Council Meeting (Agenda) 27 November 2013 |
A 13/14-9
Subsidiary Legislation / Instrument | L.N. No. |
Antiquities and Monuments (Declaration of Historical Buildings) Notice 2013 | 186/2013 |
(a) | whether it will immediately publish clear guidelines to assist parents in deciding whether their children need to receive pneumococcal vaccination; if it will, of the contents of the guidelines; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | whether it has put in place any immediate measures to ensure an adequate supply of vaccines by pharmaceutical manufacturers; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(c) | when the booster dose programme will be implemented the soonest; whether the Government has put in place emergency measures to cope with an outbreak of invasive pneumococcal epidemic prior to the implementation of the booster dose programme; if it has, of the details, including the circumstances under which the Government will implement such measures; if not, how the Government can ensure that the epidemic will be under control? |
(a) | as Article 22 of the Basic Law stipulates that "[n]o department of the Central People's Government and no province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government may interfere in the affairs which the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region administers on its own in accordance with this Law", whether the authorities have formulated any mechanism or procedure to deal with situations where there is interference in the affairs which Hong Kong administers on its own; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | whether it has assessed if seeking documents under the P&P Ordinance is an affair which the Hong Kong SAR administers on its own as stipulated in Article 22 of the Basic Law; if the assessment outcome is in the affirmative, whether it has assessed if the officials of LOCPG have contravened the aforesaid article of the Basic Law by discussing the matter with Members of this Council; if the assessment outcome is in the affirmative, whether the authorities have relayed to LOCPG that its officials have contravened the Basic Law by expressing views on this matter; if they have not, of the reasons for that; and
(c) | whether the aforesaid views of the ExCo Member reflect the views of ExCo; if so, of the justifications for ExCo to hold such views? |
(a) | of the existing procedures and guidelines for schools to handle incidents in which teachers and other staff members are suspected of bullying students, and the respective power and responsibilities of EDB, SMCs and school principals in such incidents; whether the Government will amend the legislation to stipulate that if a teacher is involved in a serious incident of bullying or suspected of having committed a criminal offence, EDB may, in the interest of students, directly order the school concerned to suspend the teacher concerned from his duties; if it will, of the timetable and details; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | whether the authorities will make reference to the mechanisms for regulating the conduct of professionals such as social workers, lawyers, doctors and nurses, and set up an independent organization to regulate the professional conduct of teachers in place of the current arrangements; if they will, of the timetable and details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(c) | of the number of complaints received by EDB in the past 10 years about teachers allegedly bullying students and, among them, the number of cases substantiated, and the penalties imposed on the teachers concerned? |
(a) | the respective average weekly working hours of full-time doctors of various ranks in A&E departments of public hospitals at present, as well as the respective median hourly salary (including basic salary and regular allowances) of doctors of various ranks calculated on the basis of the aforesaid working hours;
(b) | the respective median hourly salary of part-time doctors of various ranks in A&E departments of public hospitals at present, as well as the criteria for determining the relevant salary level; and
(c) | if the Hospital Authority conducted open recruitment of part-time doctors for A&E departments in the past three years; if so, when and how the recruitment was conducted; if not, of the reasons for that? |
(a) | whether it will consider advancing the release dates of the allocation results to dates earlier than the deadlines set by DSS schools for students to reply if they accept the places, so as to allow those students offered places by DSS schools and their parents to make choices between the places offered by DSS schools and those by government or aided schools; if not, of the reasons for that;
(b) | if the allocation results will not be released earlier, whether the authorities will consider increasing the ratio of discretionary places for schools and requiring the schools concerned to advance the release of the results of allocating such places; if not, of the reasons for that; and
(c) | as there are views that the experience of teachers has direct impact on a school's attractiveness to gifted students and there is a succession gap of teacher talents at present, whether the Government will consider deferring the retirement ages of school principals and teachers to help those schools with enrolment difficulties to maintain their teaching quality, so as to attract students to enroll in such schools; if not, of the reasons for that? |
