Council Meeting (Agenda) 20 February 2013 |
A 12/13-20
Subsidiary Legislation / Instrument | L.N. No. |
Dumping at Sea (Exemption) (Amendment) Order 2013 | 15/2013 |
(a) | in each year since 2001, of the respective numbers of DNR children born in public and private hospitals in Hong Kong and their respective percentages in the total numbers of live births in Hong Kong, the respective figures on the use of public healthcare services (including the numbers of in-patient attendances and patient days, as well as the numbers of attendances for general out-patient services, paediatric specialist services and the "health and developmental surveillance" and "immunization" services at Maternal and Child Health Centres) by DNR children, and the respective percentages of these figures in the overall figures on the use of such services by children; whether the authorities have assessed the demand for the various aforesaid healthcare services by DNR children in the next five years, and its impact on the use of these services by local children; if they have not assessed, whether the authorities will conduct assessments on a regular basis; |
(b) | of the respective numbers of DNR children admitted by kindergartens and primary schools in Hong Kong for each grade in the past five years, their respective percentages in the total numbers of students, and the estimated figures in the next five years; and
(c) | as it has been reported that notwithstanding a significant decrease in the number of cases of DNRP women giving birth in Hong Kong following the implementation of the zero quota policy by the Government in 2013, some intermediaries still arrange for DNRP women to give birth in Hong Kong through various means, and some mainland web sites claim that they can make advance booking of beds for DNRP women to give birth in private hospitals in Hong Kong this year, whether the Government will further step up the relevant administrative measures to address the problem? |
Public Officers to reply | : | Secretary for Food and Health Secretary for Education |
(a) | whether it has plan to grant additional subsidies to schools for purchasing electronic teaching materials as well as computer software and hardware, gearing for the needs in implementing e-learning; whether it has assessed the effectiveness of the Education Bureau One-Stop Portal for Learning and Teaching Resources specially designed for teachers since its launch in May 2012; if it has assessed, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; whether the Government has plan to set up funds to encourage all sectors in the community to develop "Creative Commons contents" and to make such materials available in the public domain on the Internet for teachers and students to use free of charge as they wish; if it has such plan, of the details and the implementation timetable; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | whether the authorities will allocate additional resources to schools for procuring of computer and wireless network equipment of more advanced models, and for upgrading the bandwidth of Internet access services, so as to cope with the massive data traffic when a large number of students go online at the same time, gearing to the promotion of e-learning; if they will, of the details and the implementation timetable; if not, the reasons for that; and
(c) | given some comments that the digital divide created by some students not having e-learning equipment will make such students unable to enjoy equal learning opportunities with other students, and that there are also "one computer per student" programmes in foreign countries to provide financial support to students in need, whether the Government has plan to subsidize students from grass-roots and poor families to buy notebook or tablet computers; if so, of the details and implementation timetable of the plan; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | whether any appropriate regulation of advertisements promoting no-income-proof loans is currently in place, or whether lending institutions are required to set upper limits on the amounts of no-income-proof loans provided for students or young people aged below 25; if so, of the details; if not, whether the authorities will consider enacting relevant legislation to prevent students or young people from inadvertently falling into such recruitment and lending traps;
(b) | whether the authorities have compiled statistics on the number of cases of students and young people aged below 25 borrowing no-income-proof loans from finance companies in the past five years, the total amount of loans involved and the average interest rate of such loans; if they have compiled such statistics, of the details; if not, whether the authorities will compile relevant statistics to evaluate the severity of the problem; if they will not, of the reasons for that; whether the authorities can list the number of complaints similar to the aforesaid cases received from such students and young people in the past five years, the total amount of loans involved and the average interest rate of such loans, broken down by the lending institutions involved; and
