Council Meeting (Agenda) 18 June 2014 |
A 13/14-32
Subsidiary Legislation / Instruments | L.N. No. | |
1. | Food and Drugs (Composition and Labelling) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulation 2014 | 90/2014 |
2. | Import and Export (General) Regulations (Amendment of Schedules) Order 2014 | 91/2014 |
3. | Import and Export (Fees) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulation 2014 | 92/2014 |
4. | Solicitors (General) Costs (Amendment) Rules 2014 | 93/2014 |
1. | Report No. 20/13-14 of the House Committee on Consideration of Subsidiary Legislation and Other Instruments |
(to be presented by Hon Andrew LEUNG, Chairman of the House Committee)
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2. | Report of the Subcommittee on Inland Revenue (Exchange of Information relating to Taxes) (United States of America) Order |
(to be presented by Hon James TO, Chairman of the Subcommittee, who will address the Council)
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3. | A Companion to the history, rules and practices of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Part I - An introduction to the Legislative Council, its history, organisation and procedure (together with a covering paper on the Companion) |
(to be presented by the President of the Legislative Council)
(a) | whether the Police have immediately reviewed their deployment at the Complex last Friday, in particular if the police manpower deployed to the scene was adequate; if they have, of the results;
(b) | how the Police assess the possible risks of disruption of public order outside the Complex this Friday in order to make corresponding deployment; and
(c) | given the situation last Friday and the fact that some people have threatened that they will storm the Complex again during the FC meeting this Friday, whether the Police have planned to increase the police manpower to be deployed, and to cooperate with the LegCo Secretariat on issues such as how to prevent protesters from violently storming the Complex, as well as ensuring that the FC meeting will not be interfered and LegCo Members can enter and leave the Complex safely and freely? |
(a) | whether the Police have immediately assessed if such seditious comments on the Internet have increased the risks of disruption of public order outside the Complex this Friday; if the assessment outcome is in the affirmative, of the details and the Police’s corresponding deployment plans; and
(b) | whether the Police will take actions expeditiously to curbs such acts on the Internet of teaching other people how to use weapons, encouraging the participation in the storming of the Complex, and instigating the deliberate infliction of bodily harm on other people; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | whether it has identified any foreign forces meddling with Hong Kong affairs, including making indiscreet remarks on the direction of constitutional development, as well as advocating and supporting Occupy Central; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(2) | whether it has looked into the reasons why individual pan-democrats (including former and incumbent Members of this Council) have had high-profile meetings with the Vice President of USA, Consul General of USA in Hong Kong and the British consul in Hong Kong, etc. to discuss constitutional development while declining the invitation of the Director of the Liaison Office for discussion on such issues; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(3) | as CE indicated that the Government could not sit back and do nothing about Occupy Central and was making due preparation on various fronts, whether the Government will assist the business and industry sector or other individuals who suffer losses as a result of Occupy Central in claiming compensation from its organizers through legal means; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
Public Officers to reply | : | Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Secretary for Security |
(1) | whether it has assessed if the current composition, criteria for appointment of its members and modus operandi of MCHK are conducive to its handling of complaints in an objective, fair, credible and efficient manner; if it has assessed, of the methodology and outcome of the assessment, as well as the relevant follow-up actions taken; if not, the reasons for that, and whether it can immediately conduct such an assessment; as some members of the public consider that the penalties meted out by MCHK to doctors guilty of professional misconduct are often too lenient, thus lacking sufficient deterrent effect, of the follow-up actions the authorities will take;
(2) | as it has been reported that the couple in the aforesaid case have spent more than $1 million on legal fees and engaging medical specialists to prepare independent assessment reports, etc., of the policies and measures put in place by the authorities to assist those victims of medical incidents and their families who have financial difficulties and lack medical expertise in seeking justice; and
(3) | whether it will examine the establishment of a new independent redress mechanism (such as office of the ombudsman for medical services) dedicated to handling complaints about medical incidents? |
