC members, so as to reflect their role in district administration and their status as representatives of public opinion; if they have, when the review will be conducted;
(b) | whether it has assessed the importance of DCs as a platform for nurturing political talents in addition to serving the public; and whether the authorities will increase the honorarium for DC members so that more talents who aspire to serve the community will become full-time DC members; and
(c) | whether it has assessed the importance of assistants to DC members in facilitating DC members' discharge of their duties; whether the authorities will increase the Operating Expenses Allowance for DC members to employ assistants to enable them to build higher quality teams to serve the public? |
(a) | of the reasons for continuing to maintain the LER System at present; whether it has assessed the negative impact of maintaining such System on the economy of Hong Kong; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | whether measures are in place to alleviate the negative impact of the continuous price rises caused by the continuous depreciation of HKD against RMB on the economy of Hong Kong; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(c) | whether it has assessed the impact of delinking HKD with USD on the economy of Hong Kong; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and whether the authorities will consider abolishing the LER System in the light of the current economic situation in Hong Kong; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | it has consulted legal professionals or experts outside the Government on whether BSD should apply to residential properties acquired by buyers in the names of companies; if it has, of a detailed list of the names of such persons and their legal advice; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | it has assessed the amount of capital that will flow to places outside Hong Kong for property investment because of the implementation of such measures by the Government; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(c) | it has assessed the impact of such measures on the small and medium enterprises using residential properties as collateral to seek financing from banks; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
Public Officers to reply | : | Secretary for Transport and Housing Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury |
(a) | of the total number of cases received in each of the past five years by HAD and its various District Offices from owners or members of OCs seeking assistance in issues concerning compliance with the Ordinance; the mediation work carried out by HAD on the disputes involved in these cases; the number of cases involving breaches of the Ordinance; and the number of cases in which legal proceedings have been instituted by the authorities as well as the respective issues involved in such cases;
(b) | as some members of the public have pointed out that there are inadequacies in the Ordinance, whether the Government has considered amending the relevant legislation; if it has, of the specific legislative timetable; if not, the reasons for that; and
(c) | of the financial and other resources currently allocated to the mediation service scheme under LT each year; whether it has assessed the results achieved by this scheme so far and compared them with the authorities' expectations; if there is a discrepancy between them, how the authorities will improve the scheme? |
(a) | whether it has offered emergency financial assistance to the injured and the families of the deceased in the aforesaid maritime disaster; if so, of the amounts; if not, the reasons for that; whether it has formulated other initiatives of a longer term to help those victims of the accident who have financial difficulties; if so, of such initiatives; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | of the number of applications received by the "Emergency Relief Fund" under the Social Welfare Department in the past three years, as well as the total amount of grants made and the respective types of disasters involved; whether the victims of the aforesaid maritime disaster are eligible to apply for the Emergency Relief Fund; if they are not, whether the authorities will consider exercising discretion in this case, in view of the heavy casualties in the maritime disaster; and
(c) | whether it will learn from the experience in handling the aftermath in the two fire incidents involving the hawker stalls at Fa Yuen Street and the aforesaid maritime disaster, and consider proactively establishing a standing emergency contingency fund in order to provide emergency financial assistance to victims when major natural or man-made disasters (including air disasters, maritime disasters and accidents of an extremely large scale) happen; if it will not, of the reasons for that? |
(a) | whether it knows the current annual maximum passenger handling capacity and the actual patronage of the SkyPier;
(b) | whether it knows the annual increase in patronage of the SkyPier since the completion of the construction of SkyPier's permanent pier; whether it has assessed if the increase in patronage is satisfactory and the reasons for that; whether the Government will conduct an in-depth study on the growth in the patronage of the pier;
(c) | whether the authorities will consider afresh opening up the SkyPier for cross-boundary services so as to strengthen Hong Kong's connection with the PRD region; if they will, whether they will consider providing cross-boundary ferry services other than those to and from Zhuhai and Macao, so as to avoid affecting the utilization of HZMB upon its completion; and
(d) | whether the authorities will consider expeditiously conducting a comprehensive review on the development plan of Lantau Island, so as to ensure that the development of Hong Kong's south-western areas will tie in with the rapid development of the PRD region? |
(a) | whether it knows the quantity of edible food dumped by supermarkets in each of the past five years, with a breakdown by the names of the supermarkets;