(c) | whether there are measures in place to ensure that lending institutions will explain clearly to borrowers the interest rates of loans and the various repayment details, and that the loans will be considered as confirmed only after both parties have signed the documents; if there are, of the details of the measures; if not, whether the authorities will formulate such measures? |
(a) | of the respective numbers of cases of making false declarations of household income and assets, leaving PRH flats vacant, illegal sub-letting of flats and other kinds of abuse of PRH resources in the past three years;
(b) | given that the 2013 Policy Address has mentioned that the "Housing Department will step up its efforts to combat the abuse of PRH resources", whether the Government has formulated tougher measures to combat the abuse of PRH resources; if it has, of the anticipated effectiveness of such measures; and
(c) | regarding those PRH tenants whose household incomes have far exceeded WLIL and therefore can afford to rent private housing, whether the authorities will consider demanding them to vacate and surrender their PRH flats, so as to expedite the allocation of PRH flats to people who are currently on WL, thereby ensuring a rational allocation of PRH resources? |
(a) | the number of incidents of patients being sexually assaulted which occurred in the general wards and psychiatric wards of each public hospital in each of the past five years (set out in table form); whether public hospitals have guidelines and mechanism for handling incidents of patients being sexually assaulted; if they have, of the contents; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | whether the Hospital Authority ("HA") has reviewed the management, operation, monitoring facilities and staffing arrangements of the wards of public hospitals, so as to prevent the recurrence of sexual assault incidents within hospitals as well as to protect the rights and dignity of patients; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(c) | HA's procedures for handling complaints lodged by hospital staff about hospital matters and whether such complaints are merely referred back to the staff's serving hospitals eventually for handling by themselves; if so, of the reasons for that; and whether there is any mechanism to ensure that hospitals will not find fault with the staff who have lodged complaints; if there is such a mechanism, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | of the respective patronage of the East Rail Line and Ma On Shan Line and, among such figures, the respective numbers of passengers travelling to and those not travelling to Lo Wu and Lok Ma Chau Control Points, in the past five years; whether it knows why MTRCL did not increase the train trips of the two railway lines last year, as well as whether MTRCL has assessed if the train compartments of the two railway lines are overcrowded during peak hours and if the existing train trips can meet the demand; if MTRCL has assessed, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | of the respective patronage of KMB throughout the territory and in the North District in the past five years; the 10 most patronized bus routes in the North District and the respective average patronage of these routes; apart from the trial run of restructuring the bus routes in the North District, the other specific plans of KMB (such as increasing bus trips and adding bus routes) to ameliorate the inadequacy of bus services between the North District and urban areas; and
(c) | of the existing mechanisms which the Transport Department ("TD") has in place for co-ordinating the services provided by the various public transport operators for residents in NTE (particularly the North District); whether TD has plans to conduct in this year passengers' satisfaction surveys on the services provided by public transport operators; given NTE's rising population, whether the authorities will request the public transport operators to provide the residents with more convenient and diversified services according to the actual situations? |
(a) | given the reports that some shop operators hoarded goods and sold them at higher prices to visitors from the Mainland, rendering local residents unable to buy daily necessities at normal prices, of the authorities' measures to combat such trade practices;
(b) | whether it has assessed the impact on the livelihood of Hong Kong residents brought about by the change in the pattern of PRD residents spending in Hong Kong from occasional tourism to frequent visits for daily consumption spending, as proposed by the Chief Executive; whether the Government is implementing the proposal; and
(c) | given that some members of the public have relayed that the current situation has deviated from the policy intent of the "multiple-entry permits", but the Secretary for Security has said that it is not feasible to cancel the policy across the board, of his specific justifications; whether the authorities will consider discussing with the mainland authorities concerned to revise the policy on "multiple-entry permits" in order to alleviate the problems of nuisance and imbalance in the supply of and demand for daily necessities caused by parallel traders' shopping in Hong Kong? |
