Council Meeting (Agenda) 29 May 2013 |
A 12/13-30
No. 96 | - | Employees Retraining Board Annual Report 2011-12 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Labour and Welfare) |
(a) | whether all students of the North District who have been allocated P1 places in schools outside their home district in the POA Central Allocation exercise can be re-allocated P1 places in the North District under the aforesaid re-allocation mechanism; if they cannot, whether the Education Bureau has other measures to help such students gain admission to schools in the North District; of the measures the Education Bureau has put in place to ensure that such students will be admitted to their favourite schools under the re-allocation mechanism;
(b) | of the respective numbers of cross-boundary students applying for P1 places in the North District, Tai Po, Shatin, Yuen Long and Tuen Mun during the Central Allocation stage in this school year, together with the number of such students in each district who were allocated places in schools in other districts due to insufficient school places; and
(c) | of the respective numbers of places borrowed from schools in Tai Po and Shatin in the past three school years and the current school year to cater for students of other districts; whether the schools concerned originally had surplus places; whether such a measure of borrowing school places would affect the chances of students of the two districts being allocated places in their favourite schools in their home districts; how the Education Bureau will assist students of the two districts in gaining admission to their favourite schools in their home districts? |
(a) | as it has been reported that the Director of Buildings indicated on 7 May this year that the UBWs in the Peel Rise mansion had been demolished, the underground space had been dealt with, and the space beneath the parking space had also been filled up, and yet the Chief Executive's Office mentioned in reply to press enquiries on the following day that CE was still discussing the remedial proposal with BD in respect of the unlawfully constructed enclosed area of some 200 square feet on the lower ground floor of the Peel Rise mansion, whether the situation referred to by the Director is the actual situation at present; which of the UBWs in the Peel Rise mansion have yet to be demolished and restored to the original structure;
(b) | as CE had already indicated at the end of November last year that he would discuss with BD the way to handle the unlawfully constructed enclosed area in the Peel Rise mansion mentioned in (a), whether BD and CE have already reached a consensus in respect of the remedial proposal for the said UBW so far; if they have not, whether it has assessed the causes for this situation, and whether it is attributable to dereliction of duty on the part of BD staff or the property owner being uncooperative in the case; of the number of times BD has contacted the property owner to discuss the remedial proposal for the said UBW, and what the replies given by the property owner are; and
(c) | given that BD issued summons in February this year to prosecute the agent of the owner of the York Road mansion and the authorized persons appointed by her for carrying out unlawful building works, and to prosecute the said authorized persons for misrepresentation, whether the authorities are adopting the same standard in handling the case involving the UBWs in the Peel Rise mansion; if they are not, of the reasons for that? |
(a) | whether the Government has studied if the aforesaid qualification requirements for CE have been provided for in the Basic Law, or if such qualification requirements override the Basic Law; if the outcome of the study is in the affirmative, of the legal basis; if the outcome of the study is in the negative, how the Government ensures that the comments relating to the aforesaid qualification requirements will not affect the constitutional reform proposal on election of CE by universal suffrage to be put forward by the Government according to the provisions in the Basic Law;
(b) | whether the aforesaid qualification requirements for CE represent the Government's stance; if so, of the legal basis; if not, whether the Government will, pursuant to the aim of election of CE by universal suffrage under Article 45 of the Basic Law, put forward a proposal on the election of the members of the nominating committee on a "one person, one vote" basis, when it launches its consultation on the constitutional reform proposal regarding the election of CE in 2017; and
(c) | whether it represents the Government's stance to adopt the objectives of abolishing the split voting system and reducing the number of seats for FC when drawing up the method for LegCo election in 2016; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | whether the authorities will consider drawing up and updating relevant legislation and rules to ensure that the whole process of importing and wholesaling chilled meat and poultry conforms to hygiene standards, in order to enhance food safety and provide legislation and rules for the trade to follow so as to avoid their being prosecuted; and
(b) | whether the authorities will consider the request of the trade for setting up an approved distribution and storage centre and initiate a site selection study? |
(a) | when SFC became aware of HKMEx not having sufficient financial resources; and
(b) | whether, in the past, there were other financial institutions which had, on their own volition, surrendered their authorizations or licences for conducting securities and futures businesses due to failure to meet the relevant requirements; if so, of the details; as the Chairman of HKMEx has reportedly said that HKMEx will complete a rights issue to raise funds in the amount of US$100 million by the end of June for HKMEx to resume operation, whether a financial institution, for which SFC has withdrawn the authorization, may have its licence restored automatically without the need to re-apply for the licence; if it may, of the details? |
