Council Meeting (Agenda) 16 October 2013 |
A 13/14-2
Subsidiary Legislation / Instruments | L.N. No. | |
1. | Road Traffic (Public Service Vehicles) (Amendment) Regulation 2013 | 151/2013 |
2. | Country Parks (Designation) (Consolidation) (Amendment) Order 2013 | 152/2013 |
3. | Arbitration (Amendment) Ordinance 2013 (Commencement) Notice | 153/2013 |
Other Papers
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1. | No. 7 | - | Competition Commission
Annual Report 2012/13 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development)
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2. | No. 8 | - | Report of changes made to the approved Estimates of Expenditure during the first quarter of 2013-14
Public Finance Ordinance : Section 8 |
(to be presented by Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury)
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3. | No. 9 | - | West Kowloon Cultural District Authority
Annual Report 2012/13 |
(to be presented by the Financial Secretary)
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4. | Report No. 1/13-14 of the House Committee on Consideration of Subsidiary Legislation and Other Instruments | ||
(to be presented by Hon Andrew LEUNG, Chairman of the House Committee) |
(a) | of the area and percentage of developed land in the 1 100-odd square kilometres of land in Hong Kong at present; among the developed land, the respective numbers of sites used for public and private housing, commercial, industrial and agricultural purposes, as well as a breakdown of the respective areas and percentages of the sites by land use;
(b) | among the greenfield sites, of the respective areas of land designated as country parks and special areas under the Country Parks Ordinance, and the percentage of the area of such land in the total land area in Hong Kong; the area of the remaining greenfield sites and its percentage in the total land area of Hong Kong; as well as a breakdown of the respective areas and percentages of the above two types of land by District Council district; and
(c) | whether the authorities will explore ways to develop the existing greenfield sites (such as developing long-abandoned quarries and idle government, rural and industrial sites, as well as re-designating for housing purpose "Green Belt" areas in the fringe of the new development areas which are of low value) so as to increase the land supply; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | given that the Taiwanese authorities promptly put forward sanctions after the incident of a Taiwanese fisherman being shot dead by the Philippine law enforcement officers, whether the Government will impose all possible sanctions against the Philippine Government, so as to press the Philippine Government to admit responsibility and offer apologies and compensations to the victims of the Manila hostage-taking incident and their families; if it will, what sanctions will be imposed in the coming six months; if not, the reasons for that; whether it has assessed if the taking of a dilatory approach in handling the incident will render the victims and their families unable to hold the persons involved responsible within the statutory period;
(b) | given that the Director of Marine has made an apology to the victims of the maritime disaster and their families, whether the authorities will demand the relevant heads of bureaux and departments to suspend duty immediately or even hold them accountable for the incident and require them to step down; if so, when this will be done; if not, the reasons for that; and
(c) | whether the Government will publish within three months the internal investigation report regarding the maritime disaster; if it will, of the publication date; if not, the reasons for that, and whether the Government intends to take a dilatory approach to handle the incident so that the victims and their families are unable to hold the persons concerned legally responsible for the incident? |
Public Officers to reply | : | Secretary for Transport and Housing
Secretary for Security |
(a) | when the authorities will conduct a detailed topical statistical survey, so as to grasp the number of different groups of underprivileged children (including children with disabilities, children of ethnic minorities and other groups of children) and their poverty situation;
(b) | of the authorities’ new plans, funding proposals and arrangements to ensure equal opportunities for these children to receive education, so that their chances of pursuing studies and securing employment will not be affected; and
(c) | whether they will take on board the Committee’s recommendation to set up an inter-departmental Commission on Children with concrete powers to monitor and promote the implementation of the Convention? |
Public Officer to reply | : | Secretary for Labour and Welfare
Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs |
(a) | as the authorities indicated in the aforesaid response that the returns from bureaux and departments on the assessment of the viability of the trial scheme would be received by the third quarter of this year, whether they have received those returns; if so, of the total number of employees involved in the trial scheme to be launched and the expected time for concluding and publishing the results of the relevant study; if such returns have not yet been received from all bureaux and departments concerned, the reasons for that;
(b) | upon the full implementation of the aforesaid trial scheme, whether the Department of Health will, in response to the demand of the staff union, work towards ultimately reducing the conditioned hours of work of the civil servants of MOD 1 grades working in HA to 44 gross hours per week, to align them with the gross hours of the staff of HA’s supporting grades; if it will, of the details; and
(c) | whether the authorities will further consider aligning the weekly gross hours of all civil servants and non-civil service contract staff to 44 hours, so as to take the lead in implementing a system of standard working hours? |
(a) | whether the aforesaid remarks of the government officials were based on the findings of investigations or studies; if so, of the details;
(b) | why the Home Affairs Department had arranged for the discussion with the voluntary organizations on the issue of street sleepers in a high-class club house at Yau Yat Chuen; and
(c) | whether it has assessed if the Government’s current policy for supporting street sleepers can resolve the pressure and difficulties in living faced by street sleepers; if it has assessed, of the findings and details; if the findings of the assessment are in the negative, whether and when the Government will review the related policy? |
Public Officers to reply | : | Secretary for Labour and Welfare
Secretary for Home Affairs |
(a) | whether it knows, among the 72 candidates who met the university entrance requirements in the last HKALE, the number of those who have been admitted to universities at present, with a breakdown by institution; whether the authorities have provided those 72 candidates with special assistance (e.g. helping them strive for opportunities for interviews); if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | as it has been reported that certain universities had not considered the HKALE results of the HKALE repeaters in processing their non-JUPAS applications for admission because the HKALE results had not been released then, whether the authorities will request the various institutions to review the applications from those candidates; and
(c) | as some candidates have pointed out that although some candidates had attained outstanding results in the last HKALE, they were not admitted to universities probably because no places were left in universities, whether the authorities will liaise with the universities to look into the situation and ensure that the departments concerned are granted additional resources to provide places for the admission of those candidates? |
(a) | whether it has examined why the former Director expressed the aforesaid views on the operations of ICAC and SFC prior to his departure from office; if it has, of the outcome; if not, whether it will face up to the relevant views;
(b) | whether the incumbent Director of Public Prosecutions has followed up the aforesaid views of the former Director; if he has, of the progress; if not, the reasons for that;
(c) | whether it will, in the light of the former Director’s views, review the criteria adopted by ICAC for deciding whether investigation will be conducted into corruption complaints so as to enhance the transparency of the operation of ICAC; and
(d) | whether it will, with reference to the former Director’s views, study the transfer of SFC’s prosecution powers to DoJ so as to maintain proper checks and balances on the functions and powers of SFC? |
(a) | the information concerning the idle government sites and properties fully owned by the Government and managed by the Government Property Agency ("GPA") at present (set out in the table below);
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(b) | the information concerning the idle government sites and properties (e.g. vacant school premises) fully owned by the Government and managed by government departments other than GPA (e.g. the Education Bureau, the Housing Department) at present (set out in the table below);
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(c) | the information concerning the idle government properties partly owned by the Government at present (set out in the table below);
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(d) | the situation of idle civil servants quarters managed by GPA or the Civil Service Bureau (set out in the table below); and
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(e) | the number of properties managed by various policy bureaux/government departments which have been reviewed by GPA between 2000 and 2012 in respect of their utilization, and the time required for GPA to review such properties (set out in the table below)?