(a) | of the general response time for the eight fireboats and speed boats currently in Hong Kong to arrive at various typhoon shelters, sea bays and water areas from their respective berths (set out in the table below, and put a mark "/" for areas beyond their service area);
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(b) | given that in the blaze it took as long as about 20 and 40 minutes respectively for the first speed boat and fireboat to arrive at the fire scene after the call, whether it has assessed if this situation was one of the reasons for the ravaging or sinking of the vessels; if the assessment outcome is in the affirmative, whether it will conduct any review and what are the details of such review; if it has not, of the reasons for that;
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(c) | given that some fishermen have relayed that in the blaze the water pressure of the fire hoses on the speed boats was even weaker than that from the hoses of water supply vessels, rendering it difficult to put out the fires expeditiously, and electronic system failure has happened in some fireboats in the past, whether the Fire Services Department ("FSD") will conduct a comprehensive review on the equipment of the fireboats and speed boats; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
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(d) | given the increased fire hazards during the fishing moratorium in the South China Sea and some festivities (e.g. the Lunar New Year, Tin Hau Festival as well as the Spring and Autumn Ancestral Offerings Ceremonies) when a large number of fishing vessels return to berth at the typhoon shelters, whether FSD will put in place fire-fighting measures which are more effective (e.g. deploying fireboats to station at various typhoon shelters and sea bays round-the-clock) or other measures before the next peak season when fishing vessels return to berth, with a view to preventing the spread of vessel fires at typhoon shelters; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
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(e) | given that some fishermen have relayed that fireboats are not stationed at typhoon shelters at present, save for the Aberdeen and Cheung Chau typhoon shelters, and Fireboat 5 berthed at Tuen Mun River Trade Terminal even has to service the water areas of the entire New Territory West, rendering some sea bays and typhoon shelters beyond the reach of fireboats, thus jeopardizing the safety of the vessels, whether the authorities will purchase more fireboats of newer models and set up a "fireboat fire station" at each sea bay and typhoon shelter and deploy at least one fireboat to station at each sea bay and typhoon shelter; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | of the chemical substances emitted from the discharge of fireworks; which of them are air pollutants;
(b) | of the impact of such pollutants on public health;
(c) | how it measures the quantity of pollutants emitted from the discharge of fireworks; of the respective quantities of pollutants emitted from the National Day Fireworks Display held on 1 October 2012 (which lasted for about 23 minutes) and the New Year's Eve Countdown Pyrotechnic Show held on 31 December 2012; and whether it has calculated the total quantity of pollutants emitted from the discharge of fireworks at the Hong Kong Disneyland in 2012; if it has, of the results; and
(d) | whether the authorities will consider reducing the frequency of fireworks displays and stepping up regulation of such activities, so as to reduce the emission of pollutants; if they will, of the implementation timetable; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | of the respective current numbers of elderly persons belonging to the age groups of 65 to 69 and 70 or above, broken down by the 18 District Council districts ("18 districts"); the respective projected numbers of elderly persons belonging to these age groups in each of the coming five years;
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(b) | of the annual numbers of elderly persons who used Health Care Vouchers since the Pilot Scheme was launched, broken down by 18 districts, as well as their percentages in the total number of eligible elderly persons in the respective years;
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(c) | of the current number of healthcare service providers enrolled in the Pilot Scheme, with a breakdown of the number of practices of such healthcare service providers by 18 districts and the 10 healthcare professions participating in the Pilot Scheme (set out in the table below);
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(d) | of the number of healthcare service providers who have withdrawn from the Pilot Scheme, and whether it knows the reasons for their withdrawal;
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(e) | whether it has compiled statistics on the number of elderly persons who used up all the Health Care Vouchers in one go in each year since the Pilot Scheme was launched; if it has, of the figures; if not, the reasons for that;
