Council Meeting (Agenda) 23 January 2013 |
A 12/13-17
1. | No. 62 | - | Legal Aid Services Council Annual Report 2011-12 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Home Affairs)
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2. | No. 63 | - | Employees' Compensation Insurance Levies Management Board Annual Report 2011/12 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Labour and Welfare)
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3. | No. 64 | - | Employees Compensation Assistance Fund Board Annual Report 2011-2012 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Labour and Welfare)
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4. | No. 65 | - | Occupational Deafness Compensation Board Annual Report 2011/12 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Labour and Welfare)
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5. | No. 66 | - | Pneumoconiosis Compensation Fund Board Annual Report 2011 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Labour and Welfare) |
(a) | given that some members of the public and the media have expressed that the aforesaid new regulation on disclosure of personal information will undermine the public's right to know and obstruct media reporting, whether the Government will initiate consultation with stakeholders who have concerns about this issue and take appropriate follow-up measures to address public concerns; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | in the light of the aforesaid investigation to be conducted by The Ombudsman, whether the Government will immediately conduct a comprehensive review on the Code on Access to Information and request all government departments to strictly comply with the requirements of the Code; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(c) | whether the Government will consider immediately proceeding with the legislation on freedom of information, including conducting related research and public consultation, so as to establish a comprehensive legal framework for public access to government information; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
Public Officers to reply : | Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury |
(a) | whether it knows how the new requirement has been implemented, including the number of inspections conducted by EAA, the number of non-compliance cases and the situation of non-compliance identified, as well as the number of complaints received and the follow-up actions taken; given that the new requirement has been enforced for three weeks, whether EAA has considered introducing new measures to promote better compliance by the trade and enhance the public's understanding and awareness of the new requirement; whether the authorities will consider providing the public free access to information on SA of residential flats from the Rating and Valuation Department; and
(b) | given that the new requirement has been implemented first in the second-hand residential property market but the practice of using GFA still continues in first-hand residential property transactions before 1 April this year, whether the authorities have assessed if such a situation has given rise to confusing messages in the market, which may baffle buyers; whether the authorities will consider requesting developers and estate agents to cooperate voluntarily to advance the provision of information on SA and per-square-foot property price calculated on the basis of SA when selling first-hand residential properties; if they will not, of the reasons for that? |
(a) | of the policies and measures employed to prevent the used cooking oil of local food establishments from being processed and resold as cooking oil after shipment to the Mainland or in Hong Kong, which would endanger the health of the people on the Mainland and in Hong Kong;
(b) | whether it has studied the policies of the Mainland, the United States and various European Union countries on regulating the recovery and use of used cooking oil; if it has, of the details, and set out the modes of regulation in various countries in table form; given the extensive reports by the media on the Mainland in recent years and the recent occurrence of the incident of suspected selling of gutter oil in Hong Kong, whether it has studied the need to regulate the matter through legislation; if it has, of the outcome of the study; if not, the reasons for that; and
(c) | whether it will study the regulation of the operation of used cooking oil recyclers through licensing to ensure that the whereabouts of all the used cooking oil recovered can be traced, so as to facilitate investigation and prevent lawbreakers from processing used cooking oil and reselling it as cooking oil, in order to safeguard public health? |
(a) | of the total number of civil servants' cooperative building societies in Hong Kong and the total land area and estimated vacancy rate of civil servants' quarters at present, as well as the projected number of small and medium-sized flats which can be provided upon redevelopment;
(b) | whether it knows if URA will consider implementing a new pilot scheme to proactively acquire civil servants' quarters for redevelopment, so as to build more small and medium-sized residential flats; if URA will do so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(c) | whether the arrangements in respect of the land premiums paid for redevelopment projects of civil servants' quarters are different from those for redevelopment projects of other residential sites; if so, of the reasons for that; if not, whether it knows if URA will consider standardizing the handling of all redevelopment projects of civil servants' quarters, so as to save the time and administrative costs required for such redevelopment? |