(1) | whether it will consider incorporating the proposal chosen through the aforesaid ballot by Occupy Central into the document for the second-round consultation on constitutional development, so as to avoid the occurrence of Occupy Central; if it will not, of the policies and procedures based on which the authorities will decide whether to incorporate the proposals supported by the public into that consultation document;
(2) | whether there were cases in the past five years in which the Police had already made decisions of refusal to issue letters of no objection before the organizers of assemblies or processions submitted their applications; if there were, of the number and details of such cases; whether the Police have decided, in accordance with the aforesaid remarks made by CE, not to issue letters of no objection to public assemblies or processions involving Occupy Central; if they have so decided, whether it is because of the fear that such activities may subsequently develop into Occupy Central, whether such a practice is different from the established procedures adopted by the Police in the past and whether it will become a precedent; and
(3) | whether it will keep the personal information of the participants of Occupy Central for reference by government departments or other employers in future recruitment exercises; if it will, of the details, including the legal and policy bases for such a practice, and whether its purpose is to discourage the public from participating in Occupy Central? |
Public Officers to reply | : | Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Secretary for Security |
(1) | of the respective numbers of contracts for Contract Homes and EHCCS awarded to new service agencies through competitive bidding in each of the past 10 financial years;
(2) | whether it has considered incorporating provisions into the tender documents for EHCCS to the effect that the pay offered to the relevant staff by the successful bidders must be adjusted in line with the pay adjustments for civil servants each year; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(3) | as there are views that SWD's granting of time-limited contracts for EHCCS by competitive bidding will result in low morale among the front-line staff and aggravate the brain drain problem, whether the authorities will consider bringing such services within the ambit of the Lump Sum Grant Subvention System; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | whether it has assessed if the viewpoint put forward by CE that Hong Kong people "should not become conceited before getting rich" is still applicable at present; if the assessment result indicates that it is still applicable, why the Government raised for discussion the issues of visitors' demand management and a 20% cut in the number of mainland visitors; if the assessment result indicates that it is not applicable, of the justifications for that;
(2) | whether objective consideration or the attitude of the Central Authorities is currently the primary basis on which the Government formulates the relevant policies on the Individual Visit Scheme ("IVS"); should it be the former, of the importance of the attitude of the Central Authorities; should it be the latter, the reasons for that; and
(3) | whether it has assessed if a reduction in the number of same-day mainland visitors to Hong Kong will have less impact on Hong Kong's economy; if the assessment result is in the affirmative, whether the Government will discuss with the mainland authorities changing the One-year Multiple-entry IVS Endorsements (i.e. "multiple-entry permits"), currently issued to mainland residents, to "one trip per day" permits; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | whether, before the aforesaid Q&A Session, any member of the SAR Government had discussed with the officials of the Central Authorities on any matter relating to the Q&A Session and formulated counter-measures (e.g. preparing a relevant statement in advance or planning to stage a walkout en masse by the officials); whether HKMAO had issued the aforesaid statement at the request of the SAR Government;
(2) | whether it has studied the scope of "the affairs which" SAR "administers on its own" as provided in Article 22 of the Basic Law; whether there is any mechanism in place at present to prevent CE and the officials of various bureaux from inviting, for certain reasons (e.g. to take advance of the authority of or to pander to the wish of the Central Authorities), the Central Authorities to interfere in the affairs which SAR administers on its own; and
(3) | whether it has assessed if HKMAO has contravened the Basic Law (including the policy of "One Country, Two Systems" and the principles of "Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong" and "a high degree of autonomy" being implemented in Hong Kong) by issuing the aforesaid statement; if the assessment outcome is in the affirmative, whether it will express dissatisfaction to the Central Authorities; whether it has assessed if such an act of HKMAO has caused the people of Hong Kong to be concerned about the Central Authorities violating the aforesaid policy? |
(1) | given the indication by the Judiciary Administrator that judicial workload has been persistently heavy, whether it knows if the Judiciary will, in the long run, expedite the handling of cases by improving the workflow or the deployment of resources, apart from enhancing its manpower provision; if the Judiciary will, of the details; if the Judiciary will not, the reasons for that; and