(a) | whether it has assessed the latest impact of the decision made at the aforesaid meeting on Hong Kong’s economy, including the overall economic conditions, capital flows, asset prices and inflation, etc.; if it has, of the outcome; whether the authorities will consider raising this year’s forecast of the year-on-year rate of increase in the Composite Consumer Price Index (i.e. the underlying inflation rate) of Hong Kong;
(b) | whether it has assessed if abundant liquidity and the persistently low-interest-rate environment will bring about equity and property asset bubbles, which may lead to market fluctuations; whether the authorities have drawn up contingency plans and measures to curb the inflow of hot money, with a view to stabilizing asset prices and combating speculations; and
(c) | of the measures the authorities have put in place in response to the short to medium term low-interest-rate environment to reduce the risks faced by the banking sector? |
(a) | whether it knows if PCPD has consulted the personnel and bodies of the IT industry in formulating "the Guidance on the Use of Personal Data Obtained from the Public Domain" to ensure that the Guidance is practicable; if PCPD has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | given that making public sector information ("PSI") widely available and providing PSI for free re-use to facilitate the development of online services and mobile applications have been proposed in the public consultation document on 2014 Digital 21 Strategy, whether the authorities have discussed with PCPD about the formulation of guidelines to help the IT industry to avoid invading personal privacy when using PSI; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(c) | given the privacy legislation in some countries (such as Singapore and New Zealand) has made certain exemptions for the use of data available in the public domain, whether the authorities will review (i) the definition of "data available in the public domain", (ii) the scope of exemptions from the data protection principles, and (iii) the (explicit or implicit) purposes of making data publicly available when the Ordinance came into effect in 1996; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(d) | whether it knows if PCPD has conducted sample checks on the ways that personal data are used by the mobile applications developed by government departments; and if PCPD has requested various government departments (and their agents) to develop the applications concerned in accordance with "Personal data privacy protection: what mobile apps developers and their clients should know"; if PCPD has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and whether the Government has assessed the potential risks posed by its mobile applications to the privacy of users and implemented corresponding measures; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(e) | whether mobile applications developed by various government departments (and their agents) have accessed users’ data (including unique phone identifier, location data, account information for accessing the applications, the applications running on the mobile phone, camera/microphone function of mobile phones, SMS/MMS messages, call logs, address book, calendar details, etc.), with a breakdown of the types of personal data accessed by the name of the mobile application; whether various government departments (and their agents) have prepared privacy policy statements that are easy to find and understand, so that when users download the applications, clear explanations are given as to whether the data on the users’ phones will be accessed by the applications and the purposes thereof, the types of data to be accessed and the ways that such data will be accessed; how the departments concerned (and their agents) handle the data which are personally identifiable and those which are not? |
(a) | whether it knows the number of buildings with structures containing asbestos materials throughout the territory at present, with a breakdown by the 18 District Council districts;
(b) | whether it has set a timetable for demolishing structures containing asbestos materials, and when all such structures are expected to be demolished;
(c) | of the number of owners who have applied for subsidies under assistance schemes such as the Integrated Building Maintenance Assistance Scheme, the Building Maintenance Grant Scheme for Elderly Owners or the Comprehensive Building Safety Improvement Loan Scheme since 2011 for carrying out works which involved demolishing structures containing asbestos materials;
(d) | given the legal requirement that a registered asbestos consultant or a registered asbestos contractor must be engaged to carry out works involving asbestos-containing materials, of the respective numbers of such consultants and contractors in Hong Kong at present; whether it has assessed if the numbers are sufficient;
(e) | of the number of persons prosecuted for breaching the legal requirement stated in (d) in the past five years, as well as the penalties imposed in general on persons convicted by the courts;
(f) | of the number of cases in which prosecution was instituted against illegal disposal of asbestos waste in the past five years, as well as the penalties imposed in general on persons convicted by the courts; the number of asbestos contractors who were prosecuted in such cases; and
(g) | as some members of the construction industry have pointed out that all works involving asbestos-containing materials are presently regulated by the Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 311), which is enforced by the Environmental Protection Department, but these works also involve issues such as labour safety and works supervision, whether the authorities have assessed if the regulation of such works is comprehensive at present in the absence of co-ordination and supervision by the Labour Department and the Buildings Department; whether the Government has any plan to review and improve the aforesaid ordinance in the light of the issues in question, so as to enhance the safety of such works? |