(a) | whether the authorities will expedite the formulation of a comprehensive energy policy; of the targets of the fuel mix in the short, medium and long terms which have been considered by the authorities when formulating the energy policy, as well as the timetable for implementing such targets; whether the authorities have thoroughly considered and evaluated the impact of increasing the proportion of natural gas used on tariff and people's livelihood when they set the short-term target for the reduction in pollutant emission by 2015; in respect of setting the medium-term target for reduction in carbon emission by 2020, whether the authorities will make reference to Japan's recent announcement on lowering its latest target for reduction in carbon emission and in response to the ever-changing environmental factors, and consider conducting a corresponding review; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | in determining the new fuel mix required for meeting the reduction targets for pollutant emission and carbon emission, whether the authorities have drawn up any option (such as setting up a fund for stabilizing the price of natural gas fuel) to ensure a stable supply of fuel for electricity generation and the electricity tariff at a reasonable level which is affordable to members of the public; if they have, of the details of the options; if not, the reasons for that; and
(c) | with regard to the long-term plans for power grid development, whether the authorities will examine different options for opening up the power grids and for power interconnection, so as to tie in with the objective of the future fuel mix (e.g. importing renewable energy from the Mainland by means of "dedicated transmission lines"); if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | when and through which channel it first learnt of the decision to establish SSC; whether the Police and the Department of Justice will revise the existing law enforcement and prosecution policies in response to the purpose of SSC; if they will, of the details; whether the Government will restart the work of enacting local legislation to implement Article 23 of the Basic Law; if it will, of the timetable and details;
(b) | whether it has assessed if, upon the establishment of SSC, there will be corresponding changes in the roles played by HKMAO and LOCPG in handling matters related to the relationship between the Central Authorities and the Hong Kong SAR in accordance with the Basic Law; if there will be changes, of the details; whether it has studied if there is a legal basis for HKMAO and LOCPG to carry out tasks in Hong Kong in furtherance of the purpose of SSC; if there is a legal basis, of the details; and
(c) | as Article 22 of the Basic Law stipulates that all personnel of the departments of the Central Government shall abide by the laws of the Hong Kong SAR, whether the Government has made enquiries with the Central Authorities to see if SSC personnel will carry out activities in Hong Kong, including handling matters related to the "Occupy Central" movement, in order to ensure that they abide by the laws of the Hong Kong SAR; if they will carry out activities, of the legal basis, and whether the authorities have assessed if such a practice will violate the policy of "one country, two systems" and the principle of "Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong" and "a high degree of autonomy" being implemented in Hong Kong? |
(a) | of the current number of licensed MCs in Hong Kong and the measures currently undertaken by the Customs and Excise Department to monitor the compliance with the licensing requirements by the operators concerned;
(b) | whether it knows the number of licensed MCs which have accounts with banks in Hong Kong; if no such information is available, whether it will compile such statistics;
(c) | whether the authorities had, in the past three years, received complaints or requests for assistance from the operators of licensed MCs in respect of their being unable to open accounts with banks; if so, of the details; and
(d) | of the mechanisms the Hong Kong Monetary Authority has in place and the measures it has taken at present to help the operators of licensed MCs to open bank accounts and to receive related complaints? |
(a) | of the following information on each logistics site leased out on a short-term tenancy in the past five years (set out in table form):
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(i) | site location;
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(ii) | land use;
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(iii) | site area;
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(iv) | the date on which the existing lessee was first granted the tenancy, and the cumulative duration of the tenancy to date; and
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(v) | the commencement date and fixed term of each tenancy, and the rate of rent increase (%) as compared to the preceding tenancy, as well as the reasons for termination of tenancy (if applicable);
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(b) | whether the authorities will consider leasing out logistics sites on a longer fixed term (e.g. five to seven years) so that the lessees can have the opportunities to recoup the costs on infrastructure investment; if they will, of the details; if not, the measures put in place by the authorities to reduce the financial loss suffered by the lessees due to non-renewal of short-term tenancies; whether they will, in re-tendering a logistic site, consider giving priority to the former lessee who has invested substantially on that site in leasing the site, and determining the new rent based on the rent of the former tenancy adjusted by the cumulative inflation rate, instead of determining the new rent in accordance with the change in land value of the sites nearby; and
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(c) | of the details of the logistics sites to be leased out by the authorities on short-term tenancies in the coming three years, and set out the information in the following table?