(b) | of the reasons why it did not respond to the above-mentioned question; whether the Government has made reference to relevant legislation on food donation in overseas places to formulate legislation with exemption clauses for food donors (e.g. excluding the liability of the donors in case the beneficiaries feel sick after consuming the food), so as to encourage food donation; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; of the measures taken to encourage more supermarkets to implement a regular food donation mechanism, and to help beneficiary organizations to collect and handle the food;
(c) | whether it knows the details about those major local chain supermarkets which regularly donate edible food to people in need, including the names and number of those supermarkets, and the names and number of those beneficiary organizations, the quantity of food and the modes of operations of the donation programmes; of the details about those supermarkets which are currently discussing food donation with people in need, and the implementation timetables of their donation programmes;
(d) | given that, in its reply to the above mentioned question, the Government had indicated that "The Environment Bureau (ENB) has also particularly contacted the major chain supermarkets urged the supermarket trade to review its practice of handling individual types of food wish that the supermarkets can actively consider collaborating with non-profit-making organizations in different areas. ENB is willing to line up with suitable organization to facilitate such collaboration", of the names of the supermarkets which the authorities have contacted so far; whether it knows if those supermarkets continue to dump edible food; if so, of the follow-up actions taken by the authorities; whether the authorities have taken the initiatives to contact non-profit-making organizations in need to understand these organizations' modes of operations, so as to promote collaboration between supermarkets and non-profit-making organizations; and
(e) | whether the Government has considered providing tax concessions to food donors, prohibiting the disposal of edible food in landfills or imposing special levies for such disposal; if it has, of the details and work progress? |
(a) | of the operation of the aforesaid working group, including when it was formed, the names and post titles of its members, the name of its chairman/convenor, its functions, the number of meetings held so far, ways by which the views of stakeholders (in particular the views of DA recipients and their families) were gathered, its work schedule, the reasons why the review outcome has not yet been announced, as well as when it will complete the review and announce the outcome;
(b) | whether it has examined or revised the current eligibility criteria, including whether a new definition has been formulated for "severely disabled"; whether it has reviewed how far the current levels of DA help the recipients "meet special needs arising from severe disability", and whether the policy objectives can be achieved; and
(c) | whether it has considered developing an electronic platform for vetting and approving DA applications to replace the existing mode of processing applications by circulating paper documents, so as to allow officers to exchange information and process applications via the electronic platform; if it has, of the timetable and options for developing the platform; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | whether it knows the total number of hospital beds, bed occupancy rate, number of discharges and deaths, as well as number of patient days in private hospitals in each of the past 10 years, setting out the information according to the table below; and
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(b) | whether the incumbent Government has modified the policies on the medical services industry and the voluntary HPS; if so, of the details; if not, the latest timetable for taking forward the two policies? |
(a) | given that according to the approved South Lantau Coast Outline Zoning Plan, the entire area of Shui Hau Wan has been included in the "Coastal Protection Area" ("CPA"), and planning permission granted by the Town Planning Board ("TPB") is required for the development of holiday camp facilities and utility installation for private projects at CPAs, whether TPB has received such applications; if it has, of the outcome of such applications; if not, what follow-up actions the authorities will take and the details concerned;
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(b) | of the number of cases of unauthorized developments that came to the authorities' attention in the past five years, broken down by the means through which the authorities had learnt of such cases (including complaints from the public, inspections, media reports and others); the respective numbers of cases in which the authorities took law enforcement actions and the people involved were convicted; the number of cases of failure in restoring the ecological environment to the original condition, the locations of the land concerned and the reasons why the land cannot be restored to the original condition; and list the figures in the table below; and
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(c) | whether the Government will introduce new measures to combat unauthorized developments; if it will, of the details? |
(a) | how the authorities currently regulate the placing of skips (including whether advance application is required), which government departments are responsible for taking law enforcement actions, and how they handle skips which are indiscriminately placed on roadsides;
(b) | of the number of complaints about skips received by the authorities last year, together with the number of traffic accidents involving skips and the resultant casualties; and
(c) | given that under section 4A of the Summary Offences Ordinance (Cap. 228), if any skips obstruct, inconvenience or endanger any person or vehicle in a public place, the law enforcement agency may take action against the persons responsible for placing such skips, of the number of prosecutions instituted by the authorities under this section in each of the past three years? |