(a) | whether it knows the total rental income generated from HS's retail premises, the rate of rent increase, the lease renewal rate and vacancy rate of its retail premises in each of the past five years; the number of retail premises leased out by HS through tender during the same period; the numbers of such retail premises leased to the original tenants and new tenants respectively;
(b) | given that HS's representatives have indicated after meeting with tenants' representatives and me that HS would consider inviting tenancies for some individual retail premises by open tender if the leases have been renewed with the tenants of such premises for a period of time, particularly when other business operators have enquired about the leasing of such retail premises, whether the Government knows if HS has made such tenancy invitation arrangement in accordance with its established policies; whether "a period of time" means the number of years for which the tenants have renewed their tenancies or the number of renewals; when HS started leasing its retail premises by open tender; the factors and criteria which HS takes into account in selecting its tenants; and whether existing tenants enjoy any priority right or advantage in renewing their leases; if not, the reasons for that; and
(c) | given that most of HS's residential development projects received land grants from the Government with land premiums reduced or waived, whether the authorities are aware of and monitor the arrangements under which HS leases its retail premises; if so, whether the authorities have looked into the impact of such tenancy invitation arrangements on the operation of small businesses and the residents concerned; if the authorities are not aware and have not monitored, of the reasons for that; given that in addition to open invitation for tenancies, HS has even leased the entire shopping centre in one of its housing estates to a single operator in recent years, how the authorities prevent the majority of HS's retail premises from being leased to large chain stores ultimately, similar to those under the management of The Link Management Limited, so as to ensure that a diversity of common household goods are available for sale in the retail shops for the choice of the residents? |
(a) | whether the authorities have established a communication mechanism with the relevant professional bodies in the trade and taken concrete complementary measures (such as providing suitable incentives) to encourage practitioners in the trade (including registered engineers and registered workers) to pursue continuing education, so as to enable them to meet the professional qualifications and registration requirements as well as the contractors to meet the registration renewal requirements stipulated in the Ordinance; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | as there have been comments that the lift and escalator practitioners face adverse working environment, unsatisfactory remuneration packages etc., which has led to a brain drain, and the contractors also face various difficulties in their businesses (e.g. price competition, difficulties in quality assurance, etc.), of the measures taken by the authorities to attract more new blood to join the trade; whether they have conducted any studies on the business difficulties faced by the trade and provided them with appropriate support; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(c) | whether the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, being the enforcement agency of the Ordinance, has allocated the resources needed and employed additional professional staff to discharge its monitoring duties; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | of a breakdown of their numbers by (i) the number of eligible members, (ii) the type of rented accommodation (public housing estate or private housing), and (iii) the result of a comparison between the actual rents paid by those households and the maximum levels of rent allowance ("MRA") (set out the annual figures according to the table below);
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(b) | of a breakdown of the numbers of those households whose actual rent payments exceeded MRA by (i) the number of eligible members, (ii) the type of rented accommodation, and (iii) the amount of actual rent in excess of MRA (set out the annual figures according to the table below); and
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(c) | of the median actual monthly rents paid by those households living in private rented accommodation, set out respectively by (i) the number of eligible members and (ii) the district in which they reside? |
(a) | whether the authorities have commenced the study on the enactment of the archives law and the freedom of information law; if they have not, of the reasons for that and when the study will commence; if they have, of the specific scope and progress of the study, the legislative timetable and the plans concerned;
(b) | of the respective numbers of government records (i) appraised by the Government Records Service ("GRS") upon request, (ii) transferred to GRS for further appraisal, (iii) transferred to GRS for retention and (iv) destroyed with the consent of the GRS Director, by various policy bureaux and government departments in each of the two periods from 25 March to 30 June 2012 and from 1 July to 31 December 2012;
(c) | apart from issuing General Circular No. 2/2009 "Mandatory Records Management Requirements" to implement a number of mandatory requirements for records management, whether the authorities had put in place any specific measure to ensure that, during the change of term of government, various policy bureaux and government departments would retain all government records and transfer them to the next-term Government or to GRS for management, and that they would not destroy any government record without the consent of the GRS Director;