(a) | as EPD has pointed out that the aforesaid EA report is not a statutory report under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap. 499), whether EPD has considered this report before giving comments to LandsD on the aforesaid application by the factory operator for changing the permitted land use;
(b) | whether EPD has measured the levels of emissions, sewage and other pollutants from the factory; if so, of the findings;
(c) | as the factory operator had been fined nine times for violating the Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 311) between 2000 and 2002, why EPD still renewed the licence to the factory for several times;
(d) | as LandsD has stated that EPD had "no objection" to the operator's application for changing the permitted land use under STT from cow bone crushing to lard production, of the justifications for EPD making the "no objection" comment; whether, in view of the pollution and stench concerns expressed by the residents, EPD will withdraw its "no objection" comment;
(e) | as I was told that EPD officials had said at a rural committee meeting held earlier this year that EPD had reservations about the factory's application for changing the permitted land use under STT from cow bone crushing to lard production, whether such reservations still stand;
(f) | as the villagers have told me that the aforesaid EA report is public information based on which the Government has made decisions affecting them, whether EPD will make public the report; if so, when EPD will do so; if not, of the justifications for that;
(g) | given that The Ombudsman indicated in 2012 that LandsD had failed to enforce the conditions in the land lease concerned and allowed the factory operator to violate the permitted land use, why LandsD did not enforce the conditions in the land lease and terminate the STT for the factory; and
(h) | whether LandsD has decided to renew STT for the factory despite the evidence submitted by the villagers, The Ombudsman's report, and the opinion of the Environmental Assessment Division of EPD? |
(a) | whether it knows the average fill-up rate of international schools in Hong Kong in the past five years, the numbers of students waiting for admission to various international schools in Hong Kong at present and their longest waiting time;
(b) | although the Education Bureau ("EDB") has reportedly said that international school places are currently sufficient overall, given that the business sector has pointed out that places in international primary schools on Hong Kong Island and in Kowloon are particularly in short supply, whether the Government has studied if there is a problem of imbalance between the supply of and demand for school places in various districts; if there is such a problem, of the solution;
(c) | whether EDB has assessed if the children born to mainland women whose spouses are not Hong Kong permanent residents (commonly known as "doubly non-permanent resident children") coming to Hong Kong for studies will aggravate the problem of insufficient international school places; if so, whether the authorities have studied corresponding solutions;
(d) whether the authorities will consider expediting the vetting and approval of applications of school sponsoring bodies ("SSBs") for conversion of vacant school premises into international schools, in order to solve the problem of insufficient international school places; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(e) | apart from allocating vacant school premises to SSBs for opening and operating international schools, whether the Government has other measures to solve the problem of insufficient international school places; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | it knows the number of couples seeking assistance from infertility treatment service units in public hospitals, their age distribution, the number of such couples who received reproductive technology treatment, as well the success rate, waiting time and average unit cost of the treatment services concerned, in each of the past five years;
(b) | it has assessed the demand for reproductive technology treatment services in the coming 10 years; if it has, of the details; if not, whether it will conduct such an assessment;
(c) | it has assessed the expenditure required to enhance public hospitals' reproductive technology treatment services to meet the demand mentioned in (b); if it has, of the details; if not, whether it will conduct such an assessment; and
(d) | it knows the current numbers of reproductive technology experts and relevant professionals in public hospitals; whether the authorities have assessed if there is adequate manpower at present to extend the said services to meet the demand mentioned in (b); if the assessment result is in the negative, whether it will train up additional manpower; if it will, of the details? |
(a) | of the respective numbers of niches currently provided by all public and private columbarium facilities in Hong Kong, broken down by District Council ("DC") district;
(b) | whether it has projected the demand for columbarium niches as well as the number of niches that can be provided by public and private columbarium facilities in the territory in the coming five years; if it has, of a breakdown of such numbers by DC district; if not, the reasons for that;
(c) | of the current total number of columbaria which are illegally occupying government land, or are operated illegally in private, commercial and industrial buildings, as well as the number of niches provided by such columbaria, broken down by DC district; the respective numbers of law enforcement actions taken and removal orders issued by the authorities against such illegal columbaria in each of the past three years; the grace period generally given in such removal orders, and the number of illegal columbaria cleared in compliance with the removal orders;