(a) | of the number of relevant reports received by the government departments concerned in the past three years; the details of each case, including the name and type (i.e. private or public) of the housing estate, the name of the construction contractor of the building, the size of the cracked and fallen window pane and the reason why it fell off, together with the resultant casualties;
(b) | whether it has any plans to assess the safety of window panes in residential flats, put forward improvement proposals and implement focused measures; if not, of the reasons for that;
(c) | apart from implementing the Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme, how the authorities monitor the materials and safety of window panes in residential flats; whether they have assessed if there is adequate legislation regulating such matters; if the assessment result is in the affirmative, of the provisions and their enactment dates, and whether the authorities have any plans to conduct a comprehensive review of such provisions;
(d) | whether it will consider introducing legislation to prohibit the use of certain types of window panes under specified circumstances (e.g. in flats above a certain storey level); if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(e) | whether the authorities have made reference to and studied the relevant overseas experience and practices, with a view to further enhancing the safety of window panes in residential flats; if they have, of the details; if not, whether they will allocate resources to conduct such research studies in the future; if they will, of the relevant timetable? |
(a) | of the current number of school-age ethnic minorities in Hong Kong, with a breakdown by (i) whether they were born and bred in Hong Kong or have resettled in Hong Kong, and (ii) whether they are currently studying in mainstream or non-mainstream primary and secondary schools;
(b) | of the support currently provided to EM students by mainstream schools; whether the Government will consider allocating more resources to enhance the support for EM students in learning the Chinese language after school, and also consider afresh developing a Chinese language curriculum specifically designed for the ethnic minorities, in order to enable them to learn the Chinese language more easily;
(c) | whether it will provide funding to schools for employing an additional number of qualified EM teachers, teaching assistants or janitors, who will also perform translation work, so as to help EM students at school and improve their learning conditions; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(d) | of the measures currently in place to help EM young people to pursue continuing education and employment, especially those who can read, speak, write and listen to Chinese but are not able to attain a pass in the Chinese language subject in school examinations and public examinations? |
(a) | whether they have investigated the aforesaid incident of suspected unauthorized structure; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | of the details (including the dates, locations, names of the buildings where the unauthorized structures were located, the statutory provisions contravened by the persons convicted, as well as the penalties imposed on such persons) of the cases handled by the authorities in the past three years which involved unauthorized structures in the form of outdoor canvases;
(c) | of the details (including the dates, locations, names of the buildings where the unauthorized structures were located and the reasons for not dealing with such cases) of the cases in respect of which complaints involving unauthorized structures in the form of outdoor canvases were received but not dealt with by the authorities in the past three years; and
(d) | of the measures adopted to prevent recurrence of such kind of incidents of unauthorized structures? |
(a) | of the details of each PRH estate completed over 30 years ago, including the age of the buildings, existing plot ratio and maximum height, the approved plot ratio and statutory height restriction of the site concerned, as well as the average maintenance cost for each unit;
(b) | as the authorities indicated in May this year that they were conducting redevelopment studies on six aged housing estates, of the names of those six housing estates and progress of the studies; of the expected time for completion of the studies and commencement of redevelopment works; as land supply is insufficient, whether HA will expeditiously conduct studies on more redevelopment projects or expand the scope of the existing studies; if it will, of the details;
(c) | given that when the Government launched in the 1990s a large-scale comprehensive redevelopment programme for PRH, it adopted a redevelopment schedule based on a five-year rolling programme in order to take forward the redevelopment programme smoothly and orderly, whether the Government will re-launch a similar programme;
(d) | as some members of the public have pointed out that the launching of the redevelopment of Pak Tin Estate shortly after completion of the improvement works in the Estate is a waste of resources, whether the Government will lay down objective indicators (e.g. age of the buildings) for the Refined Policy for deciding whether redevelopment studies on individual estates should be initiated, with a view to enhancing transparency of the decision-making process;
(e) | as land supply is insufficient at present, whether the Government has any new measures to increase the supply of PRH units; if it has, of the details;
(f) | of the total number of sites on the Application List which had been allocated for constructing PRH or HOS housing in each of the past three years, together with a list of the time when each site was allocated for such development, whether the site was allocated for developing PRH or HOS housing, the permissible gross floor area and the number of units to be built; in view of the shortage of PRH sites at present, whether the Government has studied the allocation of more sites on the Application List for PRH or HOS housing development; if it has, of the progress of the study;