(a) | whether it will ask the Hospital Authority ("HA") to allocate additional resources for the Cataract Surgeries Programme to increase the number of subvented places each year, with a view to shortening the waiting time for cataract surgeries in public hospitals; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(b) | given that HA has set up cataract centres in Hong Kong West Cluster and Kowloon East Cluster respectively, resulting in a drastic reduction of the waiting time for cataract surgeries in those two clusters, whether it knows if HA will implement similar initiatives in Kowloon West Cluster? |
(a) | of the number of FDHs’ employment visa applications rejected by ImmD in each of the past five years, together with a breakdown by reason (e.g. involving "adverse records", "breaches" or "abuse of the employment arrangement for FDHs");
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(b) | of the respective numbers of FDHs’ employment visa applications received by ImmD in each of the past five years; and among such applications, of the number of applications involving FDHs who had prematurely terminated their employment contracts with their former employers for (a) one to three times and (b) four times or more, and the numbers of applications rejected (as set out in the table below);
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(c) | of the number of FDHs currently working in Hong Kong who had prematurely terminated their employment contracts with their former employers, together with a breakdown by the frequency of premature contract termination (as set out in the table below);
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(d) | as it has been reported that at present, quite a number of FDHs do not return to their places of domicile after premature termination of employment contracts with their employers, but instead they go to the neighbouring regions (e.g. Macao) for a brief stay and then re-enter Hong Kong, whether the Government has explored requiring FDHs previously worked in Hong Kong who have now applied for employment visas again to provide proof of entry to their places of domicile when processing their applications; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
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(e) | of the respective numbers of cases in which the authorities refused to issue a licence to, or renew the licence of, as well as revoked the licence of, an intermediary pursuant to section 53 of the Employment Ordinance, in each of the past five years, together with a breakdown by the reason for the decision; and
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(f) | of the number of complaints received by the authorities in each of the past five years which involved intermediaries seeking from FDHs rewards other than the prescribed commission, thus constituting an alleged breach of section 57 of the Employment Ordinance, and the number of convictions among the relevant cases? |
(a) | whether the authorities will consider establishing a registration system for guide dogs (for example, by adding fields containing data on guide dogs/guide dog puppies to the chips implanted in dogs), compiling a central register of qualified guide dogs/guide dog puppies, and setting up a licensing and assessment system for guide dog trainers and users; if they will, of the implementation schedule; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | given the comment that as the households of public rental housing ("PRH") estates, Home Ownership Scheme ("HOS") courts and some private housing estates are not allowed to keep dogs, guide dog puppies may not be kept in the flats of such estates/courts, thus making them difficult to fully adapt to the living environment of Hong Kong in future, whether the authorities will consider relaxing the relevant stipulations to allow households of PRH estates and HOS courts to keep guide dog puppies; whether the authorities will promote the inclusion of a clause allowing households to keep guide dog puppies in the deeds of mutual covenant of private buildings;
(c) | given the stipulation in the Disability Discrimination Ordinance (Cap. 487) that it is unlawful for a person to discriminate against another person with a disability by refusing to allow that other person access to, or the use of, any premises that the public may enter or use, or by refusing to allow that other person the use of any facilities in such premises, whether the authorities will consider extending the relevant provisions to cover people with guide dog puppies in company, in order to facilitate the provision of localized training to guide dog puppies; whether the authorities will step up publicity and public education on the relevant provisions;
(d) | given that some guide dog service providers plan to introduce more guide dogs into service but currently there is no specialized dog training centre in Hong Kong, whether the authorities will consider allocating land free of charge to subsidize such service providers for the construction of a dog training centre; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(e) | whether it has looked into the concrete results of the "pilot training scheme for guide dog users"; whether it has drawn experience from the scheme; whether the Government will provide more support to those organizations implementing the scheme, and support the continuous and full-fledged implementation of the scheme, with a view to enabling more visually impaired persons in need to benefit from the scheme? |
