Public Accounts Committee

Programme for the Public Hearing on
the Director of Audit's Report No. 61

(As at 23 November 2013)

23 November 2013 (Saturday)
Venue : Conference Room 2

Witness Chapter Subject Time
Mr TSANG Tak-sing
Secretary for Home Affairs

Mr Jonathan McKINLEY
Deputy Secretary for Home Affairs (2)

Mrs Yolanda TONG
Chief Leisure Service Manager (Recreation & Sport)

Mr Thomas CHOW
Permanent Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands)

Mr Thomas CHAN
Deputy Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands)

Ms Bernadette LINN
Director of Lands

Mr Alan LO
Chief Estate Surveyor (Headquarters) / Assistant Director (Headquarters) (Acting)
Lands Department
1 Direct land grants to private sports clubs at nil or nominal premium 9:00 am - 1:00 pm