Council Meeting (Agenda) 20 March 2013 |
A 12/13-22
Subsidiary Legislation / Instruments | L.N. No. | |
1. | Rating (Exemption) Order 2013 | 26/2013 |
2. | Revenue (Reduction of Business Registration Fees) Order 2013 | 27/2013 |
3. | Legislation Publication (Revision) Order 2013 | 28/2013 |
4. | Telecommunications (Telecommunications Apparatus) (Exemption from Licensing) (Amendment) Order 2012 (Commencement) Notice | 29/2013 |
5. | Toys and Children's Products Safety Ordinance (Amendment of Schedules 1 and 2) Notice 2013 | 30/2013 |
1. | No. 75 | - | Estimates for the year ending 31 March 2014 General Revenue Account - Consolidated Summary of Estimates - Revenue Analysis by Head |
(to be presented by the Financial Secretary) | |||
2. | No. 76 | - | Hong Kong Rotary Club Students' Loan Fund Financial statements for the year ended 31 August 2012 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Education) | |||
3. | No. 77 | - | Sing Tao Charitable Foundation Students' Loan Fund Financial statements for the year ended 31 August 2012 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Education) | |||
4. | No. 78 | - | Hong Kong Arts Development Council Annual Report 2011/12 |
(to be presented by the Chief Secretary for Administration) | |||
5. | No. 79 | - | The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Annual Report 2011-2012 and financial statements for the year ended 30th June 2012 |
(to be presented by the Chief Secretary for Administration) | |||
6. | No. 80 | - | Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund Financial statements for the period from 26 August 2011 to 31 August 2012 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Education) | |||
7. | No. 81 | - | HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund Financial statements for the year ended 31 August 2012 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Education) | |||
8. | No. 82 | - | The Lord Wilson Heritage Trust Annual Report 2011-2012 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Home Affairs) | |||
9. | No. 83 | - | AIDS Trust Fund Financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2012 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Food and Health) | |||
10. | Report No. 12/12-13 of the House Committee on Consideration of Subsidiary Legislation and Other Instruments | ||
(to be presented by Hon Andrew LEUNG, Chairman of the House Committee) |
(a) | given that paragraph 3 of the List of Issues requested the HKSAR Government to "indicate what further steps have been taken to ensure that the next Chief Executive and Legislative Council elections take place by universal suffrage in compliance with the Covenant", of the details of HKSAR Government's response to the Committee in this respect; and
(b) | given that paragraph 3 of the List of Issues requested the HKSAR Government to describe "the conditions for nomination, e.g., age limits, and any other qualifications or restrictions" for the candidates for the next Chief Executive election, of the details of HKSAR Government's response to the Committee in this respect; and given the recent comment of the spokesman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference that he believed that Hong Kong people would elect a person who loved the country and Hong Kong to be the Chief Executive, whether the authorities will set "loving the country and Hong Kong" as one of the conditions for candidacy for the next Chief Executive election? |
(a) | of the total number of mainland residents who came to Hong Kong for settlement on OWPs since 1 July 1997, together with a breakdown by the reason for which they were granted OWPs;
(b) | whether the authorities will consider discussing with the relevant mainland authorities the adjustment of the OWP quota granted for reasons other than family reunion; whether they will consider afresh requesting the relevant mainland authorities to review the existing system for the issuance of OWPs, including handing over to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government the work of vetting and approving as well as issuing OWPs; if they will not, of the reasons for that; and
(c) | whether the authorities have assessed the impact brought about by tens of thousands of mainland residents coming to Hong Kong for settlement on OWPs every year on the population policy, land planning, job market, livelihood issues of Hong Kong, as well as the demand for welfare, transport and housing, etc.; if no assessment has been made, of the reasons for that? |
(a) | whether the Government had based on clear and scientific criteria for setting the maximum plot ratio of WKCD at 1.81; if it had, of the details of such criteria; if not, of the Government's justifications for adopting that plot ratio;
(b) | whether the Government will consider, on the premise of not affecting the development progress of WKCD, raising the plot ratio for WKCD so as to add the aforesaid venues and facilities advocated by the arts and cultural sectors and to increase the floor areas for residential and commercial uses in the district, thereby bringing sufficient flow of visitors to WKCD on the one hand and boosting WKCD Authority's income on the other; if it will consider, of the details; if not, how the authorities will address the aforesaid demand of the arts and cultural sectors; and
(c) | whether the Government has assessed the capital cost of WKCD to find out if the construction costs of WKCD will exceed the $21.6 billion funding allocation; if it has, of the details, and whether the Government has formulated measures for dealing with any over-budget situation; of the measures put in place by the Government to strictly control the capital cost of WKCD and at the same time maintain the building quality of various facilities? |
(a) | whether it knows the number of complaints received from tourists by the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong ("TICHK") against travel agents and tourist guides in the past three years, together with a breakdown by the content of such complaints (e.g. coerced shopping, and itineraries not matching the descriptions); the number of such complaints in which the travel agents or tourist guides who had breached the rules were penalized, together with a breakdown by the penalty imposed;