(a) | in respect of the units in each of the PRH districts (i.e. urban areas, extended urban areas, the New Territories and Islands) in each of the past five years, of (i) the number of PRH applicants who had opted for allocation of them, (ii) their average vacancy rate and (iii) the number of vacant one-person units among them (set out in the table below);
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(b) | of the number of PRH applicants in the past five years who had been offered PRH units for the first time within three years after submission of applications; among them, the number of applicants who had refused the first offer of PRH units, and their main reasons for refusal; the number of applicants who had moved into PRH units within three years after submission of applications (set out in the table below);
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(c) | of the number of PRH applicants who had accepted the allocation of one-person PRH units in the past five years, broken down by the age group to which the applicants belonged (set out in the table below);
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(d) | of the current number of applicants on the PRH Waiting List; among them, the number of applicants for one-person units;
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(e) | of the number of cases of voluntary surrender of units by PRH tenants in each of the past five years;
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(f) | of the projected number of new PRH units in each of the years from 2013 to 2017 and, among them, the number of one-person units, broken down by the four PRH districts (set out in the table below); and
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(g) | of the details of HD’s plan in the coming five years to convert PRH units, apart from those in Tin Lee House of Lung Tin Estate, into HOS flats to be put up for sale and the number of units involved; the removal arrangements for the tenants of the housing estate concerned (including whether HD will arrange for in-situ rehousing and offer rent concessions)? |
(a) | of the current uses and statutory land uses of various enclaves, and whether they are privately owned and are involved in development projects;
(b) | of the latest planning for various enclaves (including whether they are covered by any statutory plan and the types of such plans);
(c) | whether it will draw up a schedule to expeditiously include enclaves in statutory plans and conduct public consultation on the use of such enclaves; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(d) | whether it will step up inspection of enclaves to ensure their actual uses in compliance with the stipulations in land leases and to eradicate acts of "destroy first and build later"; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(e) | as some members of the public have pointed out that residential developments in enclaves will affect the environment of the adjacent country parks, whether the Government will conduct environment impact assessments and traffic impact assessments in respect of such development proposals; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | whether it has examined the latest situation of sites in Hong Kong available for development, and the floor areas of different types of residential units that can be built on the relevant sites; if it has, of the details, together with a breakdown set out in the table below; if not, the reasons for that;
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(b) | of the number of sites of government industrial buildings in Hong Kong that can be converted for residential housing development, together with details on their locations and areas;
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(c) | as it is learnt that a total of about 25 000 submissions were received by the Town Planning Board during the consultation for the rezoning of the former campus of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Lee Wai Lee) in Kowloon Tong, with over 99% of the submissions against the rezoning of the site to residential use, whether the authorities will stick to the proposed planned use of the site; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
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(d) | given that CE stated in the 2013 Policy Address that the Government has secured land for the development of about 75 000 new public rental housing ("PRH") flats within the five years starting from 2012-2013 and about 17 000 new Home Ownership Scheme ("HOS") flats within the four years starting from 2016-2017, whether the authorities have set out respectively the annual supply of PRH and HOS flats, distribution of the flats in various districts as well as the respective numbers of persons to be benefited during the two aforesaid periods; if so, of the details set out in a table; if not, the reasons for that;
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(e) | whether it will consider relaxing the number of storeys and the area of each floor of New Territories Small Houses for better utilization of land resources; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
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(f) | as the results of a survey commissioned by the Long Term Housing Strategy Steering Committee have estimated that there are at present 66 900 sub-divided units ("SDUs") in the territory, but SDUs in industrial buildings have been excluded, whether the authorities have compiled statistics on the number of SDUs in industrial buildings to assess the demand on land for housing; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