(d) | of the respective numbers of niches expected to be provided by the columbarium facilities to be developed at the aforesaid 24 potential sites as well as their completion timetables, broken down by DC district;
(e) | given that by 2041, according to the consultation document on population policy recently published by the Government, about one in three persons of Hong Kong's population will be aged 65 or above, of the number of years that the authorities anticipate the needs can be met by the existing niches and those under planning, and whether such niches will be able to meet the demand arising from the ageing population;
(f) | of the conditions to be met by the 96 private columbaria (the number as at September this year) listed in Part B of the Government's Information on Private Columbaria (i.e. those columbaria that do not fall under Part A which sets out the columbaria that are "compliant with the user restrictions in the land leases and the statutory town planning requirements and are not illegally occupying government land") for them to be allowed by the Government to operate legally;
(g) | as the demand for niches is very keen, whether the Government will regulate the prices of private niches to prevent speculative activities; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(h) | whether the authorities will consider granting exemption from compliance with the new licensing scheme to those private columbaria which meet certain conditions (such as being operated by charitable organizations, funeral parlours or undertakers, or providing niches up to a certain specified number, or having been operated for a long period of time); if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; (i) as the authorities have, in response to some private columbaria offering members of the public guarantees for "full refund" or "replacement niches", reminded the public that "they should pay due attention to the risks inherent in purchasing niches from columbaria that do not comply with the relevant statutory and Government requirements. Members of the public are advised to make enquiries with the operators concerning the details of any guarantee, and how such guarantees would be honoured", whether the authorities have taken law enforcement actions against such columbaria that do not comply with the relevant statutory requirements so as to avoid members of the public from being misled into believing their guarantees; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; (j) as the authorities have indicated that they will actively explore various new measures, including (i) the designation of different worship periods for different blocks of niches so as to divert traffic and visitor flows; and (ii) the introduction of time-limited occupation of new niches, with post-occupation re-use through renewal or re-allocation, so as to increase the supply of niches, whether the authorities have conducted any feasibility study on such measures; if they have, of the details, and if the outcome of such study is that they are feasible, of the anticipated implementation time; if they have not conducted such study, the reasons for that; (k) as I have learnt that some members of the Sha Tin DC have demanded that when the authorities implement the construction of public columbarium facilities on the two selected sites in Sha Tin, they should at the same time make improvements to the ancillary transport facilities of the district, whether the authorities will accede to such demand; if they will, of the details and timetable; if not, the reasons for that; and (l) as the Government is conducting a feasibility study on the project for the construction of a public columbarium facility on the selected site in Tai Po, of the latest progress of the study, and whether it has assessed the difficulties it may encounter? |
(a) | the criteria adopted by HA for referring patients diagnosed to be suffering from COP disease ("COP patients") to the SOP clinics under RMD;
(b) | the respective numbers of COP patients at the SOP clinics under RMD in various hospital clusters at present;
(c) | if HA has collected data on COP patients at GOP clinics; if HA has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(d) | the respective amounts out of the aforesaid funding currently allocated by HA to the SOP clinics under RMD, GOP clinics and the out-patient clinics under GMD? |
(a) | of the difficulties it has encountered in using more EVs in the government fleet; whether the Government will consider further increasing the proportion of EVs in the government fleet so as to take the lead; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(b) | whether it has assessed if the existing some 1 000 charging facilities in Hong Kong (including more than 500 installed in government public car parks) are sufficient to cope with the demand; if the assessment result is in the affirmative, of the justifications; if the assessment result is in the negative, the improvement measures to be implemented;
(c) | given that the utilization rate of the charging facilities at HA's car parks was on the low side last year, whether the authorities have taken measures to improve the utilization rate; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(d) | as the reasons for some members of the public not purchasing EVs are that major vehicle dealers do not sell EVs and the exterior design of EVs is not as attractive as that of ordinary vehicles, whether, apart from continuing to provide economic incentives (including the waiver of First Registration Tax and the Pilot Green Transport Fund) to those who use EVs, the Government will consider implementing in the coming decade policies to encourage vehicle dealers to introduce more EVs into Hong Kong so as to increase the choices available for members of the public; and whether the Government will implement measures to facilitate vehicle dealers to introduce into Hong Kong EVs manufactured on the Mainland; and