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(f) | whether it has put in place any mechanism for compiling statistics on the average service charges of the various healthcare professions concerned, so as to assess whether the value of the Health Care Vouchers is sufficient for paying the relevant service charges; if it has, of the details of the mechanism and the respective average service charges of the healthcare professions concerned; if not, the reasons for that; and
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(g) | as the authorities indicated at the meeting of this Council's Panel on Health Services held on 19 November 2012 that "the authorities would continue to review the effectiveness of the Health Care Voucher Scheme including the eligible age", when the review will be completed and the results published; of the major factors to be taken into account by the authorities, apart from the financial implications, when they consider whether the eligible age will be lowered? |
(a) | of the specific length of the cooperation period under the trial arrangement, the target number of referrals, the number of injured employees receiving the services in each year since 2006, the specific details of the services (e.g. medical assessment and diagnosis, medical rehabilitation treatment, occupational rehabilitation service, case management and coordination for employees' return to work), the fees involved, and whether LD has interviewed the injured employees to understand their views on the services, etc.;
(b) | whether all injured employees may receive medical and rehabilitation services at the aforesaid three occupational medicine/care service clinics at present, without the need to wait for such services alongside other members of the public; and
(c) | whether the Government will consider following the practice of overseas countries and collecting levies on the premium of employees' compensation insurance policies for setting up several occupational medicine/care service clinics to provide medical treatment, medical rehabilitation, occupational rehabilitation and rehabilitation case management services for injured employees, so as to help them receive proper treatment and return to work as soon as practicable? |
(a) | whether the Government will strengthen the functions and business role of the overseas Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices ("ETOs"), including negotiating with foreign governments under the G2G approach in promoting business development, so as to more proactively assist Hong Kong businessmen in tapping business opportunities abroad;
(b) | whether the authorities will regularly review the need to set up new ETOs in regions with potential for tapping business opportunities in emerging markets; if they will, of the specific ideas, as well as when they will conduct such a review; and
(c) | facing the speedy development of the surrounding economies, how the Government will assist Hong Kong businessmen in facing competition and developing new strengths? |
(a) | the number of residential flats that have been/can be provided from each of the aforesaid sources each year since 2009-2010 (set out in the table below);
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(b) | the number of development projects involved in the land for private housing supplied from each of the aforesaid sources each year since 2009-2010; among these development projects, the respective numbers of those which have been completed, are in progress, and have not yet commenced works; the completion date/anticipated completion date of each development project and the number of residential flats that have been/can be provided; and
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(c) | the measures taken by the authorities to make the development projects mentioned in (b) which have not yet commenced works to commence works expeditiously and make developers put up the flats for sale in the market as soon as possible? |
(a) | among the torture claims received in each of the past three years, of the respective numbers of those which (i) had been processed, (ii) are currently outstanding, and (iii) had been withdrawn, with a breakdown by country of origin of the claimants, set out in the table below;
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(b) | in each of the past three years, of the respective numbers of claimants (i) who had submitted the aforesaid questionnaire, (ii) whose claims had been rejected after the questionnaire stage, (iii) who had proceeded to the interview stage, (iv) whose claims had been rejected after the interview stage, (v) who had lodged petitions, and (vi) whose petitions had been rejected;
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(c) | of a breakdown of the torture claims which were rejected in the past three years by reason for rejection; and
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(d) | among the claimants who had submitted torture claims in each of the past three years, of (i) the number of claimants who had departed from Hong Kong voluntarily, and (ii) the number of claimants who were deported, with a breakdown by country of origin (same as those set out in the table in (a) above) of the claimants, set out in the table below?
