Subcommittee on Toys and Children's Products Safety (Additional Safety Standards or Requirements) Regulation, Toys and Children's Products Safety Regulation (Repeal) Regulation and Toys and Children's Products Safety (Amendment) Ordinance 2013 (Commencement) Notice


Correspondences between the Legal Service Division and the Administration/Papers prepared by the Legal Service Division

LC Paper No.PaperMeeting date
CB(2)1017/13-14(03) Administration's reply letter dated 19 February 2014 to Assistant Legal Adviser 14 March 2014
CB(2)1065/13-14(01) Administration's reply letter dated 13 March 2014 to Assistant Legal Adviser 14 March 2014
CB(2)1017/13-14(01) Assistant Legal Adviser's letter dated 14 February 2014 to the Administration 14 March 2014
CB(2)1017/13-14(02) Assistant Legal Adviser's letter dated 17 February 2014 to the Administration 14 March 2014
CB(2)1044/13-14(01) Assistant Legal Adviser's letter dated 11 March 2014 to the Administration 14 March 2014