(a) | of the number of households whose applications for allocation of PRH units in each of the past three years had been rejected because their household income had exceeded the prescribed Waiting List income limits as a result of all their household members earning minimum wages;
(b) | whether the Hong Kong Housing Authority ("HA") has collected the following information: among the households on the Waiting List, of the current number of those whose members all earn minimum wages, and the per capita monthly income of these members; if it has, of the details; if not, whether the Government will suggest HA to collect such information; and
(c) | given that the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority ("MPFA") has, in the light of the adjustment to the statutory minimum wage rate, suggested that the minimum level of the relevant income for Mandatory Provident Fund contributions be increased to $7,100, whether the authorities will recommend HA to make reference to the practice of MPFA and prescribe the statutory minimum wage rate as one of the criteria for setting the Waiting List income limits; if they will not, of the reasons for that? |
(a) | of the number of illegally parked bicycles confiscated by the authorities in the past three years and, among such bicycles, the number of those which were parked inside parking spaces for bicycles;
(b) | of the requirements that must be met for legal parking of bicycles under the existing legislation, and the reasons for the authorities confiscating the bicycles parked inside parking spaces for bicycles;
(c) | whether the Government has publicized the requirements for legal parking of bicycles among members of the public at present; if it has not, of the reasons for that; if it has, of the details and the relevant expenditure each year, and whether it will step up its efforts in public education;
(d) | of a breakdown by District Council ("DC") district of the current number of parking spaces for bicycles throughout the territory; the number of additional parking spaces for bicycles requested by each DC in the past three years, and the number of parking spaces for bicycles newly added to each DC district;
(e) | whether it has plans to conduct, in collaboration with the 18 District Councils in the near future, a comprehensive consultation and review in respect of the issue of insufficient parking spaces for bicycles; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(f) | of the progress of the Transport Department's trials on the new "double-deck" parking systems in Fanling and Tai Po; whether the systems will be installed throughout the territory with a view to increasing the number of parking spaces for bicycles; if so, of the details and implementation timetable? |
(a) | of the items of services included in and the criteria adopted for the aforesaid review;
(b) | of a breakdown, by the criteria referred to in (a), of the actual performance of CSNT in the aforesaid review and the relevant statistics;
(c) | given that the service contract for CSNT has been extended from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2015, of the funding allocation and staff establishment for each of the contract years; and
(d) | whether the authorities have any plan to provide CSNTs in other districts? |
(a) | given that MTRCL submits a report to the Government on the construction progress and financial status of the XRL Project every half year, of the date and contents of the latest report submitted by MTRCL;
(b) | how the construction cost and completion date of the XRL Project, based on the latest information submitted to the Government by MTRCL, compare with those in the original plan; and
(c) | given that the authorities have indicated that an inter-disciplinary task force has been set up to conduct an in-depth study on the relevant arrangements for the co-location of boundary control facilities at the West Kowloon Terminus, of the present progress and results of the study? |
(a) | a breakdown of the average waiting time of patients by hospitals, A&E triage categories and the following six time slots (set out in a table of the same format as Table 1 for each time slot):
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(i) | from midnight to 8:00 am on weekdays;
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(ii) | from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm on weekdays;
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(iii) | from 4:00 pm to midnight on weekdays;
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(iv) | from midnight to 8:00 am on public holidays;
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(v) | from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm on public holidays; and
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(vi) | from 4:00 pm to midnight on public holidays;
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Table 1
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(b) | a breakdown of the numbers of attendances by hospitals, A&E triage categories and the time slots referred to in (a) (set out in a table of the same format as Table 1 for each time slot);
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(c) | the average numbers of doctors (broken down further according to the categories of doctors in Table 2) and nurses working in A&E departments, broken down by hospitals and the time slots referred to in (a) (set out in a table of the same format as Table 2 for each time slot);