(b) | whether the Government and TICHK have reviewed the effectiveness of the 10 enhanced regulatory measures introduced in 2011 (including the Demerit Point System); if they have, of the review results; if not, the reasons for that; and
(c) | given that an independent Travel Industry Authority is expected to be established in 2014 at the earliest, how the authorities will enhance their regulatory work before the Authority is established; given that inbound mainland tours are in general received jointly by the travel agents of Hong Kong and those of the Mainland, whether the authorities will further liaise and collaborate with the relevant mainland authorities to enhance the regulation of travel agents in the two places; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | of the number of buildings which have not met the fire safety requirements at present; the number of such buildings the owners of which have been issued with the directions so far; among them, the respective numbers of tenement buildings of seven or less storeys, or old buildings aged 40 years or above; among such tenement buildings or old buildings, the respective numbers of buildings with and without OCs, as well as those having complied with the directions;
(b) | of the number of prosecutions instituted by the authorities against the offenders since the implementation of the aforesaid Ordinance in 2007; among them, the number of cases involving tenement buildings or old buildings; whether the Government knows the reasons for non-compliance with the directions by the relevant parties, and whether the reasons include the absence of OCs to coordinate the relevant works, or the refusal by a small number of owners to share the expenses; if such reasons are included, and as the authorities will institute prosecutions against all owners of the buildings for non-compliance with the directions, whether they have examined if this is unfair to those owners who are willing to carry out improvement works; and
(c) | regarding the cases in which the works cannot commence because of refusal of some owners to share the relevant expenses and the absence of OCs, what measures the authorities currently have to assist the owners concerned to comply with the directions; whether the Government will consider introducing any subsidy schemes similar to the "Operation Building Bright", so as to expeditiously improve the fire service facilities of buildings; if it will, of the specific arrangements; if not, the reasons for that; given the application of the aforesaid Ordinance to different types of composite buildings and domestic buildings of different ages and heights, etc., whether the authorities will consider amending the Ordinance, so as to exercise regulation for different types of buildings more appropriately? |
Public Officers to reply | : | Secretary for Security Secretary for Development |
(a) | whether the authorities will conduct a comprehensive review of the Registered Lift Contractors' Performance Rating Scheme and consider linking the Scheme to law enforcement work to enhance its effectiveness, e.g. revoking directly the licence of a contractor whose performance score is zero;
(b) | whether it knows the number of registered lift contractors who had provided training to lift workers who newly joined the trade and the respective numbers of new entrants who had completed the training and those who stayed in the trade afterwards, in the past three years; and which institutions had provided training courses for such entrants and the respective numbers of entrants who had completed the courses and those who stayed in the trade afterwards; as the "Code of Practice for Lift Works and Escalator Works" stipulates that lift maintenance and repair works must be carried out by two or more lift workers together, and the number of storeys of new buildings has been increasing, whether the authorities have assessed if the number of trained workers can meet the demand; whether the authorities have any new measures to attract new blood to the trade; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(c) | of the number of lifts inspected each month by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department ("EMSD") at present; whether EMSD has conducted more frequent inspections and spot checks on lifts which are maintained and repaired by contractors with low ranking in performance rating; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | how the authorities had vetted the application for the aforesaid PVRM in accordance with the established criteria; and
(b) | in the light of the aforesaid incident, whether the authorities will review the vetting criteria for PVRMs and specify in the criteria that applications for PVRMs with a combination containing "CSD" will not be accepted? |
(a) | of the total number of complaints and enquiries received by JO since its establishment in 2006 and the number of cases which have not yet been processed, with a breakdown by District Council district and type of buildings (residential, industrial and commercial buildings); the longest waiting time for processing and the reasons for those cases having to wait for so long; the average processing time per case; whether the authorities will review the work efficiency of JO with a view to shortening the average waiting time by a certain percentage within a particular period of time and formulate the relevant performance pledges; if they will not, of the reasons for that;
(b) | among the cases processed by JO, of the number of those classified as cases in which "the source of water seepage/leakage cannot be identified"; of the operational guidelines based on which the inspecting personnel made such classification; whether the relevant complainants may request for a review of the cases which were classified by JO as those in which "the source of water seepage/leakage cannot be identified" and the investigation into which was terminated; whether the Government has any specific ways to further assist such members of the public in resolving their problems; if it has not, of the reasons for that;