(2) | whether it knows if the problem of inadequate manpower in the Judiciary has impacted on the time taken by the courts to deliver judgments on cases after the conclusion of their hearings; of the respective times taken on average by various levels of courts to deliver judgments on cases after the conclusion of their hearings in the past three years, with a tabulated breakdown by year and by type of cases; whether the Judiciary has set any target for the time taken for delivery of judgments; if such a target has been set, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | whether it has assessed afresh the construction costs of various facilities of the WKCD project, taking into account factors such as the rising costs of construction and the anticipated inflation rate; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(2) | whether it has estimated the financial losses brought about by the delay of the XRL Project on the WKCD project; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; whether the authorities have reserved the right to claim losses from the MTR Corporation Limited, the party responsible for the XRL Project; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(3) | as there are views that the delayed completion of the Batch 3 facilities of the WKCD project will affect the development of local arts, cultural and creative industries, whether the authorities have any plan to expeditiously confirm and announce the arrangement and timetable for implementation of the Batch 3 facilities of the WKCD project? |
(1) | the total underlying business profit of MTRCL each year, with a tabulated breakdown of the profit arising from: (i) Hong Kong transport operations, (ii) Hong Kong station commercial business, (iii) Hong Kong property rental and management businesses, (iv) Hong Kong property developments, (v) Mainland China and international businesses, and (vi) other businesses (including Ngong Ping 360, railway consultancy and project management services);
(2) | the total number of shops in MTR stations, the average lease period of such shops, and the rental income of MTRCL from the shops in each year (set out in table form); and
(3) | the projected amount of the fare concessions to be benefited by passengers each year when MTRCL introduced them and the actual amount benefited by passengers each year, with a tabulated breakdown by its major fare promotions and concessions (including fare concession for children, Student Travel Scheme, fare concession for the elderly, Fare Saver discounts and half-fare concessions for persons with disabilities, etc.)? |
(1) | of the projects in which the aforesaid $30 billion will be invested; and the latest estimated expenditure for the various projects;
(2) | according to the initial thinking of the Government, of the modus operandi of the Recycling Fund and the types of recyclers which may benefit from the Fund;
(3) | whether it will consider providing concessions in rent or tax to local recyclers, with a view to increasing the proportion of waste recycled locally; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(4) | as quite a number of recyclers have relayed that they have difficulties in recruiting adequate manpower for those obnoxious duties such as waste recovery and separation, of the measures put in place by the Government to encourage more people to join the recycling industry? |
(1) | whether it conducted in the past five years any investigation into the quantities of sand lost from public beaches; if it did, of the details, and set out such quantities by year in tables of the same format as the table below;
Year: __________
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(2) | whether it conducted in the past five years any study on the prevention of sand loss from public beaches; if it did, of the details, and set out by year in the table below the details and number of such studies as well as the manpower and expenses involved;
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(3) | whether it received in the past three years any enquiry or complaint from District Councils or members of the public about the loss of sand from public beaches; if it did, of the details, and set out the number of enquiries and complaints from various districts by year in tables of the same format as the table below;
Year: __________
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(4) | whether it took the initiative to deploy, in the past three years, manpower to inspect the situation of sand loss from public beaches; if it did, of the details, and set out, by year in tables of the same format as the table below, the numbers of inspections of the beaches in various districts and the manpower involved; if not, whether the authorities have any plan to deploy staff to conduct regular inspections on the situation of sand loss from public beaches;
Year: __________
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(5) | whether it took remedial measures in the past five years in respect of the public beaches which had suffered sand loss; if it did, of the details, and set out, by year in tables of the same format as the table below, the details and number of the remedial measures taken for those public beaches, as well as the manpower and expenses involved;
Year: __________