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Table 2
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(d) | the numbers of part-time doctors and part-time nurses working in A&E departments, their total numbers of working hours and total remunerations, broken down by hospitals (set out in Table 3); and
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Table 3
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(e) | a breakdown by hospital of the numbers of doctors and nurses working in A&E departments who had worked overtime, their total hours of overtime work and total remunerations for overtime work (set out in a table of the same format as Table 3)? |
(a) | of the number of disciplined service officers who retired in each of the past five years, broken down by their ranks and ages at the time of retirement, and whether they were under the New Pension Scheme or CSPF Scheme; and the anticipated number of those who will retire in the coming five years;
(b) | given that civil servants who take up post-service outside work during the final leave, or former civil servants who take up such outside work during the specified restriction periods after retirement, are required to seek and obtain prior permission, of the number of such applications, received by the authorities in the past five years from retiring/retired disciplined service officers, and the positions of outside work involved in general in such applications;
(c) | given that some disciplined service officers are re-employed by their disciplined services on a contract basis after retirement, of the number of such contract staff at present; and the details of the policy concerned, including the criteria adopted by the authorities for deciding to re-employ such officers; and
(d) | whether it has assessed if the stipulation on the retirement ages of the disciplined service officers has led to succession problems or wastage of experienced staff in the disciplined services; whether the authorities have considered establishing a mechanism to allow those disciplined service officers who meet relevant requirements to apply for extending their retirement age to 60; if they have not, of the reasons for that? |
(a) | whether the authorities have regularly (i) reviewed if there are adequate fire service facilities on outlying islands and in remote areas such as Tai O, Tong Fuk and Peng Chau, and (ii) checked if such facilities have ageing problems; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | given that the existing Fireboat 7 will be replaced by a new fireboat at the end of 2014, and the berthing place will be changed from the Hong Kong International Airport to Tuen Mun, whether the authorities will consider procuring an additional fireboat to be berthed at the airport, so as to provide service in the waters near the airport and North Lantau; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(c) | whether the authorities will conduct a comprehensive review to see if the existing marine fire service facilities in the territory are adequate, and allocate additional resources to procure fire service facilities (e.g. fireboats) so as to ensure that there are adequate fire service facilities to cope with fire occurring along the shore or at sea; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | the percentages of the value added of the relevant industries under various FCs in the Gross Domestic Product ("GDP") (set out in Table 1);
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(b) | the percentages of the numbers of employees in the relevant industries under various FCs in the labour force (set out in Table 2); and
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(c) | the numbers of (i) eligible electors and (ii) registered electors of various FCs when the final register of electors was published (set out in Table 3)?
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
(a) | the respective annual proportions of the various components of household loans in Hong Kong and the annual growth rates of household loans (excluding residential mortgages) in the past three years;
(b) | the results of a comparison between the household debt-to-GDP ratio in Hong Kong and the corresponding ratios in other regions in the past three years; and
(c) | the growth rate of the total amount of personal loans taken out by foreign domestic helpers working in Hong Kong and the percentage of such amount in the total amount of personal loans in Hong Kong, in each of the past three years? |
(a) | how the Social Welfare Department ("SWD") assists those members of the public who are less competent in reading and writing in filling the application form;
(b) | given that an application form must be signed by a witness for it to be accepted, but some singleton elderly persons are unable to find relatives or friends to be their witnesses, how SWD handles such situation;
(c) | given that some members of the public have indicated that the design of the application form is extremely complicated, the printed letters are too tiny and the space for filling in information is too small, but much and repetitive information is required to be provided, whether SWD will improve the design of the application form; if it will not, of the reasons for that; and
(d) | given that some members of the public have relayed that they are unable to get through the OALA hotline over a protracted time, whether SWD will further improve the hotline service; if it will not, of the reasons for that? |