(g) | as the Government indicated in April 2011 that a number of PRH construction projects needed to be re-submitted to District Councils for consultation due to objection from local communities, of the present status of such projects; of the PRH supply in each of the coming five years according to the Government's latest estimation, and how those figures compare to those submitted by the Government to the Panel on Housing of this Council in July 2011;
(h) | as the Government indicated last year that studies were being conducted on a number of sites for medium-to-long-term housing use, among which the preliminary targets for the supply of PRH units for the Development of Anderson Road Quarry and the North East New Territories New Development Areas projects had been set, of the latest estimated supply of PRH units under these projects; and
(i) | apart from the aforesaid proposed long-term projects and projects which have already commenced, of the number of finalized PRH and HOS projects to be launched by HA in the next three years together with the project details, including their locations, numbers of units and dates of commencement of works? |
(a) | of the number of complaints received about illegal discharge in the Tai Kong Po section, the number of nighttime inspections conducted, as well as the number and details of prosecutions instituted by the Environmental Protection Department ("EPD"), in the past five years; whether EPD will step up its prosecution efforts;
(b) | of the number of times and the dates on which DSD carried out stream cleaning work at the Tai Kong Po section in the past five years; whether DSD will clean the stream more frequently;
(c) | as some villagers have pointed out that DSD has wrongly paved the river bed of the Tai Kong Po section with marbles, which makes pollutants easily accumulate, whether a similar pollution problem has been found in streams with the same design; whether DSD will consider carrying out improvement works for the Tai Kong Po section;
(d) | whether the government departments concerned have set any standard on the water quality of the Tai Kong Po section; if they have, of the measures to be taken to achieve such standard, and whether a timetable for achieving such standard has been drawn up; if such standard and timetable have not been set, of the reasons for that; and
(e) | as FEHD has stated in its written reply to the villagers of Tai Kong Po Tsuen that FEHD officers inspected the stream facing 361 Tai Kong Po Tsuen on 21 March 2011 "without finding any hygiene nuisance or mosquitoes breeding problem there", while DSD has stated in its written reply that DSD officers inspected the same location on the 23rd of the same month and "found that the stream concerned was polluted by livestock waste", whether it has examined why there is such a discrepancy in the outcome of the inspections conducted by officers of these two government departments on the same location within two days, and whether there was dereliction of duty on the part of any officers of the government departments concerned? |
(a) | of the number of complaints received by the authorities in the past three years about HCT members being alleged of corruption, the number of cases among these complaints which had been referred to the Independent Commission Against Corruption for follow-up, and the number of convictions;
(b) | whether the Environmental Hygiene Branch of FEHD has a mechanism in place to monitor HCT members' law enforcement actions (such as deploying plain-clothed management staff to secretly monitor if individual hawkers have been targeted at) so as to ensure that HCT members take law enforcement actions impartially;
(c) | whether FEHD has provided regular training for HCT members to ensure their service quality and good attitude;
(d) | as FEHD indicated earlier in a document on the outcome of a public consultation that it had exercised flexibility to allow hawkers to display their goods outside the approved stall areas during business hours, whether the authorities had instituted prosecutions against any hawkers for placing their goods outside the boundaries of their pitches last year; if so; of the number of hawkers prosecuted; and
(e) | whether FEHD will improve its hawker management policy to enhance the business environment of hawkers of open-air stalls? |
(a) | whether it has tolerated the tax evasion arrangement for years; if so, of the reasons for that;
(b) | of the estimated amounts of SD and SSD foregone in the past five financial years as a result of the tax evasion arrangement; and
(c) | whether the Government has any plan to crack down on the tax evasion arrangement by amending the Stamp Duty Ordinance (Cap. 117); if not, of the reasons for that? |
(a) | of the channels through which pet owners or relevant organizations (e.g. pet clinics or companies providing hospice service for pets) may dispose of the carcasses of pets at present;
(b) | of the total number of animal carcasses collected by FEHD's Collection Points in the past three years and where such carcasses came from, with a breakdown by the types of animals;
(c) | of the handling procedures to be adopted and the hygiene requirements to be met by the public before sending the carcasses of pets to FEHD's Collection Points; whether they will be subject to any penalties if they dispose of the carcasses of pets at the Collection Points without complying with such procedures or requirements; if yes, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(d) | whether the authorities or the Consumer Council had received any complaints relating to hospice service for pets in the past three years; if yes, of the details, and how they followed up such complaints; and
(e) | of the laws currently in place to regulate hospice service for pets; if there is no regulation, whether the authorities will consider formulating any guidelines or regulating it through licensing; if yes, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |