Subcommittee on Poverty (Agenda) 20 October 2015 |
I. | Briefing by Commission on Poverty regarding Commission on Poverty Summit and work progress of the Commission and its Task Forces as well as the latest poverty situation(2:30 pm - 8:10 pm) | ||
LC Paper No. CB(2)44/15-16(01) (attached) | - | Paper provided by the Administration
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LC Paper No. CB(2)44/15-16(02) (attached) | - | Updated background brief on the poverty line prepared by the Legislative Council ("LegCo") Secretariat
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(A list of relevant papers previously issued is available on the LegCo website at papers/hs51_ppr.htm)
Meeting with deputations/individuals and the Administration Session One (2:30 pm - 4:25 pm) Session Two (4:25 pm - 6:20 pm) Session Three (6:20 pm - 8:10 pm) | |||
II. | Item(s) for discussion at the next meeting(8:10 pm - 8:13 pm) | ||
III. | Any other business(8:13 pm - 8:15 pm) |