(c) | among the complaints received by JO, of the number of those involving seepage/leakage of fresh water mains; why the authorities have not accepted the recommendation of including WSD in JO, made in paragraph 42 of the investigation report published by the Office of The Ombudsman in 2008 on handling of water seepage complaints by the aforesaid three government departments;
(d) | given that the authorities conducted an interim review of the operation mode of JO only in 2008, whether they will conduct thorough examinations and reviews of the operation and management of JO within 2013; if they will not, of the reasons for that;
(e) | of the existing staffing structure of JO; whether the authorities will set up a dedicated department to head JO officially, establish its power and provide clear lines of command regarding staff deployment and office management to prevent the occurrence of a loose cooperative relationship between the two departments; if they will not, of the reasons for that; and
(f) | whether the authorities will review and examine the methods and equipment currently used by JO for testing water seepage as well as consider introducing other testing methods (e.g. microwave moisture and acoustics tests), so as to enhance the testing efficiency? |
(a) | whether, apart from issuing warning letters to the registered lift contractors with low ranking in performance rating for a long period of time and repeatedly involved in safety problems, the authorities have taken other follow-up measures targeting at such contractors; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | whether EMSD will, in the light of the aforesaid lift accident, conduct a comprehensive review of the regulatory system for the repair and maintenance of lifts, and correspondingly increase the resources needed and employ additional professional staff so as to step up its monitoring work; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(c) | whether the authorities have considered stepping up publicity and promotion work, so as to provide guidance for property owners and property management companies on the factors (including the contractor's manpower arrangements, past performance and performance scores, etc.) to be considered when selecting contractors for the repair and maintenance of their lifts; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(d) | whether the authorities have conducted a comprehensive review to ascertain the number of lifts in Hong Kong which are so dilapidated that their replacement is required; whether the authorities have considered providing subsidies for property owners with financial hardship to pay the costs for such lift replacement works, to obviate the continued use of those lifts compellably; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(e) | apart from enacting the Lifts and Escalators Ordinance (Cap. 618), which came into full operation on 17 December 2012, to enhance the safety standards for the repair and maintenance of lifts and to strengthen regulatory control, whether the authorities have any complementary measures to assist the trade in tackling its major business difficulties (e.g. vicious price competition, etc.), and to sort out the structural problems of the trade; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | of the traffic volume of the roads in the vicinity of the Quarry site in the past two years, and the projected traffic volume of these roads from this year to 2016 (set out in the table below);
* Projected traffic volume | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(b) | how the authorities will enhance the public transport services (including franchised buses and public light buses, etc.) in the area around the Quarry site to tie in with the two development projects, and of the relevant details (set out in table form); if no details are currently available, when the Government will draw up the details;
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(c) | whether it has assessed if Hip Wo Street and Hong Ning Road can cope with the additional traffic volume arising from vehicles travelling from the Quarry site to Kwun Tong Road as well as the Kwun Tong redevelopment project; if the assessment results are in the negative, whether the Government will widen the two roads; if it will, of the work schedule; if not, the reasons for that;
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(d) | given that the authorities plan to build footbridges with lift towers and/or escalators to link the Quarry site with the surrounding areas, of the detailed plan and work schedule of such projects; and
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(e) | given that the Quarry site is far away from the existing railway network, whether the authorities will consider including that area in the service coverage of the envisaged "environmentally friendly linkage system for Kowloon East" (which is envisaged to adopt an elevated monorail system linking the Kai Tak Development area, Kwun Tong and Kowloon Bay with the existing MTR Kwun Tong Line and the future Shatin to Central Link), to enhance the external transport facilities for that area; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that and whether the authorities will examine afresh the feasibility of building the MTR Kwun Tong Line Extension, so as to cover that area by the railway network; if they will examine, of the timetable? |
(a) | of the numbers of Fixed Penalty Notices issued separately by the various government departments to persons committing public cleanliness offences in the past five years; whether the Government has conducted any review of the enforcement of the relevant legislation and the level of the fine; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | of the work carried out by the Government to enhance the environmental hygiene awareness of the public in the past five years; whether it has assessed the effectiveness of such work; of the new planning or development direction that the Government is going to formulate in respect of the relevant work;
