Public Accounts Committee

Programme for the Public Hearing on
the Director of Audit's Report No. 59

(As at 17 December 2012)

17 December 2012 (Monday)
Venue : Conference Room 3

Witness Chapter Subject Time
Mr WONG Kam-sing
Secretary for the Environment

Ms Christine LOH Kung-wai
Under Secretary for the Environment

Ms Anissa WONG Sean-yee
Permanent Secretary for the Environment/
Director of Environmental Protection

Mr Andrew LAI Chi-wah
Deputy Director of Environmental Protection

Mr MOK Wai-chuen
Assistant Director (Air Policy)
Department of Environmental Protection

Mr PANG Sik-wing
Principal Environmental Protection Officer (Air Policy)
Department of Environmental Protection

Ms Grace LUI Kit-yuk
Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) (Acting)

Professor Anthony CHEUNG
Secretary for Transport and Housing

Mr Andy CHAN Shui-fu
Deputy Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport)2

Ms Julina CHAN Woon-yee
Deputy Secretary for Transport and Housing (Transport)5

Mrs Ingrid YEUNG HO Poi-yan
Commissioner for Transport

Ms Carolina YIP Lai-ching
Deputy Commissioner/Transport Services and Management

Mr Francis LIU Hon-por
Director of Marine

Mr Jimmy LEUNG Wing-hong
Chief, Maritime Policy
Marine Department

Mr Tony CHAN Cheuk-sang
General Manager (Operations)
Marine Department
2 Implementation of air-quality improvement measures
(second public hearing)
2:30 pm – 6:30 pm