(a) | it has assessed if the situation as reported above is consistent with the authorities' replies to me; if the assessment result is in the affirmative, of the justifications; if the assessment result is in the negative, of the reasons for that, and whether the situation involves MTRCL knowingly not reporting the truth, and ineffective monitoring on the part of the Project Supervision Committee, which is chaired by the Director of Highways and is tasked with monitoring the XRL project; and
(b) | it will require MTRCL to truthfully and comprehensively report on the latest progress of the XRL Project (including whether there have been delays and/or cost overrun and the relevant causes); of the expected completion date and estimated total expenditure of the XRL Project according to the latest progress; if there is expected delay in the completion date, whether the authorities have assessed the impact of such a situation on the economy of Hong Kong and on the transport in the districts concerned? |
(a) | the number of overseas visits made by each disciplined service each year and, among these visits, the respective numbers of those (i) in which its commissioner/director had participated (and set out the visits concerned); (ii) the destinations of which included mainland cities (and set out the names of those cities and mainland organizations visited); and (iii) which involved overspending (and set out the reasons for the overspending); the details (including the amounts of expenses, dates, purposes, destinations and names of organizations visited) of the 20 overseas visits incurring the highest amounts of expenses, set out in descending order;
(b) | the number of entertainment activities hosted by each disciplined service each year and, among these activities, the respective numbers of those which (i) were attended by its commissioner/director (and set out the entertainment activities concerned); (ii) were attended by representatives from mainland organizations/offices of the Central People's Government in Hong Kong ("CPG's offices") (and set out the mainland organizations/CPG's offices concerned); and (iii) involved overspending (and set out the reasons for such overspending); the details (including the names of the activities, amounts of expenses incurred, dates, venues and names of organizations entertained) of the 20 entertainment activities incurring the highest amounts of expenses, set out in descending order;
(c) | the amount of expenditure incurred each year by each disciplined service for the purchase of gifts (including wooden trophies, crystal displays and stationery) for presentation to others, as well as the percentage of that amount in the "general departmental expenses"; the details (including the types, unit prices and quantities) of the top 10 types of gifts with the highest unit prices, set out in descending order;
(d) | the number of gifts (including souvenirs) received each year by the officers of each disciplined service, the types and methods of disposal of such gifts, as well as the types of such gifts which may be retained by the officers concerned and the approval procedures; the details (including the types, value and quantities) of the 10 types of gifts with the highest value, set out in descending order; and
(e) | the number of cases handled by each disciplined service in which its officers were suspected of contravening the Civil Service Regulations or other government regulations in relation to claiming overseas visit allowances, incurring entertainment expenses, presentation of gifts and receipt of gifts, and among such cases, the number of those which were substantiated and the officers concerned had been subject to disciplinary actions? |
(a) | whether, regarding how to optimize the use of lands in the New Territories (including Lantau Island), CE has given instructions to various policy bureaux and departments concerned to rezone the agricultural lands which are no longer suitable for agricultural activities to other uses, so as to increase the land supply for development; if he has, of the contents of such instructions; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | whether the responsibilities of the Steering Committee on Land Supply include deliberations on how to optimize the use of lands in the New Territories and implement the relevant measures; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(c) | whether it has any plan to set up an inter-departmental committee, comprising heads or representatives of the relevant policy bureaux and departments, dedicated to coordinating and organizing efforts for resolving the various issues (e.g. planning, building houses, relocation, compensation, transport, ancillary facilities, etc.) which arise in the process of optimizing the use of lands in the New Territories; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(d) | whether the authorities will comprehensively review the use of agricultural lands in the New Territories, with a view to releasing more land for residential developments; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | whether it has assessed the additional government expenditure brought about by the filibuster; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | whether it has assessed the specific impacts of the filibuster on the operation of various government departments; if it has, set out in detail the departments affected and the impacts (including those relating to service provision and additional expenses caused, etc.); if not, of the reasons for that;
(c) | during the 16-day period between the commencement of the filibuster and the day on which FS met with the four Members, whether the Government had lobbied these Members and directly explained to them the consequences and impacts if the Bill was not passed by the deadline; if it had, of the details of those official(s) who had undertaken such task, as well as the date(s) and time, venue(s) and format(s) of such meeting(s); if not, the reasons for that;