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(6) | as it has been reported that the preventive and remedial works for sand loss, e.g. replacement of sand layers, construction of retaining walls and groynes, carried out by the authorities at beaches like Cafeteria Old Beach and Golden Beach are ineffective, whether the authorities have formulated other preventive and remedial measures; if they have, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
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(7) | as some experts have queried that the loss of sand at some public beaches is mainly attributable to the inappropriate design of the stormwater outfalls nearby, whether the authorities will inspect the stormwater outfalls at various public beaches and carry out improvement works? |
(1) | of the measures taken by LCSD since July last year for improving the quality of the turfs of the Stadium and other sports grounds as well as the effectiveness of such measures;
(2) | whether it has regularly inspected the quality of the turfs of the Stadium and other sports grounds since July last year; if it has, of the standards and results of the inspections; if not, the reasons for that;
(3) | of the current staff establishment within LCSD responsible for the management of the turfs of sports grounds; whether LCSD has, in recruiting experts in the management of turf pitches, set standardized requirements for candidates regarding the professional qualifications they must hold and their experience in managing turfs in sub-tropical regions; if it has not, of the reasons for that; and
(4) | whether it will allocate more resources to improve the quality of turfs of the Stadium and other sports grounds; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | whether it has grasped the quantity of the antiquities and monuments excavated from the aforesaid works site, as well as the dynasties from which they are dated and their types; if so, of the details and set out such information in table form; if not, whether the archaeologists engaged by the MTR Corporation Limited ("MTRCL") to carry out the excavation work have regularly reported the progress to the Government or AAB;
(2) | whether it has already set the deadline for completing the archaeological work at the end of September this year; if it has not, whether it has set a deadline for the archaeological work (if so, of the deadline); if it has set the deadline at the end of September this year, whether the construction works of SCL will resume in the event that the archaeological work has yet to complete on expiry of the deadline;
(3) | as there are views that the current practice of MTRCL to appoint experts on its own to carry out archaeological work in the aforesaid works site is open to question because MTRCL, under the pressure to complete the project as scheduled, may damage the monuments out of hastiness, whether the authorities will request MTRCL to invite local archaeologists, historians, and experts from the Leisure and Cultural Services Department to join the excavation work, so as to protect the monuments properly;
(4) | whether it will expeditiously consult independent experts or conduct a public consultation to decide on matters such as whether to preserve in-situ the monuments uncovered at the works site of SCL, as well as whether realignment of SCL is required; if it will not, of the mechanism for formulating preservation proposals; and
(5) | as some historians have pointed out that the said archaeological work is significant for understanding the history of Hong Kong, whether it will consider setting up an expert committee upon completion of the relevant excavation work to carry out follow-up studies, including compiling the history of Hong Kong afresh based on the relics excavated, so as to enhance Hong Kong people's understanding of the ancient Hong Kong, and to strengthen their sense of belonging to the motherland? |
(1) | of the time taken and expenditure incurred (including the expenditure for processing appeals lodged upon rejection of claims) on average in processing a torture claim by the authorities in the past three years; and the longest time taken for processing a torture claim and the expenditure on that case; and
(2) | whether the authorities have studied ways to expedite the processing of torture claim cases and strengthen the immigration control system to reduce the impact of the rising number of torture claims on the Hong Kong community; if they have studied, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | whether it has assessed the reasons for Hong Kong losing the bid for hosting the aforesaid ICCA Congress; if it has, of the findings and details of the assessment, as well as the follow-up actions; if not, the reasons for that;
(2) | whether it has studied if there will be other international arbitration conferences, similar to the aforesaid ICCA Congress, in the near future that Hong Kong may bid for the right to host them; if it has, of the findings and details of the study; if not, the reasons for that;
(3) | of the latest progress of the establishment of the Advisory Committee, including when it will be established as well as its proposed terms of reference, composition and work plans;
(4) | whether it has plans to invite international legal bodies and arbitration institutions, such as the London Court of International Arbitration, Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce and the Permanent Court of Arbitration in Hague, to set up regional offices in Hong Kong; if it does, of the details of such plans; if not, the reasons for that; and