(a) | the respective numbers and percentages of MPF accounts from which accrued benefits were withdrawn for different reasons in each year from 2001 to 2012, and the amounts of money involved (set out in tables of the same format as Table 1);
(Table 1) Year: ____
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(b) | the number of MPF accounts from which accrued benefits were withdrawn for the offsetting arrangement (i.e. to offset SP or LSP) in each year from 2001 to 2012 (set out in tables of the same format as Table 2);
(Table 2) Year: ____
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(c) | a breakdown on the number of employees by the total number of times that the accrued benefits in the various MPF accounts held under the name of an employee were withdrawn for the offsetting arrangement from 2001 to 2012 (set out in Table 3);
(Table 3)
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(d) | a breakdown on the number of employees whose MPF accounts' accrued benefits were withdrawn for the offsetting arrangement in each year from 2001 to 2012, by (i) the age group to which the employees belong, (ii) the income range of employees, (iii) the industry sector to which the employees belong, and (iv) the amount of the balance of the accrued benefits derived from employer's contributions in the MPF account after the offsetting arrangement (set out separately in Tables 4 to 7); if the above information is unavailable, whether the authorities will consider setting up such database;
(Table 4)
(Table 5)
(Table 6)
(Table 7)
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(e) | the number of MPF accounts of government employees from which accrued benefits were withdrawn for the offsetting arrangement from 2001 to 2012, the number of employees involved, as well as the total amount of money and the government departments involved; and
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(f) | given that the Chief Executive has indicated in the 2013 Policy Address that "to further increase employees' autonomy in selecting their MPF schemes, the MPFA [Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority] is studying the necessary measures for the implementation of Full Portability, such as studies on establishing a central database and arrangements for 'one-member-two-accounts'", whether the authorities have considered abolishing the offsetting arrangement as early as possible to tie in with the implementation of Full Portability; if they have, of the details and the implementation timetable; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | the respective numbers and percentages of non-JUPAS students among the first year students of undergraduate programmes admitted by the eight UGC-funded institutions in each of the past three years; and among the non-JUPAS students, the respective numbers and percentages of local students and those who came from Mainland China, other regions in Asia and regions outside Asia;
(b) | among the students admitted in the 2012-2013 academic year to the undergraduate programmes, (i) the average and lowest scores attained in overseas public examinations by local non-JUPAS students, and (ii) the average and lowest scores attained in HKDSE Examination and HKALE by local JUPAS students, broken down by UGC-funded institution and by faculty; how the UGC-funded institutions compare the academic attainments of these two categories of students; and
(c) | the justifications for UGC-funded institutions allowing local students to apply for their programmes using results from overseas public examinations; whether the local non-JUPAS students are categorized as international students; whether the authorities will review if the criteria of this admission scheme are fair and if such admission scheme should continue to be used? |
(a) | of the number of well-off tenants and its percentage in the total number of PRH tenants as at end of January 2013, together with a breakdown by the rent payable by them, namely the 1.5 times rent, double rent and market rent;
(b) | of the respective numbers of cases in which flat visits were conducted by HD to inspect if PRH flats were misused in each of the past five years, and among them, the number of cases referred to a Central Team for in-depth investigation and the number of cases in which the flats were recovered ultimately;
(c) | of the respective numbers of PRH tenants who purchased Home Ownership Scheme ("HOS") flats from HA in each of the past five years; during the same period, the number of PRH tenants who purchased HOS flats in the HOS Secondary Market and the percentage of such transactions in the total number of transactions in that market; and
(d) | whether the Government will review the existing policy and provide incentives to encourage those PRH tenants who no longer need subsidized housing to vacate and surrender their flats, with a view to expediting the turnover of PRH flats and ensuring rational allocation of PRH resources? |
(a) | of the number of complaints received by the authorities concerned from members of the public relating to telecommunications service contracts in each of the past five years, and the top five types of telecommunications services with the highest numbers of complaints received as well as the number of complaints for each of the services;
(b) | of the procedures of the authorities concerned for handling complaints relating to telecommunications service contracts; whether the telecommunications service operators who have been found after investigation to be in breach of the Code will be punished; if so, of the punishment imposed on them since the implementation of the Code;
