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Select Committee to Inquire into Matters Relating to Mr Timothy TONG's Duty Visits, Entertainment, and Bestowing and Receipt of Gifts during his Tenure as Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption

Select Committee to Inquire into Matters Relating to Mr Timothy TONG's Duty Visits, Entertainment, and Bestowing and Receipt of Gifts during his Tenure as Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption

Terms of reference

The terms of reference of the Select Committee, which reflect the substance of the petition jointly presented by Hon Dennis Kwok and Hon Cyd HO at the Council meeting of 8 May 2013 and referred to the Select Committee under Rule 20(6) of the Rules of Procedure, are as follows -

To inquire into whether the official duty visits, entertainment, and the bestowing and receipt of gifts by Mr Timothy TONG during his tenure as Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption are commensurate with his official capacity and the values of probity and integrity advocated by the Independent Commission Against Corruption, and how the Independent Commission Against Corruption provided information related to the above matters to the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council.





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