(5) | whether it has plans to assist the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre ("HKIAC") in gaining recognition as a formal arbitration commission on the Mainland, and/or obtaining other relevant legal status on the Mainland, so as to enable HKIAC to enter the Mainland arbitration field; if it does, of the details of such plans; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | of the number of juveniles issued with superintendents' cautions in each of the past 10 years, with a tabulated breakdown by type of cases;
(2) | of the number of juveniles in each of the past 10 years who recidivated within two years from being issued with superintendents' cautions, with a tabulated breakdown by type of cases;
(3) | of the current measures in place to assist juveniles who were issued with superintendents' cautions in their rehabilitation with a view to reducing their recidivism; and
(4) | as some juveniles have been issued with superintendents' cautions for more than once, whether the authorities will review the effectiveness of the existing policy of superintendents' cautions in assisting juveniles in rehabilitation; if they will, of the details? |
(1) | whether it will, for better regulation of the shark fin trade and improvement of its transparency, consider improving the existing Hong Kong Harmonized System codes used for classifying the goods for lodging import/export declarations in Hong Kong, including (i) following the coding practice used for bluefin tuna to identify the shark species that need to be tracked, (ii) deploying scientific identification methods (e.g. DNA testing of randomly sampled shark fins for verification purposes), and (iii) collecting and publishing full statistics on Hong Kong's shark fin trade (including the species, volume and country of origin of the sharks involved); if it will not, of the reasons for that;
(2) | whether it will consider not consuming the fins of rays, which are used as substitutes for shark fins, at its official entertainment functions; if it will not, of the reasons for that; and
(3) | whether it will draw reference from the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan to take cross-boundary actions for the protection of endangered shark species; if it will not, of the reasons for that? |
(1) | whether it knows the number of complaints received by OPCPD in each of the past three years about improper collection of employees' personal data by employers, and the outcome of the handling of such cases by OPCPD;
(2) | given that the Government indicated in its Report on Public Consultation on Review of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance published in October 2010 that it did not intend to subject sensitive personal data (particularly biometric information) to more stringent regulation, but proposed in the Report that the protection of such data be enhanced, of the details of the efforts made so far by the authorities and OPCPD in promoting the protection of sensitive personal data;
(3) | given that with technology advances, biometric systems, which capture physiological attributes of individuals, are increasingly used for identification and authentication purposes, whether the authorities and OPCPD have plans to enact laws or draw up codes of practice/guidelines to step up the regulation of the collection and use of biometric information; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(4) | whether it knows, in respect of some employers requiring their employees to undergo comprehensive pre-employment physical check-ups (including the collection of biometric information), if OPCPD has taken any corresponding actions to protect employees' privacy and to ensure that the recruitment activities concerned are conducted without unreasonable and excessive collection of personal data, and that adequate protection of the personal data concerned is provided in the course of the collection, processing and storage of such data; if so, of the details and the effectiveness of such actions; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | whether EDB has rules or guidelines at present for regulating the financial management and use of funds of schools and their sponsoring bodies which are exempt from tax; if it does, of the details; if it has not, whether it will consider formulating such rules or guidelines; if it will do so, of the specific plans; if not, the reasons for that;
(2) | whether NAE has informed EDB of the public listing plan of its parent company; if it has not, whether EDB has assessed if NAE has breached the relevant rules or guidelines of EDB; if the assessment outcome is in the affirmative, of the details and the follow-up actions taken by EDB;
(3) | given that when granting the aforesaid school premises at nominal rent, the Government made the requirement that the international school operating on the premises and its sponsoring body must be institutions exempt from tax under section 88 of IRO, whether EDB will take measures to ensure that the international school and its sponsoring body continue to operate on a non-profit-making basis; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(4) | whether it has studied if the public listing plan of the parent company of NAE will affect the eligibility of NAE for tax exemption in Hong Kong; if the study outcome is in the affirmative, of the details; if the study outcome is in the negative, the reasons for that? |