(d) | whether the authorities will consider transferring expeditiously records of those closed cases that involved important government policies to GRS for retention and for access by the public; if they will not, of the reasons for that; and
(e) | given that it was mentioned in the Director of Audit's Report No. 59 that, regarding the two salient requirements on direct land grants made at nil or nominal premium in the past for private hospital development, the authorities had been unable to trace in the old records the reasons why those requirements had not been strictly and consistently included in the land grant documents concerned when the decisions on such land grants were made, whether the authorities will consider reviewing the existing practices in creating files and records, in order to ensure that important policy decisions made by the Government and the justifications concerned are put on record; if they will, of the specific scope and progress of the review as well as the plans concerned; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | of the trends on electricity consumption and expenditure of various government bureaux and departments in the past five years, and the 10 bureaux/departments with the highest electricity expenditure;
(b) | whether it knows the trends on electricity consumption and expenditure of various statutory bodies in the past five years; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(c) | whether it has assessed the differences in electricity expenditure of government offices located in different districts arising from the difference in electricity tariffs charged by the two power companies, and whether the Government has set appropriate energy saving targets for offices in different districts in the light of such differences in expenditure; if it has, of the details, including the number of offices meeting such targets; if not, the reasons for that;
(d) | whether it knows the electricity expenditure of those 24-hour data centres set up in government departments and public organizations in the past five years;
(e) | whether the Government will consider providing subsidies on electricity expenditure for the data centres of the "six industries where Hong Kong enjoys clear advantages" mentioned in the 2009-2010 Policy Address (i.e. education services, medical services, testing and certification, environmental industries, innovation and technology, and cultural and creative industries) so as to promote the development of such industries; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; whether the authorities have estimated the impact of developing such data centres on the growth of electricity consumption in future; and
(f) | as there are comments that the regressive structures of electricity tariffs (i.e. lower rates for higher consumption) applied by the two power companies on customers of high electricity consumption have become an incentive for such customers to consume more electricity, whether it knows the details of the regressive rates of electricity tariffs offered by the two power companies to customers of high electricity consumption in the past five years; whether the authorities will require the two power companies to apply a standard progressive tariff structure on domestic customers, commercial customers with lower electricity consumption as well as commercial customers with high electricity consumption when the authorities conduct the interim review of the Scheme of Control Agreements with the two power companies this year; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | of the respective numbers of reports of water mains bursts involving fresh and flush water pipes in various districts received by WSD in each of the years from 2010 to 2012; of the average and longest times taken by WSD to isolate the burst mains after receiving the reports; of the number of water mains which had already been included in the R&R Programme when they burst, pending replacement or rehabilitation;
(b) | of the respective numbers of water mains the replacement and rehabilitation works of which have been completed, are still in progress and are pending since the introduction of the R&R Programme in 2000;
(c) | of the key districts in which the water mains will be replaced and rehabilitated under the R&R Programme from now on until 2015, as well as the total length of such water mains;
(d) | of the locations of the pipe sections at which WSD has installed GSM noise loggers with wireless data transmission capability for the purpose of stepping up leakage detection on water mains, as well as the findings in summarizing and analysing the collected data; whether it has assessed if the measure can achieve the intended results; if it has, of the outcome;
(e) | of the specific measures implemented by the authorities to address the problem of water mains bursts and leaks by means of water pressure management, as well as the progress and effectiveness of the implementation of such measures; and
(f) | whether the Government will introduce new measures to prevent and deal with water mains bursts and leaks; if it will, of the specific content of the measures, as well as the manpower and costs involved? |
(a) | (i) the number of cases granted the Normal Disability Allowance ("NDA"), (ii) the number of cases granted the Higher Disability Allowance ("HDA"), (iii) the average age of those granted DA, and (iv) the number of applications not granted DA, in each of the past three years (set out in the table below);
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(b) | the numbers of DA cases of various validity periods approved by the Government in each of the past three years (set out in the table below); and
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(c) | the numbers of cases in which changes had been made to DA received by PWDs in each of the past three years (set out in the table below), as well as the reasons for such changes?