(e) | of the number of meetings that the Steering Committee on the Promotion of Electric Vehicles, established by the Government in April 2009 and chaired by the Financial Secretary, has held and its major achievements so far? |
(a) | of the reasons why LCSD and HAD have adopted different approaches in dealing with matters of acquiring copyright licences;
(b) | of LCSD's expenses on acquiring music copyright licences from CASH, and whether the licences are valid for one year or for good;
(c) | whether HAD will consider following LCSD's practice and acquiring collective copyright licences for the public performances staged in its halls and centres; if it will not, whether HAD will offer assistance to organizations hiring its halls and centres on matters of acquiring copyright licences; and
(d) | whether, apart from CASH, LCSD will acquire from the other two copyright licensing bodies (namely the Phonographic Performance (South East Asia) Limited and the Hong Kong Recording Industry Alliance Limited) the copyright licences for their relevant works, so that venue hirers will have a wider choice of musical works and film clips for their performances? |
(a) | whether it can provide information on the revenues and expenditures of various registered temples in the past three years; if it cannot, of the reasons for that;
(b) | whether it knows the registered temples that are currently operating the business of selling columbarium niches or other commercial activities and the revenues so derived by each of these temples in the past three years, broken down in table form by revenue item; whether the authorities will consider exercising the powers conferred by the Ordinance to require the temples concerned to transfer their surplus to the Chinese Temples Fund; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(c) | whether the authorities received any complaint in the past three years about malpractices in the administration or financial management of registered temples; if they did, of the number and contents of the complaints, the names of the temples involved, as well as the relevant follow-up actions taken; and
(d) | when the authorities will complete the review of the Ordinance, and whether they have drawn up work plans and timetables for amending the Ordinance and the relevant consultation procedures; if they have, of the details; if not, whether they will draw up such plans shortly; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | whether it knows the numbers of complaints, received in the past 12 months by OFCA and the Consumer Council respectively, which involved overcharging by TSOs and the names of TSOs in substantiated cases, broken down by type of telecommunications services (e.g. fixed-line phones, mobile phones, external telecommunications and broadband Internet access, etc.) and content of the complaints;
(b) | whether it knows, among the cases in (a), the number of those in which the complainants succeeded in getting compensation, as well as the names of TSOs which were prosecuted and the number of times they had been prosecuted; and
(c) | apart from continuing to implement the existing measures to regulate TSOs, whether the authorities will adopt new regulatory measures to better protect consumers' rights and interests; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(a) | whether it will, in the light of the aforesaid situations, consider afresh conducting a study on and making improvements to the Commissioner's appointment system, such as introducing more objective criteria in the selection of candidates for the Commissioner, refraining from appointing a candidate who has not yet left or may in future return to the civil service, and enhancing the transparency of the appointment process;
(b) | whether it has assessed if the Commissioner's accountability system should be reviewed and improved, so as to ensure that ICAC can effectively investigate complaints in relation to allegations of corruption or dereliction of duty against CE; if it has assessed, of the results; if not, whether it will do so immediately; and
(c) | whether it has examined if the current Commissioner's appointment and accountability systems will lead or has led the public to query if ICAC is able to investigate impartially complaints about alleged dereliction of duty by a former or the incumbent CE; if it has examined, of the results; if not, whether it will do so immediately? |
(a) | of the historical background of the confidentiality system of ExCo;
(b) | of the legal basis for the current confidentiality system of ExCo, and whether it has ever been revised; and
(c) | given the view that ExCo has failed to strike a balance between its confidentiality system and the public's right to know, whether the authorities will consider afresh to review and revise the confidentiality system of ExCo to allow the Chief Executive, the Convenor of ExCo and the Secretaries of Department or Bureau Secretaries responsible for the policies concerned to give the public a detailed account of the justifications for various major policy decisions made by ExCo? |
