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Bills Committee on Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) Bill 2014 (Papers)

Bills Committee on Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) Bill 2014


Other relevant papers

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)1373/13-14(01) Hon Claudia MO's letter suggesting the Bills Committee to hold a public hearing to receive views from the trade and the public on the Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) Bill 2014 dated 8 April 2014 (Chinese version only) 24 April 2014
CB(2)1344/13-14(03) Paper on the Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) Bill 2014 prepared by the Legislative Council Secretariat (Background brief) 24 April 2014
CB(2)1584/13-14(03) Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Hong Kong's letter to all registered pharmacists on "New Code of Practice for Authorized Seller of Poisons" provided by the College of Consultant Pharmacist dated 28 February 2014 (English version only) 20 May 2014
CB(2)1584/13-14(04) Respective Codes of Ethics promulgated by The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Hong Kong, The Practising Pharmacists Association of Hong Kong and The Pharmaceutical Society of Hong Kong as provided by the Administration (English version only) 20 May 2014
IN19/13-14 Paper on "Regulations governing the definition, registration and manufacture of medicinal products in the European Union" prepared by Research Office of the Legislative Council Secretariat (Information note) 4 July 2014