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Public Works Subcommittee (Results) 18 June 2014

Public Works Subcommittee meeting

held on Wednesday, 18 June 2014 at 8:30 am

Record of decisions

 Paper No.SubjectDecisions
1.PWSC(2014-15)10770CL-Planning, engineering and architectural study for topside development at Hong Kong boundary crossing facilities island of Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge

(Division ordered -
Yes - 13
No - 3
Abstention - 0)

2.PWSC(2014-15)11768CL-Strategic studies for artificial islands in the Central Waters

Under deliberation

3.PWSC(2014-15)12756CL-Ma On Shan development - roads, drainage and sewerage works at Whitehead and Lok Wo Sha, phase 2

Not dealt with

4.PWSC(2014-15)1319GB-Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point and associated works - site formation and infrastructure works

Not dealt with

5.PWSC(2014-15)14751CL-Planning and engineering study on Sunny Bay reclamation

Not dealt with