(1) | whether it knows the situation of crime syndicates' operation of illegal football betting through taking bets via the Internet, including the total amount of bets, in the past four years; whether it has assessed if such activities have become more rampant during this year's World Cup; if it has assessed, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; of the measures taken to step up efforts to combat such activities, as well as the effectiveness of such measures;
(2) | whether it knows the situation of crime syndicates' operation of illegal football betting through taking bets via channels other than the Internet (such as the telephone), including the total amount of bets, in the past four years; whether it has assessed if such activities have become more rampant during this year's World Cup; if it has assessed, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; of the measures taken to step up efforts to combat such activities, as well as the effectiveness of such measures;
(3) | whether it has assessed if there are connections between local crime syndicates and their counterparts outside Hong Kong (e.g. in the Pearl River Delta); if it has assessed, of the details; whether it has joined hands with the law enforcement agencies of other regions to combat the illegal operation of cross-boundary football betting; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;
(4) | whether it knows the number of problem and pathological gamblers who received in the past four years counselling, treatment and other support services offered by organizations financed by the Ping Wo Fund; the age profile of the recipients of assistance; whether the authorities have compiled statistics on recipients of assistance who had quitted gambling relapsing into the habit; if they have, of the findings; if not, the reasons for that;
(5) | of the financial position of the Ping Wo Fund since its establishment, including details on its income (including the fund injection by the authorities) and expenditure in each year; whether the authorities have conducted any review of the operation (including fund-injection matters) of the Fund; if they have; of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(6) | whether the authorities have any other measures, beside those financed by the Ping Wo Fund, to reduce public participation in illegal gambling and alleviate problems related to gambling; if they have; of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
(1) | whether the Government provided any funding to PAHK and RPOBA in the past five years; if it did, of the projects it funded and the amounts of the funding involved;
(2) | of the number of persons who complained to LD in this month about the aforesaid station defaulting on wage payments; how LD has followed up such complaints, and whether it will help such persons to file claims with the Labour Tribunal for arrears of wages;
(3) | whether LD received any complaint in the past five years about New Power, PAHK or RPOBA defaulting on wage payments; if it did, of the details;
(4) | whether LD handles complaints about arrears of wages in different ways based on the backgrounds of the employers concerned; if it does, of the reasons for that;
(5) | whether it will step up efforts to clamp down on employers repeatedly defaulting on wage payments, so as to protect the interests of employees; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(6) | whether it will consider raising the penalties for defaults on wage payments (e.g. raising the maximum length of imprisonment), so as to increase the deterrent effect for the protection of employees' interests; if it will, of the implementation time; if not, the reasons for that, and whether the Government is condoning unscrupulous employers defaulting on wage payments? |
(1) | whether it knows the factors considered by CA in deciding how recommendations should be made in respect of the aforesaid issue; where such factors include the licensees' past performance in providing broadcasting services, of the assessment criteria and methods to be adopted by CA; whether CA will engage a consultant to study the assessment criteria and methods that should be adopted; if CA will, of the details and timetable, and whether CA will make its recommendations in line with the contents of the consultancy report;
(2) | whether it will expeditiously release the matters which CE in Council will take into account in exercising the discretion whether to grant a licence (other than those factors to be taken into account as specified in TO), so as to avoid the aforesaid two licensees facing an uncertain business environment;
(3) | whether it has assessed the penetration rate of digital audio broadcasting ("DAB") since it granted three sound broadcasting licences for the provision of DAB services in 2011; if it has, of the details; and
(4) | whether it will encourage the aforesaid two licensees to develop DAB services by means such as imposing additional conditions for renewal of their licences; if it will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that? |
First Reading
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Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2014
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Second Reading (Debate to be adjourned)
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Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2014 | : | Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development |