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(g) | given that quite a number of members of the public have proposed to re-designate parts of country parks and the Hong Kong Golf Club in Fanling for housing development purpose, whether the authorities have embarked on any relevant assessment; if they have, of the time when they embarked on the assessment, as well as the estimated date of completion and the details of the assessment; if they have not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | whether the Hong Kong Police College will provide any training course to teach police officers the skills of investigating cases of cruel treatment of animals; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(b) | whether it will make reference to the composition of the existing part-time special teams (such as the Police Negotiation Cadre, the Force Search Unit, the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team, etc.) within the Police and set up an Animal Police Team comprising interested voluntary police officers; if so; of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | handle the water barriers properly upon completion of the works, and not to dispose of them casually or send them to landfills for disposal;
(b) | hand over damaged water barriers to recyclers for recovery and recycling; and
(c) | use only water sources other than potable water (such as river water) to fill the water barriers? |
(a) | of the existing numbers of (i) earth burial spaces, (ii) permanent urn spaces and (iii) columbarium niches provided in the Garden and the respective utilization rates of such spaces;
(b) | whether the authorities have earmarked any land adjacent to the Garden for its future extension; if so, of the site area of the land earmarked, and the respective numbers of the three types of burial spaces mentioned in (a) to be provided there, and the number of earth burial spaces that can be provided if the said piece of land is exclusively used for earth burial; if no land has been earmarked, of the reasons for that;
(c) | whether the authorities have assessed, if all civil servants who died on duty are allowed to be buried permanently in the earth burial spaces in the Garden, the estimated (i) number of years within which the existing earth burial spaces in the Garden will be fully occupied, and (ii) size of the additional land to be provided in the coming three decades; and
(d) | whether the authorities will reconsider changing the existing policy to allow all civil servants who died on duty to be permanently buried in the earth burial spaces in the Garden; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | why the Government has not yet completed the legal procedures concerned after the Ordinance has been enacted for eight years, and of the government department(s) responsible; the detailed timetable the Government currently has for implementing the Ordinance; whether the Government has requested CPG to provide assistance in completing the procedures for formal notification of joining the Protocol; if so, when it made the request, and set out in detail the chronology of the various tasks involved, as well as the respective departments and ranks of officers in Hong Kong and the Mainland that are responsible for the tasks (set out in the table below);
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(b) | as the amounts of claims made against the owners of the vessels involved and the amounts of compensation receivable by the families of the victims of the maritime disaster off Lamma Island may be affected by the fact that the Ordinance has yet to come into operation, whether the Government will consider making compensations to the families of the victims in this respect; if not, of the reasons for that;
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(c) | whether the Government and CPG have put in place a mechanism for dealing with Hong Kong’s legal matters involving foreign affairs; if so, of the details; and
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(d) | apart from the aforesaid Ordinance, of the number of the existing ordinances which have been enacted by the Legislative Council but have yet to take effect, and set out respectively the titles of such ordinances, the reasons for their not having come into operation, the expected commencement dates as well as the government departments responsible? |
(a) | of the latest situation regarding the usage of the aforesaid funds of $100 million; among such funds, the amounts allocated to non-governmental organizations ("NGOs") and government authorities outside Hong Kong as well as their uses respectively; whether the authorities have any concrete plan to regularly monitor the actual uses of the funds and their effectiveness;
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(b) | given that NGOs allocated with funds are required to submit evaluation reports and audited accounts within six months after completion of the disaster relief programmes, but government authorities outside Hong Kong allocated with funds are not required to submit evaluation reports within a specific period of time, of the measures put in place by the authorities to ensure that the funds allocated to government authorities outside Hong Kong are properly spent;
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(c) | of the details of the allocations made by the Government through the Fund to places outside Hong Kong in each of the past five years (set out in the table below); and
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(d) | with respect to NGOs or government authorities outside Hong Kong found to have used the funds improperly, whether the authorities have put in place mechanisms to immediately terminate the allocation of funds to them and recover the allocated funds; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; whether the authorities will blacklist such government authorities and NGOs and reject their future applications for funds? |
(a) | the Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) (No. 5) Regulation 2013; and
(b) | the Poisons List (Amendment) (No. 5) Regulation 2013.
(The two Regulations are in Appendices I and II and were also issued
on 27 September 2013 under LC Paper No. CB(3) 14/13-14) |