Subcommittee on District Councils Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 3) Order 2013


Written submissions and the Administration's response

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)1852/12-13(04) Submission from a deputation (本地觀點) 12 October 2013
CB(2)62/13-14(02) Submission from Democratic Party 12 October 2013
CB(2)1852/12-13(03) Submission from Dr YANG Mo, member of Southern District Council 12 October 2013
CB(2)1845/12-13(01) Submission from Mr WONG Fuk-kan, member of Islands District Council 4 October 2013
12 October 2013
CB(2)1852/12-13(02) Submission from Ms CHAU Chuen-heung, BBS, MH, JP, Vice-Chairman of Islands District Council 12 October 2013
CB(2)1852/12-13(01) Submission from Right of People's Livelihood & Legal Association HK 12 October 2013