(a) | whether the authorities have compiled statistics on the number of unlicensed restaurants; if they have, of the number of unlicensed restaurants in the past three years, and among them, the number of restaurants which had continued to operate without a licence despite their licences having been suspended after their accumulated demerit points had exceeded the limit under FEHD's Demerit Points System for restaurants; of the number of prosecutions instituted against the unlicensed restaurants by the authorities in the past three years;
(b) | whether the authorities will make public the list of unlicensed restaurants so that consumers can identify them; if they will, of the time to do so; if not, the reasons for that;
(c) | whether the Director of FEHD is authorized to order unlicensed restaurants to cease operation immediately; if so, of the details; if not, the relevant restrictions;
(d) | whether, in the past three years, there were cases of food poisoning of members of public allegedly caused by their dining in unlicensed restaurants; if so, of the details, and whether it knows if the punishment imposed by the court on unlicensed restaurants convicted for selling food unfit for human consumption is heavier than that imposed on licensed restaurants;
(e) | of the short-term and long-term measures put in place to address the problem caused by extension of business area to walkways by restaurants in Yuen Long Town and Tin Shui Wai; and
(f) | regarding the 17 recommendations for improvement put forth by The Ombudsman, of the recommendations which have been implemented, are planned to be implemented and will not be implemented respectively; of the implementation details of the recommendations which have been implemented, as well as the time to implement the to-be-implemented ones? |
Transaction price of residential properties | (a) Private residential properties acquired by non-Hong Kong permanent residents | (b) Private residential properties acquired in the name of a company | (a+b) Total number of transactions | (a+b) Total value of transactions | ||
Number of transactions | Total value of transactions | Number of transactions | Total value of transactions | |||
Below $4 million | ||||||
$4 million to $8 million | ||||||
Over $8 million to $20 million | ||||||
Over $20 million |
(a) | of the criteria based on which the authorities at present define the scope of affairs which the SAR "administers on its own" in accordance with the Basic Law as stipulated in Article 22 of the Basic Law; whether the authorities have formulated any mechanism and criteria to assess if there have been contraventions to such Article; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that, and whether the authorities have assessed if, in the absence of such a mechanism and criteria, the Chief Executive and officials of bureaux will beckon or allow departments of the Central People's Government to interfere in the affairs which the SAR administers on its own for certain reasons (e.g. to garner support from various parties when there are difficulties in governing, to curry favour with officials of the Central Authorities or to pander to the will of the Central Authorities); whether the authorities had uncovered any case of such interference in the past five years; if they had, of the details and follow-up actions taken by the authorities;
(b) | whether the Chief Executive, ExCo members and officials of the relevant bureau, etc. had, during the process of the vetting and approval of licence applications, directly or indirectly received views from officials of the Central Government or LOCPG, etc. on the vetting and approval of licence applications; if they had, of the views received and the response and follow-up actions of the authorities, and whether the authorities have assessed if such an action of the mainland officials involved had contravened the Basic Law (including the policy of "One Country, Two Systems" and the principle of "Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong" and "a high degree of autonomy" being implemented in Hong Kong); and
(c) | whether the Chief Executive, officials of the Office the Chief Executive, ExCo Members and officials of the relevant bureaux have requested assistance from LOCPG in persuading Members of this Council to vote against the aforesaid motion; if they have, of the details and justifications for doing so; if not, whether they have assessed if LOCPG had acted in contravention of the Basic Law (including the policy of "One Country, Two Systems" and the principle of "Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong" and "a high degree of autonomy" being implemented in Hong Kong) in making contacts with some Members of this Council; if the assessment outcome is in the affirmative, whether the authorities will express dissatisfaction to the Central People's Government; if they will not, of the reasons for that? |
1. | Proposed resolution under the Criminal Procedure Ordinance
Secretary for Home Affairs to move the following motion: Resolved that the Legal Aid in Criminal Cases (Amendment) Rules 2013, made by the Criminal Procedure Rules Committee on 4 October 2013, be approved. | ||
(The Rules are in Appendix I and were also issued
on 11 November 2013 under LC Paper No. CB(3)160/13-14) | |||
2. | Proposed resolution under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance
Secretary for Food and Health to move the following motion: Resolved that the following Regulations, made by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board on 25 October 2013, be approved - | ||
(a) | the Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) (No. 6) Regulation 2013; and
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(b) | the Poisons List (Amendment) (No. 6) Regulation 2013.
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(The two Regulations are in Appendices II and III and were also issued
on 7 November 2013 under LC Paper No. CB(3) 145/13-14) |