(c) | whether the authorities have regularly assessed the hygiene conditions of the 18 District Council districts ("18 districts") and carried out clean-up work targeting at the hygiene black spots in the various districts; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(d) | whether the authorities have conducted studies on holding the "Team Clean" campaign again to mobilize the 18 districts to collaborate with one another in enhancing the overall hygiene level of Hong Kong and carrying out thorough cleaning and disinfecting work targeting at public places, public housing estates and back alleys, etc., so as to reduce the risk of spreading diseases; if they have, of the relevant plans; if not, the reasons for that; and
(e) | whether the authorities have conducted studies on holding a "territory-wide hygiene black spot reporting campaign" to require the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department ("FEHD") to formulate a performance pledge stipulating that FEHD must handle the reported cases properly within a specified period of time upon receipt of hygiene black spot reports made by the public; if they have, of the relevant plans; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | as Hong Kong has adopted the Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality ("the Guidelines") published by the World Health Organization as the water-quality standard for treated drinking water, whether the Guidelines have been updated in recent years in response to the environmental pollution problems which have emerged worldwide one after another; and whether the authorities have devised any new and corresponding strategies for monitoring water quality;
(b) | of the items which failed to meet the relevant water quality standards in the outcome of tests of the quality of Dongjiang raw water supplied to Hong Kong in each of the past three years; and whether drinking such substandard water is harmful to health; if it is, of the details;
(c) | given the worsening environmental pollution problems on the Mainland in recent years, whether the authorities have discussed with the relevant Guangdong Provincial authorities the implementation of measures to further improve the quality of Dongjiang raw water, including reducing the pollution to the source of Dongjiang water, with a view to reducing the use of chemicals for purifying drinking water; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(d) | given the frequent droughts and revelation of pollution problems on the Mainland in recent years, whether the authorities have formulated any contingency measures to deal with the situations in which Dongjiang water cannot be supplied to Hong Kong or is unsafe to drink due to unexpected incidents, so as to ensure a steady supply of safe drinking water to Hong Kong; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that, and whether the authorities will consider seriously formulating such contingency measures? |
(a) | whether it has compiled statistics on the number of the aforesaid group of residents in Hong Kong at present; if it has, of the number of such residents; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | whether it has made any special arrangement to enable the aforesaid group of residents to receive $6,000; and
(c) | whether the Government has, in setting the eligibility criteria for the aforesaid scheme, considered if such criteria will give rise to a situation being unfair to or discriminating against a certain group of residents, and avoided such a situation? |
(a) | of the number of attendances of the elderly receiving the aforesaid services hitherto, with a breakdown by type of service (e.g. dental examination, scaling and polishing, pain relief and emergency dental treatment);
(b) | of the expenditure incurred by the pilot project hitherto; given that quite a number of elderly people have lost most of their teeth and therefore need to wear dentures, whether the authorities will consider afresh extending the scope of the services provided under the pilot project to cover crowning and tooth-filling; if they will, of the details, including the estimated additional expenditure to be incurred annually; if not, the reasons for that;
(c) | whether the authorities will consider expanding the service targets of the pilot project to cover all elderly people in Hong Kong; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(d) | when the authorities will announce the results of the interim review of the pilot project; of the criteria based on which the authorities assess the effectiveness of the pilot project, and whether they have set targets for the project; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | of the total amount of loans involving co-financing schemes and the percentage of such loans in the new mortgage loans approved in each year since 2009; and
(b) | whether the aforesaid percentages have shown a rising trend since 2009; if so, whether it has assessed what risks such a trend has posed to the stability of Hong Kong's financial system; if it has made such an assessment, of the details; if not, whether it will do so? |
(a) | whether it knows which banks in Hong Kong currently do not accept account records of non-Hong Kong banks as income proofs when dealing with home mortgage loan applications of Hong Kong permanent residents, the reasons why such banks have adopted such a practice, and if such banks accept other income proofs; if they do not, the reasons for that; and
(b) | whether the Government will assist the aforesaid group of people in resolving the difficulties they encounter in applying for home mortgage loans; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | of the number of reports received by the authorities in each of the past five years on suspected cases of cruelty to animals; the number of animals which were injured or killed and abusers in such cases; a breakdown on the number of reports by the type of harm done to the animals, the number of abusers and District Council district;
