Public Accounts Committee

Programme for the Public Hearing on
the Director of Audit's Report No. 59

(As at 8 December 2012)

8 December 2012 (Saturday)
Venue : Conference Room 3

Witness Chapter Subject Time
Dr KO Wing-man
Secretary for Food and Health

Mr Chris SUN
Head, Healthcare Planning and Development Office
Food and Health Bureau

Dr Constance CHAN Hon-yee
Director of Health

Dr FUNG Ying
Senior Medical and Health Officer (Regulatory)
Department of Health

Mr Paul CHAN Mo-po
Secretary for Development

Mr Thomas CHAN
Deputy Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands)

Ms Bernadette LINN
Director of Lands

Ms Rita LAI
Assistant Director (Headquarters)
Lands Department

Miss Ophelia WONG
Deputy Director (District)
Planning Department

Mr Wilson SO
Assistant Director (New Territories)
Planning Department
4 Land grants for private hospital development
(third public hearing)
2:30 pm – 5:30 pm