(c) | whether the authorities have assessed the effectiveness of the Code; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; whether they will conduct a comprehensive review of the Code, including extending the coverage of the cooling-off period (no less than seven days) provision required to be specified in unsolicited contracts, so as to further protect consumers of their rights; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(d) | as there are comments that, at present, the procedures drawn up by telecommunications service operators for entering into service contracts are very simple and convenient (e.g. the procedures can be completed by telephone), but the procedures for termination of contracts are very cumbersome (e.g. termination of contracts must be in writing), whether the authorities will consider formulating policies concerning such situation of "being easy to enter into contracts, but difficult to terminate them", so as to protect consumers of their rights; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | of the details and current progress of the aforesaid survey, as well as the expected time for publishing the survey findings; whether the authorities will, upon completion of the survey, examine afresh the recognition of sick leave certificates issued by chiropractors under labour legislation; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | as the Government has indicated that "HA will consider new services and facilities in response to the demand of the public for different healthcare services", whether it knows if HA has clear criteria and indicators for determining what new public healthcare services are to be introduced; if so, of the details, and whether HA has assessed if public demand for chiropractor service is on the rise; if the assessment result is in the affirmative, whether HA will consider afresh the introduction of public chiropractor service; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(c) | whether the authorities have actively promoted the recognition of sick leave certificates issued by chiropractors under labour legislation (e.g. helping or encouraging the Chiropractors Council to expeditiously implement a system for maintaining medical records and to draw up guidelines for issuance of sick leave certificates, etc.), so that patients in need of chiropractic treatments will not be deterred from seeking such treatments by the non-recognition of sick leave certificates issued by chiropractors, and so as to promote the development of chiropractor service; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | whether it knows the number of assessment applications received by HKCAAVQ from holders of Taiwanese educational qualifications each year between 2008 and 2012; among such applications, the number and percentage of cases in which the educational qualifications concerned had been assessed as comparable to the level of their counterparts in Hong Kong; of the respective numbers of applications for review of HKCAAVQ's determinations and unsuccessful reviews (set out in the table below);
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(b) | whether it knows which Mainland and Taiwanese universities and their programmes the educational qualifications awarded by which to Hong Kong graduates have been assessed by HKCAAVQ as comparable to the level of their counterparts in Hong Kong;
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(c) | given that quite a number of Hong Kong students planning to study in the Mainland or Taiwan wish to know, before deciding on their further studies, if the universities and programmes in which they are inclined to study are recognized in Hong Kong, whether the authorities will demand HKCAAVQ to regularly publish the information in (b); if they will, of the time and channels for publishing such information, and whether they will take the initiative to relay such information to the students from Hong Kong who are studying at the universities and in the programmes concerned; if such information will not be published, of the reasons for that;
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(d) | given that some Members of this Council have questioned the need for HKCAAVQ to independently assess each case of educational qualification assessment according to the individual circumstances of the educational qualification holder, whether the authorities will require HKCAAVQ to change such arrangement to directly conduct accreditation of the educational qualifications awarded by the universities in the Mainland and Taiwan; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
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(e) | as some holders of Taiwanese educational qualifications have relayed that they have found it difficult to secure employment after returning to Hong Kong as their educational qualifications are not generally recognized here, whether the authorities will strive for approval and assistance from the Taiwanese authorities concerned for Hong Kong people to stay after graduation from Taiwanese universities and take up employment there for a period of time, so as to accumulate relevant working experience; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
First Reading
1. Trust Law (Amendment) Bill 2013 2. District Councils (Amendment) Bill 2013 | |||
Second Reading (Debates to be adjourned) | |||
1. | Trust Law (Amendment) Bill 2013 | : | Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury |
2. | District Councils (Amendment) Bill 2013 | : | Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs |
Proposed resolution under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance
Secretary for Food and Health to move the following motion: Resolved that the following Regulations, made by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board on 24 January 2013, be approved - | |
(a) | the Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) Regulation 2013; and |
(b) | the Poisons List (Amendment) Regulation 2013. |
(The two Regulations are in Appendices I and II and were also issued on 30 January 2013 under LC Paper No. CB(3) 335/12-13) |