(d) | whether it has assessed the impacts of the filibuster on the relationship between the Executive Authorities and the Legislature; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(e) | whether the Chief Executive ("CE") had in person lobbied the Members who filibustered, and urged them to withdraw some or all of their CSAs; if not, of the reasons for that;
(f) | whether it has assessed the extent to which people from various sectors of the community supported the filibuster, as well as the responses of various political parties/groups to the filibuster; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(g) | given that CE, when attending this Council's Question and Answer Session on 9 May this year, had indicated that the filibuster would bring negative impacts particularly on the needy of society, and also obstruct the Government's implementation of those relief measures put forward in the 2013-2014 Budget, whether the authorities can set out the details of such relief measures and the amounts involved;
(h) | given that CE, at the aforesaid Question and Answer Session, had indicated that if the Bill could not be passed in time, it would have inestimable impacts on the finances, people's livelihood and operation of the whole community, whether the Government had, before those Members commenced the filibuster, explained to the public and Members of this Council what "inestimable" impacts the filibuster would have; if it had, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(i) | given that CE, at the aforesaid Question and Answer Session, had indicated that if the Bill could not be passed by this Council by 15 May, there would be serious consequences comparable to facing a "fiscal cliff", and the Bill was passed by this Council several days later than the time specified by the Government, of those serious consequences that CE had referred to and whether the "fiscal cliff" has occurred;
(j) | whether it had approached the President of the Legislative Council ("LegCo") with regard to the four Members' filibustering and requested him to put an end to the filibuster; if it had, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(k) | whether it had known in advance that the President of LegCo was to announce the arrangements for ending the filibuster on the morning of 13 May; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | given that Cheung Kong had, for the sake of selling hotel room units, sought and obtained permission from the Lands Department for splitting The Apex Horizon's land lease, while the Chief Executive, the Chief Secretary for Administration, the Secretary for Development as well as officials from the Lands Department and Buildings Department had neither stopped the Sale nor indicated that the relevant transactions might contravene the Ordinance, whether such situations had arisen because the Government had never realized that the Sale might involve a CIS; if so, of the reasons for that; if not, when the Government started to examine whether the Sale had contravened the Ordinance;
(b) | whether it will review the competence of members of the governing team of the Government and government officials in interpreting and enforcing various legislation which is applicable to the regulation of developers, in order to avoid similar suspected illegal sale in future; and
(c) | whether it knows if SFC will clarify whether the Sale or similar selling approaches violate any regulations, and whether it will study if it is necessary to take further legal actions and amend the relevant legislation so as to avoid criticism of inappropriately taking "harmony is precious" approach and "tackling problems with developers in private" as well as to prevent the recurrence of similar disputes in future? |
(a) | of the monthly data recorded in 2012 and 2013 by various aircraft noise monitoring terminals on aircraft noise levels which reached 70 to 74, 75 to 79, and 80 decibels ("dB") or above during the aforesaid hours;
(b) | of the types of aircraft with noise levels reaching 80 dB or above last year, and the names of the airline companies to which such aircraft belonged; and
(c) | whether it will further enhance the existing aircraft noise mitigating measures to reduce the nuisance caused to residents in the districts concerned; if it will, of the details? |
(a) | it has formulated a detailed timetable for commencing discussions with the three franchised bus companies and the various District Councils on using an "Area Approach" in formulating bus route rationalization plans and the relevant implementation arrangements; if it has, of the timetable and the details of the work concerned; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | it has prepared a list of feasible sites for providing new BBIs; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(c) | it will consider converting certain large-scale bus termini (e.g. Cheung On Bus Terminus at Tsing Yi) into area-based BBIs; if it will, of the details of the relevant plans; if not, the reasons for that; and
(d) | it has any plan to make reference to the practices of other places (e.g. Taiwan) and require franchised bus companies to set up Estimated Bus Arrival Time systems to enable passengers to check the bus arrival time via announcing devices set up at BBIs or mobile phone applications, as well as consider including such a requirement in the franchise agreements to be signed with bus companies in future; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
Proposed resolution under the Road Traffic Ordinance and the Road Traffic (Driving-offence Points) Ordinance
Secretary for Transport and Housing to move the motion in the Appendix. |
(The motion was also issued on 14 May 2013 under LC Paper No. CB(3) 584/12-13) |