Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services

Meeting on Tuesday, 28 May 2013, at 4:30 pm
in Conference Room 1 of the Legislative Council Complex

Updated Agenda


Information paper(s) issued since the last meeting

(4:30 pm - 4:31 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(4)639/12-13(01)
(issued on 9 May 2013)

-Letter from Hon Dennis KWOK dated 7 May 2013 requesting to invite organizations to give views on the issue of "Future development of legal aid in Hong Kong" (Chinese version only)

LC Paper No. CB(4)670/12-13(01)
(issued on 23 May 2013)

-Letter from Hon LEUNG Kwok-hung and Hon WONG Yuk-man dated 22 May 2013 requesting to discuss the issue of "Handling of cases by Court Masters" (Chinese version only) (Revised version)


Date of next meeting and items for discussion

(4:31 pm - 4:45 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(4)679/12-13(01)
(issued on 24 May 2013)

-List of outstanding items for discussion

LC Paper No. CB(4)679/12-13(02)
(issued on 24 May 2013)

-List of follow-up actions

*Legend symbol denoting Members of the Panel on Security and all other Members are invited to join the discussion.III.

Right of abode issues of children born in Hong Kong to Mainland parents both of whom are not Hong Kong permanent residents

(4:45 pm - 6:00 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(4)670/12-13(02)
(issued on 21 May 2013)

-Submission from The Law Society of Hong Kong (English version only)

LC Paper No. CB(4)679/12-13(03)
(issued on 23 May 2013)

-Administration's paper on "Right of abode issues of children born in Hong Kong to Mainland parents both of whom are not Hong Kong permanent residents"

LC Paper No. CB(4)679/12-13(04)
(issued on 24 May 2013)

-Background brief on "Procedure for seeking an interpretation of the Basic Law" prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat

LC Paper No. CB(4)695/12-13(01)

-Statement of the Hong Kong Bar Association on "Vallejos & Domingo v Commissioner of Registration (FACV 19,20/2012)"


Handling of sexual offences cases

(6:00 pm - 7:25 pm)

LC Paper No. CB(4)439/12-13(01)
(issued on 25 February 2013)

-Administration's paper on "Protection of Victims of Sexual Offence Cases during Court Proceedings"

LC Paper No. CB(4)439/12-13(02)
(issued on 25 February 2013)

-Administration's paper on "Procedures in handling of sexual offence cases and related trainings of the Hong Kong Police Force"

LC Paper No. CB(4)478/12-13(01)
(issued on 12 March 2013)

-Administration's paper on "Existing measures by Prosecutions Division of Department of Justice in handling victims in sexual offence cases"

LC Paper No. CB(4)679/12-13(05)
(issued on 23 May 2013)

-Administration's paper on "Protection of Victims or Witnesses of Sexual Offence Cases During Court Proceedings"

Meeting with deputations and the Administration

1.The Hong Kong Committee on Children's Rights
LC Paper No. CB(4)695/12-13(02) (Chinese version only) (attached)

2.Against Child Abuse
LC Paper No. CB(4)713/12-13(01) (Chinese version only)

3.Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
LC Paper No. CB(4)695/12-13(03) (Chinese version only) (attached)

LC Paper No. CB(4)713/12-13(02) (Chinese version only)

5.OIWA Limited

Submission received

-From Dr Monit CHEUNG, Graduate College of Social Work of the University of Houston
LC Paper No. CB(4)679/12-13(06) (English version only) (issued on 23 May 2013)

-From Association for Concern for Legal Rights of Victims of Domestic Violence
LC Paper No. CB(4)713/12-13(03) (Chinese version only)


Any other business

(7:25 pm - 7:30 pm)

* Members of the Panel on Security and all other Members are invited to join the discussion.

Council Business Division 4
Legislative Council Secretariat
28 May 2013