(a) | whether rezoning parts of private land currently used as right of way or scavenging lane from "Residential" to "Road" use is a normal practice in town planning;
(b) | of the number of similar rezoning cases in other districts in the past 10 years; and
(c) | given that the rezoning of parts of private land as "Road" will make the owners concerned unable to take into account the site area of those parts of land zoned as "Road" in calculating the plot ratio for redevelopment purpose, whether such owners will be compensated for diminution of their redevelopment right? |
(a) | of the details of the residential sites provided to the market by the authorities by methods of land disposal such as auction, tender and lease modification/land exchange, etc. since the financial year of 2010-2011 (set out in the table below);
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(b) | given that the developers of development projects are required to complete the construction of the specified minimum gross floor area and obtain Occupation Permits from the Building Authority within the Building Covenant period ("the period") as stated in the land grant documents or lease conditions, of the details of the criteria currently adopted by the authorities for setting the period; whether developers who apply for and are approved of extending the period are subject to any penalties apart from having to pay additional land premiums (if any); if they are, of the penalties; if not, the reasons for that; whether the authorities had rejected in the past five years any application for extending the period; if they had, how the authorities followed up such cases; under what circumstances the authorities will resume the land; and
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(c) | whether the authorities have planned to set a shorter period in the land grant documents or lease conditions in the future so as to shorten the time between land disposal and the sale of residential flats in the market? |
(a) | of the number and respective names of the existing civil servants' quarters and the total number of flats therein; the number of cooperative societies dissolved so far, together with a breakdown by year of dissolution of such societies;
(b) | given the shortage of land supply in the urban areas in Hong Kong and the need to put resources to optimal use, whether the authorities will consider amending the outdated legal provisions relating to civil servants' quarters, so as to enable owners of civil servants' quarters to sell their flats more easily, in order to release the relevant land lots for other uses; and
(c) | given that some owners of civil servants' quarters have indicated that the existing procedures for drawing up sub-deeds and applying for revocation of transfer restriction are complicated and time-consuming, whether the authorities will review the existing policy to assist the owners of civil servants' quarters who wish to draw up sub-deeds to expedite the completion of the procedures for revocation of transfer restriction, in order to enable them to find a more suitable home early? |
(a) | the number of boarders in special schools in the territory at present and, among them, the respective numbers of those lacking self-care skills and those having complicated and severe health problems;
(b) | the total number of nurses employed by boarding special schools in the territory at present and, among them, the respective numbers of those on day shift and those on night shift (with a breakdown by type of schools); and
(c) | the existing criteria adopted by the authorities for assessing the nursing manpower required by various types of boarding special schools, and the student-to-nurse target ratio (with a breakdown by type of schools); whether the authorities have reviewed the aforesaid criteria and ratio to ensure that there are sufficient nurses in boarding special schools to provide nursing services for the students? |
(a) | whether the Government has currently put in place policies or guidelines requesting government departments to give priority to using local technology products, in particular the achievements of government-funded technological R&D projects, for example, whether it has introduced local technology products for use inside the Government as a pilot scheme and then promoted them among private enterprises; if it has not, of the reasons for that; if it has, whether it will extend the scheme to more government departments and fields;
(b) | as some members of the industry have pointed out that all the local technology-based enterprises funded by ITF have been assessed and screened by experts, and are recognized as having potential for development before being allocated with public funds in support of their development, of the reasons for the Government's lack of enthusiasm in using the research achievements of these enterprises; as well as the plans to ameliorate this situation;
(c) | of the existing measures and plans of the Government to provide support to local technology-based enterprises and help them develop the mainland market; and
(d) | whether the Government has studied ways to further encourage the R&D, application and promotion of green technology, for example, whether the Government has explored ways to adopt green technology in the development of data centres; if it has, of the specific policies and support measures; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | the numbers of reports involving cruelty to animals, the numbers of prosecutions instituted and the penalties imposed on the convicted persons in each of the years from 2006 to 2012 (as set out in the table below);
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(b) | concrete results of the work of the working group (including such aspects as facilitating the cooperation among departments, the number of court cases reviewed and detailed analysis conducted on the relevant cases); and
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(c) | the criteria based on which DoJ determines the appropriateness of the penalties imposed by the court upon receipt of the recommendations made by the working group on the cases in which the penalties were considered by the group as too lenient? |
(a) | whether the authorities had received in the past three years any complaint from members of the public about the nuisance caused by reflected glare from glass curtain walls of buildings (including ICC); if they had, of the details of the complaints and follow-up work; whether there were cases in which the relevant problem was successfully solved; if so, of the details, if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | of the number of buildings with glass curtain walls as the primary design of the external walls among the building projects being vetted by the authorities; their locations and whether there are residential buildings around; among such buildings, the number of blocks or the number of building clusters with a curved design of glass curtain walls, which will thus converge and reflect light to the buildings in the vicinity; whether the authorities will request the developers to amend the building plans of such projects or to adopt remedial measures, so as to prevent residents in the vicinity from being affected by reflected glare from the glass curtain walls of such buildings in future;
(c) | whether the authorities have formulated objective criteria for assessing the impact of reflected glare from the external walls of buildings on members of the public; if they have, of the details of the criteria; if not, whether they will formulate the relevant criteria;
(d) | whether the authorities have considered including light pollution that may be caused by reflected glare from the external walls of buildings in the scope of study of the environmental impact assessment studies; if they have, of the specific timetable; if not, the reasons for that; and
(e) | in the light of the rapid development of society, whether the authorities will include the problem of reflected glare from the external walls of buildings in the study on introducing legislation on light pollution; if they will, of the progress of consultation and legislation; if not, the reasons for that? |