(b) | of the detection rates of such cases, the number of persons arrested as well as the number of persons convicted and the respective maximum and minimum penalties imposed on them by the court, in each of the past five years;
(c) | of the respective resources deployed by the authorities since 2011 (broken down by month) to fight against cruelty to animals in respect of education, publicity, intelligence gathering and investigation;
(d) | whether it has assessed the effectiveness of the Animal Watch Scheme on the whole and in respect of the aforesaid four aspects; if it has, of the assessment criteria, as well as details of publicity and education activities, the amount of intelligence gathered and the number of cases investigated since the introduction of the Scheme; if not, the reasons for that;
(e) | of the number of cases of cruelty to animals handled by the crime investigation teams each month since 2011; whether the team members have received professional training relevant to animal rights and welfare; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that, and how it ensures that the team members have adequate professional knowledge in handling cases of cruelty to animals; and
(f) | whether HKPF, FHB and the Security Bureau had conducted inter-departmental meetings on the establishment of "animal police" in the past five years; if they had, of the details (including the dates, time, venues and conclusions, etc.) of such meetings each year; whether they have considered providing the crime investigation team members in various police districts or individual police districts or other members of HKPF with relevant professional knowledge and training, and designating such members of HKPF to handle animal-related cases specifically; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | whether the Department of Health ("DH") had compiled statistics on the respective numbers of persons receiving varicella vaccines in each of the past three years; if it had not, of the reasons for that; if it had, whether the statistics differentiated among children born to women who are Hong Kong permanent residents ("HKPRs"), children born in Hong Kong to mainland women whose spouses are HKPRs, children born in Hong Kong to mainland women whose spouses are not HKPRs, as well as children from the Mainland;
(b) | whether DH has compiled statistics on the number of children receiving varicella vaccines in the first quarter of this year;
(c) | whether DH has assessed the current situation of shortage of varicella vaccines; if it has, of the assessment outcome; if not, the reasons for that;
(d) | according to the information obtained by DH from its liaison with the varicella vaccine suppliers, of the causes of the current shortage of varicella vaccines and when stable supplies can be resumed;
(e) | whether the Government will consider introducing other suppliers of varicella vaccines in the near future in order to meet the urgent demand for the vaccines;
(f) | of the number of children receiving varicella vaccines each year under CIP as estimated by DH;
(g) | whether DH has assessed if the current suppliers will be able to supply sufficient vaccines after varicella vaccines are incorporated into CIP; and
(h) | whether, in the light of the incident of shortage of varicella vaccines, DH has taken the initiative to monitor if there will be a shortage of supply of other types of vaccines? |
(a) | of the respective numbers of complaints received and prosecutions instituted by the authorities against hawking activities at the aforesaid locations in the past three years;
(b) | of the policy on licensing of itinerant hawkers (including the specified hawking conditions);
(c) | of the existing number of itinerant hawker licences; given that the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene may specify in a hawker licence the trading area of the licencee, of the existing number of itinerant hawkers who are allowed to hawk in Yuen Long district; and
(d) | of the details of the management of and law enforcement actions in relation to the hawking activities of itinerant hawkers; what penalties will be imposed on itinerant hawkers who are repeated offenders, and whether the penalties include revocation of licences? |
First Reading
1. Pilotage (Amendment) Bill 2013 2. Air Pollution Control (Amendment) Bill 2013 Second Reading (Debates to be adjourned) | |||
1. | Pilotage (Amendment) Bill 2013 | : | Secretary for Transport and Housing |
2. | Air Pollution Control (Amendment) Bill 2013 | : | Secretary for the Environment |
1. | Proposed resolution under the Public Bus Services Ordinance
Secretary for Transport and Housing to move the following motion: Resolved that the franchise granted on 24 April 2012 under section 5 of the Public Bus Services Ordinance (Cap. 230) to New World First Bus Services Limited (新世界第一巴士服務有限公司) and published in the Gazette as G.N. 3180 of 2012 is not subject to sections 27, 28, 29 and 31 of that Ordinance for the entire period of the franchise. |
2. | Proposed resolution under the Public Bus Services Ordinance
Secretary for Transport and Housing to move the following motion: Resolved that the franchise granted on 24 April 2012 under section 5 of the Public Bus Services Ordinance (Cap. 230) to Long Win Bus Company Limited (龍運巴士有限公司) and published in the Gazette as G.N. 3181 of 2012 is not subject to sections 27, 28, 29 and 31 of that Ordinance for the entire period of the franchise. |
3. | Proposed resolution under the Public Bus Services Ordinance
Secretary for Transport and Housing to move the following motion: Resolved that the franchise granted on 24 April 2012 under section 5 of the Public Bus Services Ordinance (Cap. 230) to Citybus Limited (城巴有限公司) and published in the Gazette as G.N. 3182 of 2012 is not subject to sections 27, 28, 29 and 31 of that Ordinance for the entire period of the franchise. |
4. | Proposed resolution under the Public Finance Ordinance
Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury to move the motion in the Appendix. |
(The motion was also issued on 28 February 2013 under LC Paper No. CB(3) 396/12-13) |